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User:Pinedaangie/sandbox/THE ETIQUETTE

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Etiquette is a word of French origin known since 1750 as stiquete "label, ticket" (late 14c.). having a first impact and learning for people from a young age.

They are the set of rules or customs that are implemented to help in the development of people in any place they are. It is a way to limit inappropriate behavior that may arise in public or in any type of event. The application of the rules of etiquette at events demonstrates impeccable behavior and to some extent that they are very fine people. The knowledge that you can have of the rules of etiquette will help to facilitate the organization or execution of the various events or ceremonies.

The rules of etiquette do not establish a strict course of action, on the contrary, they can be modified or adapted to the environment in which they are; the implementation or use of them offers to constitute a more cultured person and a correct way of doing things in an event or life itself. Therefore, we should not see them as something so strict but rather as an aid to both personal and social formation.


Etiquette gives us the opportunity to change an acquired bad behavior and turn it into good manners as long as it is followed. Etiquette is a way of life, which governs good manners, the proper conduct that helps to build an adequate and harmonious working environment in society whatever the culture or descent to which one belongs. The importance of etiquette in life is essential and indispensable for civilization. It is necessary to adapt etiquette customs in our daily life, both at home and in professional life, being very polite and respectful with all people, to lead a peaceful life.

The etiquette applied to daily life is fully valid and guarantees mutual respect among people, aiming at improving the quality of life and interpersonal relationships. The art of etiquette is, therefore, all those behaviors that we learn from childhood: good manners, the rules of civility, courtesy and respect for those around us. If we incorporate them in a natural way to our daily behavior, we will reach, without a doubt, that objective of "knowing how to be and knowing how to be" that we admire so much in certain people.


The etiquette in past centuries was so exaggerated and caricatured; that it could hardly be communicated, only the privileged who had no other trade than to train in this extensive regulation, knew its details and variations. Etiquette has been known for a long time, in different cultures and under different names, even in the Middle Ages it was known as the golden period for Western etiquette, and in the royal court it was well known as the natural home of etiquette, because it focused on a monarch around whom the subtleties of behavior extended in ever widening circles.

The author of Beowulf , writing about Anglo-Saxon society, describes the "etiquette-conscious" Queen Wealtheow, an episode where the cup is brought first to the king and then to the courtiers, and thus forms a clearly defined order of priority. The late 18th and early 19th centuries showed another great flowering of etiquette in Britain when the elegant Beau Nash and Beau Brummell assigned their whims as rules to polite society; not even the prince regent would leave his vest unbuttoned to a greater extent than Brummell prescribed, furthermore in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, those in the upper strata of society thought of the more trivial demands of etiquette as both an amusement and, for women, an occupation. Increasingly transformed rituals were created to create a sense of exclusivity to keep the unworthy at a distance.


Business Etiquette[edit]

In each institution certain rules are established, ranging from how to dress to the color that should be used to perform a good job role, these rules must be complied with in their entirety.

Etiquette in Society[edit]

The rules of etiquette help to correct certain things when interacting in society whether it is an event or meeting of any kind. (Labariega, 2007). Socializes: Etiquette regulates the personal conduct of individuals, that is, all those things that no one can do for others, such as chewing food with your mouth closed. There are things that out of respect should not be done in public, if we are clear about the rules of etiquette, we will be able to know what can and cannot be done.

Etiquette in Social Life[edit]

Humans are social animals and it’s important that they follow certain norms that facilitate interpersonal relationships. Social etiquette is exactly how it sounds, it refers to the behavior you resort to in social situations—interactions with your family, friends, coworkers or strangers. We’re expected to follow social norms in order to coexist and live in harmony.

In life, as well as in day to day life we are bound to meet many people, and we must be willing to relate to each other and be good, sociable and respectful people.


The art of etiquette is part of a whole society, because, in all those behaviors that we learn since we are children: good manners, urbanity rules, courtesy and respect towards those around us. If they are incorporated in a natural way to our daily behavior, we will reach, without a doubt, that objective of "knowing how to be and knowing how to be" that we admire so much in certain people, besides being applied to daily life, it has full validity and guarantees the mutual respect between all a society, aiming at the improvement of the quality of life and interpersonal relationships.

All people, throughout their lives, must face situations that require them to introduce themselves, greet and say goodbye. In general, the ability to do so develops naturally from childhood. However, an introduction or greeting can be decisive when it comes to making friends, improving our professional image or achieving our goals in the workplace.

It takes into account certain aspects such as knowing how to greet and say goodbye is education for all people, known or not, in a respectful manner, regardless of the closeness you have with people, another aspect to consider is to be punctual to arrive on time to a meeting or place because being unpunctual is not respecting the other person and waste your time waiting.

Therefore being respectful fulfills a great value in social etiquette, by respecting the different cultures, religions, ideas, sexual orientations, of our social environment, we would be being educated people and with very good etiquette, taking into account the ability to listen, but equally, it is very important to speak clearly, waiting their turn to speak.

To pay attention to other people when they talk to you, it is a sign of respect and courtesy, to contribute to conversations without pretending to be always right and many more actors in which you can identify the personality of a person and his or her education. "People are known at the table".


Courtesy is the way a person has to show or offer respect to others around him. Courtesy should be vital in the life of every individual, because it denotes respect for others, delicacy in the treatment and above all consideration for others and what they may feel or interpret with our actions. With the simple fact of showing courtesy we transmit a symbolic language.


Good manners are brought from the first school of learning "the home", these depend on the place, culture, religion or customs to which one belongs. (MX Definition, 2014). Good manners refer to the customs of courtesy that are maintained in a given society. They have a strong cultural component, they depend on historical circumstances, first and foremost. Thus we will see how in culturally distant societies there are different ways to greet each other, to say goodbye, to express gratitude, to ask for something.


What we show daily to others, that prototype to follow or the stereotype that has been marked and imposed on everyone is known as "image". (Jijena, 2011). All human beings have a personality, an identity. According to that identity, we make the effort to present an image that is the ideal image. The image that we present or offer to society is of vital importance because "as we are seen we are treated", because it is the first business card we must take care of and keep it spotless. Things to take into account, way of dressing, colors to use, hairstyle, footwear, are important when transmitting an idea in front of another person.


The first greetings were used as symbols of peace among the indigenous tribes. As time went by, more specifically in the Middle Ages, they were adapted as a sign of respect and courtesy: a special case is that of the gentleman who had to raise his hat a little in order to properly greet a lady. By means of greeting we can communicate and show courtesy as well as good manners, thus being a way to maintain contact with those we know and to establish it with those we do not know. There are different ways of greeting and to do it correctly we use titles such as sir, ma'am and doctor; or whatever corresponds, depending on the case, using gestures and expressions that show warmth and respect, considering the circumstances, since the greeting varies according to the people, places and situations in which it occurs. We also find greetings in the street, which should be brief so as not to interrupt the passage of people.


A polite gesture is to greet the person in front of us whether it is someone known or unknown to us in the case of entering or belonging to an institution. (Protocol and ETIQUETTE, 2016). They are those greetings that are usually made with people we know or who have been introduced to us before. Giving a "good morning". "good afternoon", "how are you?" and expressions of this type, which in most cases do not involve any kind of physical contact.


Physical greetings as the name implies, are those that offer some type of contact or approach with another person. (Protocol and Etiquette, 2016). They are the greetings that are usually given in presentations and other moments in which there is a physical contact such as a handshake, a hug, a kiss, among others.


This type of greetings are accompanied, hence the name "mixed". It means that not only will it be the typical greeting of "good morning" or "nice day", etc.. But it will include a light handshake with a kiss and hug, why not accompany it with the word "delighted" or "it was a pleasure" to make it much more complete and distinguished "full of elegance".


(Protocol and Etiquette, 2018)

Information. - Before going to a community or country other than our own, it is advisable to find out about the customs and traditions of that locality or country, its history, its economy, its language and its people.

Presence. - The first impression is fundamental as a starting point. Having a pleasant presence is important for us and for others.

Categories. - We must know well the different social, political and economic hierarchies of the environment in which we move or the destination to which we are going to travel.

Security. - It is a detail very little taken into account by some managers and executives of companies (generally small and medium-sized).


  • Always approach another person with a light, spontaneous smile. You should address it with an upright and confident posture.
  • Confidence is a fundamental part in a person and in institutional events.
  • At the moment of greeting, do not look away.
  • The most advisable greeting is with a light handshake and maintaining eye contact.
  • The tone of voice should be neutral and without alteration.
  • The greeting should include aspects such as: a cordial address, a calm tone of voice, introducing yourself by adding your name and position.
  • If you know the person you are greeting, you can also offer a hug.


  • The introduction should be made by giving the names of each person.
  • The introduction should be made with a gesture of trust and eye contact.
  • In order to create a welcoming and pleasant atmosphere, the most important thing is the introduction of the people attending.
  • The greeting with a kiss on the cheek is recommended between people who know each other or have a degree of trust between them.


  1. Cambridge Dictionary. (2021, November 24). etiquette Meaning, definition, what is etiquette: 1. set of rules or customs that control accepted behavior in certain social groups or. . Learn more. .https://dictionary.cambridge.org/es/diccionario/ingles/etiquette
  2. C. (2017, 25 abril). The origin of the word «etiquette». Hit Long and Prosper.https://hitlongandprosper.com/2017/01/26/origin-word-etiquett/
  3. Etiquette | Definition, Examples, Types, & Facts. (s. f.). Encyclopedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/topic/etiquette
  4. Fordjour, B. D. Protocol & Etiquette Manual.
  5. Post, M. D. (2016). Etiquette: The Modern Etiquette Guide for Men and Women. 9XH31WB.
  6. Curtin, M. (1985). A question of manners: status and gender in etiquette and courtesy. The Journal of Modern History, 57(3), 396-423.··Post, M. D. (2016). Etiquette: The Modern Etiquette Guide for Men and Women. 9XH31WB.