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User:Rafsan Khan Mizan

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With the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) almost upon us, a lot of marketers anticipate several changes on how they market in the social network platform Facebook. After all, once it becomes active from May 25, 2018, EU-based companies and other companies across the globe that process EU residents’ personal data become affected by this regulation. If you’re using Facebook marketing to promote your drop shipping business and the like, the GDPR affects your marketing techniques. After all, these sweeping protections have a huge impact on the way you use Facebook’s data in order to drive more audiences, target prospects, and store their data. Here are some things to consider once the GDPR takes effect: Facebook Marketing Will Have a New Opt-in Feature' Right now, Facebook operates by collecting and using your data to improve your overall experience as a user as soon as you agree to use it. They will then put you in specific demographics depending on how you behave in the social network as well as the other affiliate websites you use. Some of these include:

  1. Instagram
  2. WhatsApp

This changes once the GDPR becomes active. Now Facebook must ask their users for their permission in order for them to start collecting their data. The users now have the power to opt out of this if they desire. Another new power bestowed upon users is that they can now ask Facebook to export their data and give it to them in its entirety. Even if the user opts out of the data collection, they can still use Facebook without any impact on their user experience. When users opt into a certain aspect of this feature, the social media platform can’t opt them into all new features. What this means is that even if the user opts into a new feature that allows Facebook to collect their information, they need to ask the users every time they release updates. In turn, the users can get asked several times yearly, depending on the number of updates Facebook releases in that course of time. The regulation also makes it clear that the purpose of data collection is exclusively for improving the user experience.