Olivia Grace Curtis. Well, where do I begin. She is dumb, scary, partially cat, and slow. She is really athletic though so at least she has that going for herself. She has the most defined 6 pack I have ever seen. Sheeeeeesh. If she had control of what I was writing I'm sure she would want me to give whoever is reading this her snap: oliviacurtis74. Something very odd about her is that she doesn't like fruit. How psychotic is that? One of her most common nicknames is "bible girl". I honestly don't quite understand this nickname considering she was performed the "WAP" dance by Cardi B on top of the bible. I'm going to expose her now and I know she's going to hate me for this but I don't really give one flying fuc*. I'm not sure I can cuss on Wikipedia. Anyways, she stalks everyone she has added on snap maps 24/7, she hisses at people including teachers, she says "no homo" after random sentences in the wrong context. Anyways I could say soooo much more but this is a waste of my time. #cancelollivia2021.