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Welcome to my Wikipedia user page!

I am a high school student in Brazil, I am deeply concerned about the future of my dear country and also the neighboring countries and the world in general, especially with regard to culture, politics, religion and freedom of individuals.

My views[edit]

Subjects My Opinion
Freedom of Expression in favor, shall be absolute.
Economic Freedom in favor.
Legalization of abortion against, it is unethical in all cases, including rape and child pregnancy.
Federalism In favor, as long as it is similar to the American or Swiss model for example.
Monarchy in favour, as long as it is constitutional and liberal.
Prohibition of Totalitarian Ideologies:

(Communism, Nazism, Fascism, Religious fundamentalism)

I am against prohibition and against its establishment.
Disarmament Against as an imposition of the state, it should be the decision of each individual.
Drug Legalization in favor, but totally against consumption.
2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine I support Ukraine, Slava Ukraini!