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The Write Place (King's University College)


King's University College The Write Place, founded in the early 2000s, is an academic support center at King's University College, affiliated with Western University in London, Ontario, Canada. The center was established as part of the institution's dedication to developing its students' academic writing abilities. Recognizing the importance of strong writing in a variety of academic disciplines, the college administration decided to establish a writing assistance center where students could get personalized guidance and constructive feedback. The Write Place provides individualized aid with writing assignments, research papers, and other types of academic communication to students from a variety of fields.[1]



The Write Place provides a range of services aimed at helping students improve their writing skills and excel in their academic pursuits. These services include:[2]

One-on-one tutoring: Students can book appointments with trained writing tutors, who will provide feedback on various aspects of writing, such as grammar, structure, and style.

Workshops: The Write Place organizes group workshops on specific topics related to academic writing, such as citation styles, research strategies, and argumentative essay writing.

Online resources: A variety of online resources, including instructional materials and writing guides, are available on the Write Place website to assist students in their writing process.

Peer review: Students have the opportunity to engage in peer review sessions, where they can exchange feedback and suggestions with fellow students.

Tutoring Options


When booking a tutoring session, The Write Place lets students choose one of three options:[3]

  • In Person: Students can schedule face-to-face appointments with a writing tutor at the Write Place facility. During these sessions, students can receive real-time feedback, ask questions, and engage in active discussions with the tutor to clarify any concerns and improve their writing skills.
  • Online Synchronous: For students who prefer virtual sessions, the Write Place offers online synchronous tutoring through a video conference built into the WCOnline website. These appointments function similarly to in-person sessions, allowing students to interact with the tutor in real-time and receive live feedback on their writing.
  • Online Asynchronous: Students can submit their writing assignments electronically and receive written feedback from a tutor within a specified time frame. This format allows students to work at their own pace and carefully review the tutor's suggestions before revising their work.

Staff and Training


The Write Place is staffed by writing consultants and student tutors who are trained to help students from a variety of academic disciplines. All tutors must complete a training course that includes many parts of academic writing, tutoring techniques, and pedagogical methods. The team is committed to maintaining an inviting and inclusive workplace, establishing a collaborative environment where students feel at ease requesting support.

Online Resources


The Write Place offers a wide range of information on academic writing and related topics. These materials are accessible in a variety of forms, including PDFs, internet links, online videos, and more.[4] This ensures that students have convenient access to vital information and direction. The Write Place includes key topics such as approaches for relieving stress while writing an essay, citation formatting standards, editing tools and strategies, creative writing feedback, and professional workplace writing practices.[4]

The purpose of these resources are to educate students with the skills and information essential for their writing activities, taking into account various learning styles and preferences. The Write Place's objective is to aid students of all ability levels to discover the resources they need to develop their writing talents and demonstrate academic achievement by providing materials on both basic and advanced themes.

Impact and Recognition


Since its establishment, the King's University College Write Place has contributed to the development of students' writing skills, and it has become an integral part of the college's academic support system. The center has earned recognition for its commitment to strong writing support.


  1. ^ "The Write Place". www.kings.uwo.ca. Retrieved 2023-03-29.
  2. ^ "About Us". www.kings.uwo.ca. Retrieved 2023-03-29.
  3. ^ "Appointments". www.kings.uwo.ca. Retrieved 2023-03-29.
  4. ^ a b "Writing Resources". www.kings.uwo.ca. Retrieved 2023-03-29.