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User:Physics is all gnomes/NPP tutorial/Propyl Heptyl

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In the oxo-alcohols ranges, we are familiar with different types of oxo-alcohols starting from methanol to tridecanol. These are oxygenated alcohols ranging from C1 to C13 carbon chain. These alcohols have plenty of different types of applications, including as raw materials for plasticizers, resins, processing solvents, synthesis blocks for new chemicals and many more.

The physical and chemical properties of propyl heptyl alcohol (2PH) are similar to the other C10 alcohols available in the market (isodecyl alcohol), whereas the molecular structure is different.

2PH is a mixture of isomeric decyl alcohols: 2-propylheptanol, 4-methyl-2-propylhexanol and 5-methyl-2-propylhexanol.


This new C10 alcohol can be used as a typical primary alcohol for esterificaiton with any carboxylic group. The most common uses would be manufacturing of phthalate plasticizers. This provides advantages in PVC compounds, such as low volatility vinyl for automotive applications; long term property retention and excellent outdoor performance. It can be used for manufacturing of adipates, citrates and trimetllitates, which are also used in vinyl compounds for specific applications.

Besides conventional use in platicizer applicaitons, 2PH can be utilized in various applications with a multitude of commercial opportunities.

2PH can be used as a preferred oxo-alcohol in the area of phosphite anti oxidants, which are an additive for the plastic industry and act as a co-stabilizer and chelating agent for plastic compounds.

2PH can be utilized as an oxo-alcohol for production lubricant additives used in petroleum products (petrol & diesel).

Heat stabilizers manufactured for PVC compounds can also use this high boiling and high molecular weight oxo-alcohol, which can potentially enhance the final product performance.

A further application area of this new C10 alcohol is the manufacturing of oleates and palmitates- materials needed by the cosmetics industry.

Due to its very limited miscibility and special molecular structure, 2PH can be used as a special solvent for the synthesis of active ingredients. This has wide application in the life sciences industry.

The most promising application of this new C10 molecule would be in the manufacturing of acrylate monomers used in various ways. The higher chain length of this oxo-alcohol gives the acrylate more flexibility.


The worldwide production plants of this new C10 molecule are located in Europe and the US. Few big oxo producers in Europe have announced plants to produce htis new type of molecule in Europe with a combined capacity of around 150-ktpa.

This shows that the industy is using more of this new molecule and in the future the growth of demand for this molecule will be faster than any other oxo-alcohol available in the market.

Physical Properties of 2PH:

Formula  : C10H22O Molecular weight  : 158.3 CAS registry number  : 10042-59-8 Specific gravity @ 25 C  : 0.8286 Distillation range @ 1013 mbar, C : 207-212 Freezing point, C  : <50 Viscosity, @ 25 C, cP  : 12.8 Appearance  : Clear & colourless (Vanita piriya (talk) 16:10, 8 April 2011 (UTC))





  1. ^ Special report by ChemicalWeekly, Vol LIV. No.44, June 16, 2009

Created 1 day ago by new contributor Vanita piriya