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I am a current University of Washington student studying Informatics. I like to take long naps (at least 2 hours a day). I like to do photography during my free time and work out. I listen to music on my headphones so loud that my friends get irritated, but I enjoy watching their annoyed reactions. When I am really bored, I like to go to youtube and look for funny videos, particularly, I find entertainment in watching clips from "Whose Line is it Anyway". In my room, my friend left a Victoria's Secret bag on the shelf, but I have been too lazy to throw it away so it is there collecting dust and I like the contrast in color because it is pink as opposed to the gloomy dark shelves and walls.


This user enjoys reading fiction.
This user's favourite colour is blue.

;..;This user is a vampire and vants to suck your blood. BLEH!
cvg-1This user is a n00b gamer.