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User:Penguin people

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Penguin People
Scientific classification
penguiniuess. aliquis

Penguin people were originally created in a genetic engineering lab, on the fifth floor of some run down building in an un isclosed location. The original reason for creating penguin people, was to be a designer pet for the wealthy; however due to their Mogwai like properties the idea of penguin people as pets has never caught on. Instead, Penguin people were used as chicken supplements in the Romanian poultry industry. It is well known that Marks & Spencer's chicken meat pies contain on average 32.67% penguin people meat.

Mogwai Like Properties[edit]

Penguin people and Mogwai share very similar properties. Firstly, penguin people cannot be exposed to directed sunlight otherwise they will simply implode. Like ordinary penguins, penguin people are fantastic swimmers; however once the hybrid animal comes into contact with water it multiplies. The growth rate of penguin people is thought to be modeled exponentially, although this is heavily disputed. Government regulation forbids allowing a penguin person access to food between the hours of midnight and 7am. This is due to the fact if a penguin person is feed after midnight it will start dancing gangnam style. It is unknown how long this dancing phenomena lasts.