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Buddhist's eightfold path are :

1:right understanding:you must realize the truths that the Buddha has given you.

2:right intention:if you follow the path , you do all of these things for the right reasons.

3:right speech:you need to speak in a way that does not keep dwelling on yourself.You need to speak to others in a way that shows respect , and which is harmless and avoids rudeness or dishonesty.

4:right action:you must live your life in such a way you follow the teachings of the Buddha by attemting to keep the five moral precepts.

5:right livehood:it is very important that you choose a job that stops you from being arrogant or leading you to violence.

6:right efffort:if you are using meditation and making sure you do the right things.

7:right mindfullness:through meditation you become aware of all that you do in thought , speech and action.

8:right concentration:you need to be free of worry , anxiety and envy in order to think clearly.

this is not fake i learnt it all from the best school ...... use this information if needed its all right made by paula atouguia xoxo