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SHIAN E HAIDER E KARAR The Shia (Arabic: شيعة‎, Shīʿah) represent the largest schismatic sect in Islam, accounting for 10-20% of the world's normative body of Muslims.[1] Adherents of Shia Islam are called Shi'ites or Shias. "Shia" is the short form of the historic phrase Shīʻatu ʻAlī (شيعة علي), meaning "followers", "faction", or "party" of Muhammad's son-in-law and cousin Ali, whom the Shia believe to be Muhammad's successor in the Caliphate.

Shia Islam is based on the Quran and the message of the Islamic prophet Muhammad attested in Shia hadith, and certain books deemed sacred to Shia (Nahj al-Balagha).[2][3] In contrast to other types, the Shia believe that only God has the right to choose a representative to safeguard Islam, the Quran and sharia. Thus the Shias look to Ali, Muhammad's son-in-law, whom they revere and consider divinely appointed, as the rightful successor to Muhammad, and the first imam. The Shia extended this belief to Muhammad's family, the Ahl al-Bayt ("the People of the House"), and certain individuals among his descendants, known as imams, who they believe possess special spiritual and political authority over the community, infallibility, and other traits.

Although there were many Shia branches throughout history, modern Shia Islam has been divided into three main branches, namely the Ithna ashariyya (Twelvers), the Ismailis (Seveners) and the Zaidis ("Fivers").[4][5][6][7]

HUSSAIN IBN ALI [a.s] Husayn, Ali's younger son and brother to Hasan, initially resisted calls to lead the Muslims against Muawiyah and reclaim the caliphate. In 680 CE, Muawiyah died and passed the caliphate to his son Yazid; Yazid asked Husayn for allegiance ( baya ) to him, which Husayn rejected. Ali's faction saw this as a betrayal of the peace treaty, having expected the caliphate to return to Ali's line upon Muawiyah's death. There was a groundswell of support in Kufa for Husayn to return there and take his position as caliph and imam, so Husayn collected his family and followers in Medina and set off for Kufa. En route to Kufa, he was blocked by an army of Yazid's men near Karbala (modern Iraq), and Husayn and approximately 72 of his family and followers were killed in the Battle of Karbala.

The Shiites regard Husayn as martyr (shahid), and count him as an imam from the Ahl al-Bayt. They view Husayn as the defender of Islam from annihilation at the hands of Yazid I. Husayn is the last imam following Ali whom all Shiah sub-branches mutually recognise.[17] The Battle of Karbala is often cited as the definitive break between the Shiah and Sunni sects of Islam, is commemorated each year by Shiah Muslims on the Day of Ashura


Upon the death of Ali, his elder son Hasan became leader of the Muslims of Kufa, and after a series of skirmishes between the Kufa Muslims and the army of Muawiyah, Hasan agreed to cede the caliphate to Muawiyah and maintain peace among Muslims. Hasan then retired to Medina, where in 50 AH he died by poisoning