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Challenge #1

What do you say that, butterfly? Will you agree to the bargain? It's a good one: eternity for one day of flying among the flowers.
The butterfly rejects my offer. What is it saying?
It says it will not exchange one day of happiness for eternity of misery. Damnable butterfly! The audacity to refuse a god's bargain! To defy a god! To defy God!
I shall curse you, butterfly, you colorful hedonist, I shall curse you to the end of your days!
It says something. It dares to answer! What is it?
"I do not mind your curses, oh God, for my day is short"
Level 7 by Mordecai Roshwald (The book is a fictionalized diary. The quote is from the entry for May 31).
Challenge issued January 29, 2006, although the quote had been posted a few weeks earlier. Challenge ended on February 15, 2006 with no winner at Jobjörn's request

Challenge #2

"I wish I were as sure of their chances as I pretended to be. Still, there is a chance... I can't go on. I pray the Robo-pilot can take it from here..."
The Thundercats pilot episode (first aired January 23, 1985)
Challenge issued Janaury 22, 2007. The quote was correctly identified by user:Mentor347 in a private email on June 15, 2007.