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PortoSpawn - The unlucky story by Egil De Sousa - Norway


My Record for the past 9 years: 89 times to a hospital 59 times for operations & controls 23 times for acutt saving of life 1948 times to doctor

In 2001 a doctor accidentally found out that there was something wrong (More Wrong) in my head - whit anger and coordination for starters. After some scanning (mr-ct) they found a malformation(a ball of blood vessels) that pumped every time my heart beats, so i get smal concution every time my heart beats.. And the sice of it is 3cm2 (the same sice as a Golf ball)

And 3.set-08 i was driving my motorcycle when i got hit by a drunkenDriver, total impact was ca 150 km/h.. 9 Broken Bones and nearly lost my leg. Been in same room since then and 27-4 im going in for a new surgery.. it didnt go well, alot of iron and stuf and 1 cm shorter leg

Link to pictures of it : https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.32146852189.54618.638082189&type=3 http://picasaweb.google.no/portospawn/Benbrudd#slideshow http://picasaweb.google.no/portospawn/AMalformasjon#slideshow

This is some of my life,the story of the tumor comes later,but can say so mutch: Do u se the skrews in my head, they didn`t give me anything while they did it'!!!!! Thats it for now,but more to come.. And some funny things that have happend and that i have done ;)

My Hope page : http://www.PortoSpawn.com And Blogg : http://portospawn.blogspot.com/ @PortoSpawn