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What is prime numbers[edit]

prime numbers is numbers that can't be divided by any numbers without a trace except from 1 and itself.

for example 23: it can't be divided without a trace by 2, 3, 4...22.


here is a formula:






is what index of prime numbers you want to see

with this 4 functions you can use desmos

every function is part of a big function and with the sum you combining all of the functions together by plus sigh. this {} is used to make piecewise functions and the floor with fraction is round to make pause and resume function(i used it on scratch).

as you can see that first 2 functions having ":1, 0" it means that you making statement if it resumed it continues if not function becomes 0. if there wasn't any statement, you coudn't combine them because if they paused they don't become 0 the become undefined.