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My name is John Wesley Knecht IV, I was born and raised in a small town in Michigan, and was braught up with a strong passion for American history. In particular two of my most pationate subjects are The Mexican War faught in the 1840's, and The American Civil War. Key amungst my interests in these subject matters are the Analizing, and comparison of media misinformation, and fictional writing, and comparing them to the Media biast and misinformation that occures today. One Such study is the history behind John Joeseph Clem Because of an artical in Harpers weekly in 1863 that falsely placed him at the battle of Shiloh, a myth has survived for many years. I find such cases of media embelishment a usefull study of the media of modern times. Currantly I am a member of Hudsons Battery also known as the 2nd michigan Battery B Our unit owns and operates an origianal 1841 bronze 6 pounder cast in 1843 by Cyrus and Alger of Boston, Ma. It is currantly the Oldest Origianal field piece in the state of Michigan, our battery also has a confederate gun, an iron reproduction of a 3 inch ordenance rifle owned by our Confederate Corporal Our confederate counter part unit is 4th Tenn Company K also known as MacGregors battery