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rAnDoMiKe (alternate spelling Random-Mike) is a longtime Wikipedia fan and lover of Cascadia. He also is the inventor of the Hippie Karma Point (HKP) system, which most briefly is: a system of morals and ethics for people who don't like systems, or a NON-system for people who like systems.

Essentially, the goal in life is to be the biggest hippie you can be. The ultimate level hippie being an infinite hippie. The way the system works: An individual assigns arbitrary numerical points (positive or negative) to acts in accordance to the question: what would a hippie do. You do not keep track of the points. Things that hippies would do include: ride bikes, play Frisbee, grow vegetables, etc. You can also assign points to other people, but be cautious as they might not be as enlightened as you and feel like they are being judged (remember, no one is keeping track of scores here). So, walking barefoot might be 5, 47, or 5,000 Hippie Karma points (you decide). On the other hand, going to a corporate Restaurant is minus (-) 42, 3, or 3million Hippie Karma Points.

Random-Mike has been sharing this system offline since late 2005, and started it in response to living in a very judgmental house of people who identified as "Radical" . Because of this, they treated people who were a little more mainstream poorly. To deal with this irony, Randomike created this system or nonsystem.

rAnDoMiKe will add more to his bio down the road a bit.