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Light Spiral: Quantum Leap

Light Spiral is by definition a Quantum Wave. Particle clusters and photon packets (particle and wave duality). Molecules are reacting to energy waves that are coherent producing photon packets at 299 792 457.4999 m/s light speed (ls) (1983 Laser experiment, Frome and Essen Chart light speed 299 792 457.4 m/s with a ratio of error of +- 0.001) as long as the source is active. Photon packets is the energy being transmitted to electrons causing a quantum leap

Calculating Quantum Leap

Some basics physic's calculations for a quantum leap. Planck's constant (h) is 6.6260755 * 10ˉ³⁴ kg * m²/s.

Charge (q) is 1.60217733 * 10ˉ¹⁹ coulomb (coul).

Rest mass of a electron (Me) is 9.1093897 * 10ˉ³¹.

In order to produce a quantum leap, there is a frequency .20205755942417 Hertz (Hz) that applies to photons in order for the transmission of relativistic energy to cause a quantum leap at half a spin (.5).

Frequency equation example; .20205755942417 s/(299792457.49999 Hz/(4.9490848359521 Hz)) = 1.6508370081166 * 10ˉ⁸ s.

ls * 1.6508370081166 * 10ˉ⁸ s = 4.9490848359521 meters (m) which involves the transfer of energy (E).

".20205755942417 Hz" is the frequency needed in quantum leap equation.

Since, Planck's constant pertains to photons, a necessary change to factual data. Plank's constants becomes (ph) 6.6260755000002 * 10ˉ³⁴ kg * m²/s.

Photon's relative energy at rest is ph * Hz = 6.6260755000002 * 10ˉ³⁴ joules (J).

Half Spin

√(ph/q/((Me/coul * .20205755942417 Hz)/(299792457.49999 m)²)) = .5

Highest relativistic energy transfer

6.6260755000002 * 10ˉ³⁴ J/√(1-(ls²/ls²)) = 6.6260754889488 * 10ˉ²⁷ J

Relativistic mass increase of photon

From 7.3725033010833 * 10ˉ⁵¹ kg to 7.3725032887869 * 10ˉ⁴⁴