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ESFDNA Representative Maor

Maor, you are not only a great MyHeritage representative, but also a Wikipedia enthusiast. Please accept from all of us lots of love and our best wishes for you:



Maor, thank you for all you knowledge, your help (always available to help) and it's a pity I could not enjoy more of you around us. Hope you will come to visit us often and to see you soon in some MH gathering. Wish you all the best and much more. We will miss you. Take care - Elodie



Maorcito! I am sure everyone will agree that your knowledge, your interesting stories and your presence will be missed by all of us. Wishing you best of luck at the mothership and hope you will come say hi to us all sometimes so we can all hear more of your stories.



Hay muchas razones por las cuales todos te consideran único y especial, yo tengo las mías: Desde mi primer día aquí fuiste el que me hizo sentir en casa, verte durante el día siempre ha sido para mí un alivio una especie de sensación de Familia. Eres especial para mí por me has enseñado tanto aunque no te hayas dado cuenta, nunca he visto a un ser tan curioso que no subestima ningún tipo de conocimiento o fun fact, aunque venga del persona más humilde o del libro más ignorado, eres lo que papá diría: "Un hombre de Mundo" y es por eso que te han pasado todas esas historias tan fantásticas que nos cuentas. No tenerte en Tel Aviv Maorcito es una perdida muy grande para el equipo, pero una ganancia gigante para la compañía, y personalmente; haberte perdido como un colega al que veía todos los días me ha "chocado" pero ya no me importa por qué se que te he ganado como Amigo, por qué es eso lo que eres para mi, un amigo y probablemente es más fascinante que tengo. Te irá muy bien en tu siguiente jornada y estoy muy segura de que llegarás muy muy lejos. ... A propósito, por qué son los Italianos considerados los mejores vestidos del mundo? Obviamente no te han visto a ti, que con 40 grados y 99% de humedad siempre te arreglas para ser el más fino.

 #tequieromaorcito #yateextraño #teachsomefashioninoryehuda #finoforever #siemprefacha #nuncainfasha
Indepence day picknick.



MA(des)-OR(pa)-CITO 🎶 Me pregunto como haras para hacer screenshot de TODOS estos mensajes para poder compartirlo en IG y FB 🤪 P*ta, no puedo creer que asi nomas nos abandonas! La Mafia Latina pierde a su lider. El piso nunca sera el mismo sin tu presencia, tu sabiduria y sobre todo tu bondad. Sos un ser muy especial para todos, siempre paciente y con buen humor, dispuesto a ayudarnos en cualquier momento, incluso cuando ya no estas en shift; nunca se escucha un "no" como respuesta cuando se te pide algo. Gracias por tu humildad, amabilidad y dedicacion y te vamos a extrañar! Y burlarnos de ti en tu ausencia, siempre, #GorditoForever! Cariños! Joy.



What will be this office without you? Working with you for 2 1/2 years and listening to a lot of your interesting stories will be definitely something I will miss in this office. I mean all there is left are finnish people....🙈 Always there if I needed help and always there for advice! Stay in touch via Slack and post your food daily on Instagram. Will miss you!

 #VenezolanosEnElExterior🇮🇱🇻🇪 #selfie #beardedguy #MyHeritageLife #makemeababy #noespanol



My dearest Maorcito,

My teacher, my master, my friend, my voice of conscience, the father of our office kids, my pillar of strength! This ain't goodbye, you're just a slack away, but I still feel this emptiness ....I will miss your voice, your Estonian accent, I will miss your hugs, I will miss your reassurance. I promise to cry only when no one is around and to keep on raising these kids of ours as well as a strong, independent, single office mom can, just as you taught me. Now, go on and collect more of that knowledge! I love you Much obliged, Lidija



Loved ones and pets are often given nicknames from its family members – this is commonly used to express feelings of affection, endearment, and for pure amusement. You have the tendency to attract many different names for yourself; maorcito, maori, maorchiquitito, mamacito, papacito, gordito, and so on. This must mean you are very dear to us and we view you as our pet.

You’re devoted, friendly, trustworthy, and get very excited about food. We're not happy about having to share custody over you with your mothership. Your mothership might have a bigger house and cook better food, but your fathership has been there for you ever since you where a young, chubby babygoat, and has taught you how to hussle in the streets!

So, never forget that you're a goat at heart. Stay enthusiastic, passionate, curious, friendly and cheeky - that's a recipe for success. Now, let's dance some salsa.

- Peace!

Maor in younger years.



Dear Maor,

When we had training with you, I really appreciated your passion for anything that can be found in Wikipedia. From distant ethnicities to Latin dishes I can't pronounce.

You're an amazing and warm person who always helps novice baby goats in need.

I wish you all the best on your new journey in OY! Jacob




My breaks are going to be so boring from now on, not being stuck in a Maor story for 9:59 of my 10 minute break. I will wander around the office lost, searching for the meaning of life, not knowing what to do with all that time.

Jokes aside. My office dad. Gonna miss you a lot. You are an example to those around you and always provide help when needed, carry a smile on your face and have an endless bank of stories for any occasion.

It's sad that you're leaving, but at least you're staying north of the border ;) and are only moving over to OY. The guys there don't know what they have coming! You truly deserve the move and the new challenge that lies ahead!

Keep being you, come visit as much as possible, and stay in touch papasito.

Lots of luuurve Xoxo Aaron



Querido Maor, disfruta del cambio y de otras personas! Tu familia te verá en todas partes y estará orgullosa de tu estilo de vida y de tus esfuerzos por recordar a los demás a través de Wikimedia, MyHeritage y las redes sociales. Continúa compartiendo tus conocimientos, sonrisas y entusiasmo por cada detalle de la vida. Qué pena que llegué a MyHeritage tan tarde y ya no puedo atrapar tus ondas de energía. Tan feliz de haberte conocido en esta vida. Con cariño, Nina



My dear Maor! Our dear walking encyclopedia... we are going to miss having you around! I'm going to miss the mid shift chats, the lunch break conversations, all so enriching! You deserve this promotion more than anyone, and I wish you enjoy every minute of it. Please remember to come back as guest star whenever you can 🖤 You are definitely one of the best, and I am happy that you are not leaving, but getting promoted within the company 😻 See ya in all the fun days and events, and hopefully once every week or two when you come working from tlv! Love, Shoham❤



Dear Maor, Tel Aviv is losing one of the warmest, funniest, and knowledgeable persons I know. All I can think about who is going to say: "I know the answer to that completely unnecessary but fun fact"? Also, I can only imagine how quiet it is going to be. No more cheese sticks, and burekas while having the beer talk.

This seems also to be the moment to confess. Years ago, we had a MyHeritage Support rap battle. I saved your entry for years and everytime I watch it it makes me cry of laughter. It shows a man trying to keep up with the rhythm but his Venezuelan tongue is hindering him. Although, the outcome is hilarious, it shows that you take on the world with rhythmic determination which is really admirable. Please stay your quirky self because you are the best! Hugs Daniël

Maya Netzer


Maor. In the last three years it has been such a joy to work with someone so genuine, honest and passionate. Who puts their all into what they do and do it with a smile.

I'm so happy that you get to adventure on a new chapter in life - and even happier that you're staying in the MyHeritage family.

Remember to come in as a guest star. I will miss you.




Dear friend, querido amigo, Páselo bien por allá y no te olvides de acá. Nosotros no te olvidaremos y esperaremos tus visitas frecuentes y enriquecedoras. Continúa proclamar las palabras de Shlomo ‘En primer lugar, adquiere sabiduría; sobre todas las cosas, adquiere inteligencia’ y te deseo ‘un anyo mas, un sehel más’ mucha comida buena y sobre todo mucho amor!



Maor querido, Gordito. There's so much to say, but so little place to say it.

I have truly enjoyed working with you, experiencing your weird knowledge, joy for food, and to turn you into a Mexican gang member. I'm sad that you're leaving us, but grateful that you'll stay in the company. This is just yet another excuse to pop up un Or Yehuda every now and then.

I wish you the best, success, happiness, joy, and all the great experiences you can imagine there.



My dearest Maor, you are one of a kind❣ One of the most generous, friendly, life loving and caring people I know. You spread as much good vibes as knowledge. I will never forget your stories, jokes and laughs and the amazing and fun times we had together. I will miss you very much and how you always turned to me to tell me something. I'm happy for your new chapter in life❣



Maor, from before i even started working at MH just before my first interview you saw me waiting and started talking to me and telling me all kind of stories of work and your very interesting background. Your kindliness showed me what kind people work at MH and it made me happy to join the team. Good luck with your new position! No one deserves it more than you! בהצלחה!

Maja Ifergan


MAORIIIII!! You are an amazing inspiring individual. Thank you for your stories, travels, love advise, company, cooking and cat sitting. This is not a goodbye cause you still owe me a bar crawl in Jerusalem! Can’t wait !! Keep posting your fashion statement, your foodporn posts and stories on Instagram. Cause I do follow you daily. Keep up your research, wiki geeking and your good spirit. Can’t wait to see you again. More is more when it comes to you. Only love and misses from here. Hugs and kisses, Maja and TomTom.



Thank you Maor for all the story telling. Nobody is as observant of his surroundings as you. Continue to keep your eyes and mind open for future impressions and keep telling those stories, they will only get better!! See you around and Slack you later :)



Maor! Reading all these lovely comments and wishing I wasn't such a baby goat - wanted to have many more conversations with you about topics circulating your professional wisdom in the office and having more laughs with you on the lunch table! I'm excited for you. You know what you're doing! 😊❤



Maoriiiiiiiiii!!!!! My dancing queeeeeenn, young and sweet 🎶 I will miss seeing you every day, and will miss your perfect kipa t-shirt combo’s!! Thanks so much for everthing, for always being there, being available for anything and very patient. You are such an amazing person, with the most crazy stories! I can say we will all loose weight without your daily burekasim, that’s for sure 😆 come feed/visit us a lot please!! Beso grande ❤




Dear Maor, you are an amazing person, and your new team is really lucky. Thank you for all the help. I could ask you anytime about difficult cases and you have never said you don't have time. And thank you for the nice conversations in the kitchen while we were making our breakfast. Thank you for everything, and wish you all the best!❤



"Después de tantos años al pie del cañón te merecías un respiro. Pero no te vas, entre todos a los que has ayudado a crecer estos años permanecerá tu recuerdo. Suerte amigo" (anonimo de wikipedia) seguro lo escribiste vos.. Maorcete querido, te vamos a extrañar, nunca pierdas tu buena onda!! ❤



Dear Papi. Hard to believe your running away from us just like that and throwing everything we had to the trash, as if we were one of your old pair of fancy shoes. Who will bring us baclava and burekas now that you're gone? But jokes aside, you'll be sorely missed around here ❤ Thanks for all the assistance you gave me from day one and have a blast doing your ESF thing over there at the enemy's base, traitor 😘



Dear Maor! The time we were colleagues (in the same place) was not long enough, but I enjoyed it so much! You spread such a relaxed and confident vibe and you are always someone to rely on, for good advice and simply for a good time! Stay as you are and frequent our TLV office as often as possible!



Oh Maor - I will never forget your almost 3 hrs interview : I learnt so much there and that was just the beginning! As someone who dreams of knowing everything there is to know in the world, having a walking encyclopedia nearby was simply amazing. My collection of random knowledge has grown tremendously! Your passion for knowledge is simply inspiring and you did an amazing job igniting the passion and interest of so many generations of Goalpacas. I will miss your themed and thought-thru outfits, your energy (as seen during RootsTech!), your answers to everything, your sense of humor and your passion for your work. I am so happy for you - and so glad MyHeritage doesn't actually loose you for good!



Dear Maorsh. My definition of you: You are the bubbles in my beer, you are the deoxyribonucleic acid in my cells, you are the “aha”-explanation in my Google-search. You are the man! Thank for all your knowledge, all your support and all your warm and kind company through time. I wish you the very best in OY - thankfully you are STILL our colleague ❤

Maya Efrat


Dear Maor

I have not known you for that long, but already from the very first training days with you one could see the warm, kind and passionate person that you are. Hearing your stories and how you talk about your job made the course that much more interesting and exciting. So thank you for that!

Regardless of the short time, it has been great having you as a colleague (well you still are one just a bit further away). And I want to wish you only the best with your new position in OY. I hope it brings you joy, fulfilment and exiting new challenges.

See you around! ❤ Maya (the Finnish one)



Dear Maoritius, It was a pleasure working with you and it's sad that you leave us but happy for your new challenge! You have so much knowledge in you and many many interesting stories about everything, promise me that you will never stop exploring, keep being curious and remember that knowledge is power, try to visit us whenever you can and let me know before so we will not come to the office with the same shirt :) Yalla, enjoy Or Yehuda, they have good restaurants and good people. See you soon, Niros