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This is Praveen from hyderabad,India.

Struggle and Background Hailing from a relatively lower middle class in the land of desert and businessmen, I was a kid with whom my parent and relatives had high hopes. I took a year drop for IIT-JEE and that proved to be the worst decision of my life. I did everything but preparing for the exam and eneded up not taking coaching at all but got involved in weed, alcohol and biiliards, however somehow I managed to take admission in the best private college in Jaipur, Rajasthan. Weed and alcohol didn’t leave me as I got many backlogs(21) year after year which I used to hide with my parents. I had a girlfriend over that period of time and we used to go out . Then came my last semester and I got 2 backlogs

into my 7th semester which extended my degree to a year. That 

single year was the most hard part of my life.