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User:Pausinias336/Occupation of Macedonia during World War 2

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Occupied Macedonia:

The occupation of Macedonia during World War 2 started after the capitulation of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia and the Kingdom of Greece. Apart from the previously annexed Pirin Macedonia during the Balkan wars, Bulgaria annexed also a sizeable part of Vardar Macedonia and Aegean Macedonia (bordering the river Struma and the island Samothrace, boasting a total occupation area of 21.460 km2 and about 876.000 people.

Italy got most of Western Macedonia with the cities of Tetovo, Gostivar, Kicevo, Debar and Struga, most of the Prespa villages and Kostur, Lerin and Kozhan in Aegean Macedonia, with a total of 4,314 km2 and about 232 000 inhabitants. In July, the occupied territories were annexed by Quisling Albania. Thus, Aegean Macedonia, which until then was under Greek rule, was divided under Bulgarian, Italian and German occupation (Thessaloniki, Voden and Gumendzis). [[Category:Yugoslav Macedonia in World War II]] [[Category:Yugoslav Resistance]]