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Emotional disturbance in children involves a significant behavioral or psychological pattern.

Currently children with such disorders are categorized as having emotional disturbances which is defined under The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Emotional disturbance is a neuro psycological phenonemon that effects childrens ability to learn. About 8 million children and teenagers in the United States have been diagnosed with an emotional disturbance.



Behavior is an other aspect of the disturbed child. It has been found that socialization is accompanied by a reduction of egocentrism in development.Disturbed children never admit anything, no matter how much evidence to the contrary. Disturbed children go through the motions of compliance, without ever fully complying. They always have some part of the request or chore undone. It is their pathological need to be in control. Emotionally disturbed deflect responsibility for thier actions by alot of talking. Disturbed children are masters of manipulation. The inability to learn frequency ,duration, topography ( time, place, setting of behavior) in magnitude or behavior.

under pressure

History of emotional disturbance


History of emotional disturbanceand the process it has gone through to help secure programs and policy for students with emotional disturbances. Documented cases of emotional disturbances goes back to the 1950's. The cases involved physical injury to the person, which was later found to be self inflicted, and the person was found to be emotionally disturbed. At the beginning of the 60's to date, the process has evolved to what it is today, an interdisciplinay educational process which provides help from birth to school age children up to twenty-two years. The disibility Act also encompasses provisions for work shops and senior adult programs, after the disabled person is at retirement age.



Professionals agree that working with students identified with emotional disturbance is challenging and requires systematic educational programming and support. Some students may require individualized behavioral intervention plans and supports. The class structure and support is vital for a class to run smoothly. Teaching techniques can include progress charts, limit the level of stress the students experience. Always check with the multidiciplinary team ,which meets as a team to over see the best program for each child.

Interesting Facts


The season of birth of students receiving special education services under a diagnosis of emotional and behavorial disorders occur more frequently for persons born between January and June, than during the remainder of the year.


See also
