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Mushin Bugeido


Mushin Bugeido is a blended, self-defense, martial art that uses the opponents energy against himself

Mushin(mú-shin; Japanese のふりがな) - to move without thinking, or to do something automatically without having to think about it; literally "mind with no mind"; that is, a mind not fixed or occupied by thought or emotion and thus open to everything.

Bugei (Bú-gee)- the adaptation or refinement of those tactics and techniques to facilitate systematic instruction and dissemination within a formal learning environment

Do (D-oh)- Literally The "way", with connotations of philosophy or doctrine. Common adaptation, "school" or "discipline"



Founded by Mark Hastings in early 2006, Mushin Bugeido is rooted primarily Aiki Jujutsu and Systema, although you will find bits and pieces of many martial arts intermingled throughout it's principles. Although these arts deserve mention, Mushin Bugeido uses highly unique systems, principles and training methodology that are unprecedented, separating it as a unique martial art that is not being trained anywhere else in the world.

The lineage of Mushin Bugeido is Shito Ryu - Shorin Ryu - Aki jujitsu - Aikido - Daikido - Systema - Kali Estrima - Mushin Bugeido.

Mark Hastings has been a student of martial arts for over 35 years, studying under two master sensei. He holds black belts in the arts of Shorin Ryu and Daikido. In 2006 Mark decided to open his own school to pursue the development of a martial art that he knew would be far superior to the commercialized arts currently being taught throughout the US and the world. He hand picked students he felt had the desire, commitment, and athletic abilities necessary to create this unique art. He begged and borrowed to acquire free dojo space so he could offer his expert training at no costs to his students; and so Mushin Bugeido was born.

Along the way, Mark did extensive studying of many of the traditional Japanese arts in hand to hand combat, and swordsmanship. In 2009 he studied and trained under the teachings of Vladimir Vasiliev, and the martial art of Systema.In the words of Vladimir "When you know there is going to be a fight - start relaxing beforehand. Do not try to fight, just move". Integrating this art had a significant impact on the course of Mushin Bugeido, which has evolved and developed over the last twelve years. Now the principles of this art have been refined and redefined to the point that Mark felt comfortable sharing Mushin Bugeido with the public. In his words, "The study of martial arts is an ever changing process throughout your life, and the lessons you learn in the beginning will be vastly different from the lessons you learn in years to come, thus your perception of what you are learning will always grow and change."



Mushin Bugeido is a unique and unprecedented martial art that uses the opponents' own energy to defeat themselves. There is absolutely no need to add any additional power or energy to the conflict as there is sufficient energy provided by the attacker for you to defeat the opponent. The ideology is, that as the opponent initiates an attack they have immediately placed themselves at a significant disadvantage by rotating their trunk, and giving up their balance. By moving with the attack rather than blocking or stopping their movement you allow the opponent to continue moving as you slide past the attack, gaining an advantageous position and ending up behind your opponent. As the practitioner it is critical to rid the body of any tension or intention, and to simply move in relation to your opponent.

As the definition of Mushin suggests the art is dependent on "moving without thinking". If during the course of an attack, you attempts to think about a technique or specific move, rather than simply moving in relation to the opponent you will be defeated. To teach the students to move in this way, Mark has developed a unique training methodology that promotes this goal. These training drills are not used in any other martial art being taught today, and this methodology in and of itself designate Mushin Bugeido as a unique martial art. In order to facilitate learning, specific techniques are not trained and re-trained, as is the case with most martial arts today, but rather Mushin Bugeido concentrates on the study of human movement, and specifically human movement in relation to your opponents movements. As Such Mushin Bugeido is not a technique based art, but rather a principle based art.

In general, if an individual or individuals are initiating an attack they have malicious intentions and aggressions, as well as tension in the body. By ridding your body of all tension and intention you can use fluid motion, and full body movement to move past and behind the opponent, without the attacker's knowledge. To accomplish this, you must never participate in the opponents aggression, as this creates tension in your body, and promotes the use of additional strength and power that is not only unnecessary, but can give the advantage back to the opponent. In order to obtain this type of relaxation during a conflict it is important to re-train the "flinch response", that is to re-train the natural reflex to tense up and prepare for battle during a conflict or attack. As is the case with most athletic activities the breath is the basis for obtaining these goals. It is also important to trust that the principles being taught are superior and do work to quickly end the conflict or attack.



All movement and principles start with the breath. This is specifically taught during the practice Qi Gong, as well as by the instructors and Sensei during the course of the class. it cannot be understated how important breathing is for obtaining fluid, full body movement.


Stepping off the line of attack in relation to your opponents movement. In addition to tracking off the line to avoid a strike or kick, the track should be forward, thus closing the line of attack and gaining you pelvic proximity on your opponent, or more simply put "pelvis on pelvis".


Flowing directly with the attack during the track to make the opponent think you at part of the attack itself. This is not a block or a parry, as these techniques gives your opponent valuable information. The blend is the lightest touch, which allows you to know where your opponent is in time and space while giving the opponent no information as to where you are. This requires keeping your opponent sliding across the plane of your body without any resistance.

Rise and Fall

This is how you gain a mechanical advantage over your attacker by exploiting the basic errors of an attack. As the opponent moves forward to attack their balance is disturbed and they have hip and trunk rotation. in essence they are already beginning to fall as they rotate, and need you the you to hold them up. The rise and fall allows the practitioner to direct the opponents natural movement pinning the attacker.

Head Control

Mushin Bugeido is a head control school. Once the attackers balance has been broken and pelvic proximity gained, the practitioner specifically gains head control for the application of rise and fall. Head control disorients the attacker giving you a distinct advantage over your opponent. Never let your opponent look at you.

Founder's quote


"The lessons you will be focusing on have been taught for centuries and are the true secrets of human movement and self defense. Use these systems with respect and sincerity."