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"Yahoo pipe


"--Ranjithsranji (talk) 05:25, 13 October 2014 (UTC)yahoo pipe

                       What the paper does is not only to compare Jamaica with its regional competitors, but also with world-class leaders in logistic development like Singapore and Dubai. I read this paper a day before I listened to a very fascinating lecture by Harvard's associate professor, Dr Matt Andrews, who, on the invitation of HEART Trust/NTA, spoke last Thursday on 'A Growth Diagnostic for Jamaica - Getting Past Binding Constraints'. Andrews was very blunt in dealing with Jamaica's policy failures and disappointing economic performance over the last 50 years.

One of the strong points he made as he compared Jamaica with high-performing Singapore is that Singapore did not develop its economy by simply pursuing general macroeconomic stability. As I pointed out in my critique of Dr Damien King recently, Singapore applied industrial-policy strategies and picked winners. Singapore targeted particular sectors. Andrews pointed to Singapore and also to Costa Rica as examples of industrial targeting. Costa Rica, when it wanted to develop its ICT industry, specifically targeted one of the biggest firms, Intel, and provided incentives for Intel to invest, pulling other IT firms in the process.