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User: Quietlemon I am a research assistant at Michigan State University's Center for Community and Economic Development. A large part of our work involves studying the policies, practices, and consequences of structural abandonment in society. Seeing that this field lacked attention and an official name, our director, Dr. Rex LaMore, coined the term "Domicology" in 2015 to draw better attention to how structural abandonment affects communities and the consequences associated with the demolition process as a whole. The goal of this account is to create a Wikipedia about page for the term Domicology so as to further legitimize this area of study and to promote further education on this understudied discipline. For more information on the MSU CCED, Circular Economy Institute, or Domicology please visit the following links: https://ced.msu.edu/research/domicology https://ced.msu.edu/ https://www.alieward.com/ologies/domicology