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User:Ragityman/discussion of deletion

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Clingman's Dome



Thanks for your help repairing my damage. When I discovered that i had deleted most of the article, and attempted to correct, i kept getting "server not responding," and other unhelpful messages. Thot i'd sleep awhile and try again when the net not so crowded. I've got a lot to learn, and can use plenty of assistance, but I would have either re-added the material or reverted my edits as necessary. No vandalism intended, just ineptness. You saved me some steps.

Did you happen to recognize my error? That's not my first accidental deletion. Somehow i'm losing some HTML, or something. I'm attempting to copy passages and edit them elsewhere efore replacing the "live" text, to avoid deletions and other damage to the articles. When i substitute my text i sometimes delete the rest of the article.

I'll figure it out, but if you see this and can shed any light, feel free. Ragityman (talk) 06:22, 24 August 2010 (UTC)

Cling 2

Server not responding. I get that error, every now and then. Usually, I click the 'try again' button when it appears, or go back a page in my browser history and submit the work again. I know your edits weren't vandalism. To me, you were obviously trying to improve the article, and lost part of it in the process. Your work looked like a cut/paste/move error (I make plenty of those).
I'm not sure your exact problem, but I can venture a couple of guesses. When you copy the material to edit outside, are you possibly copy and cutting at the same time? That is, if you're using the CTRL+C to copy, then you might be accidentally hitting CTRL+X in the process. CTRL+X deletes material. Since the keys are right next to each other, that would be a fairly easy mistake to make. Or, when you paste material into the article, perhaps you're highlighting more material than you intend to past over?
Hope that has been helpful. Akerans (talk) 15:47, 24 August 2010 (UTC)


'Preciate the fast response. No, i often wish i were using a querty keyboard. I usually edit from my phone, so replacing all of that deleted text was looking like a daunting task. The highlighting error is a possibity, though.
Ragityman (talk) 16:11, 24 August 2010 (UTC)


I'm not the most technical person when it comes to phones, but I'm wondering if something is interrupting the transmission or maybe the application you're using isn't sending all the data? Nonetheless, I'll keep an eye on the page in the mean time. If I see you need a hand restoring material, then I'll restore it so you don't have to lose your fixes in the processes. Akerans (talk) 16:35, 24 August 2010 (UTC)


I can't ask for more than that.
I don't know if u helped unblock me, or if someone else did that. I'm at the library, now, so i can type a little faster, but i've spent all afternoon trying to get unblocked. I could bring up your talk, but wasn't allowed to post a comment.
Looks like you, Droll and Brian keep pretty close tabs on Clingman's Dome. Are you part of the Tennessee WikiProject? I grew up in that part of the state, so that material is close to my heart.
I think you may be on to something re: signal interference on my phone. I don't usually have any trouble making calls, but i think some of the WP problems may hinge on me being online so long, maybe even battery strength. Whatever, you've been a help. Thanks.
Ragityman (talk) 00:48, 25 August 2010 (UTC)


No, not part of Tennessee WikiProject. Found the page due to the cite error caused by the missing reference section. And, welcome for the help. Akerans (talk) 14:28, 25 August 2010 (UTC)