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// <nowiki>
// @ts-check
// GeneralNotability's rewrite of Tim's SPI helper script
// v2.7.0 "Counting forks"

/* global mw, $, importStylesheet, importScript, displayMessage, spiHelperCustomOpts */

// Adapted from [[User:Mr.Z-man/closeAFD]]
importScript('User:Timotheus Canens/displaymessage.js')

// Typedefs
 * @typedef SelectOption
 * @type {Object}
 * @property {string} label Text to display in the drop-down
 * @property {string} value Value to return if this option is selected
 * @property {boolean} selected Whether this item should be selected by default
 * @property {boolean=} disabled Whether this item should be disabled

 * @typedef BlockEntry
 * @type {Object}
 * @property {string} username Username to block
 * @property {string} duration Duration of block
 * @property {boolean} acb If set, account creation is blocked
 * @property {boolean} ab Whether autoblock is enabled (for registered users)/
 *     logged-in users are blocked (for IPs)
 * @property {boolean} ntp If set, talk page access is blocked
 * @property {boolean} nem If set, email access is blocked
 * @property {string} tpn Type of talk page notice to apply on block

 * @typedef TagEntry
 * @type {Object}
 * @property {string} username Username to tag
 * @property {string} tag Tag to apply to user
 * @property {string} altmasterTag Altmaster tag to apply to user, if relevant
 * @property {boolean} blocking Whether this account is marked for block as well

  * @typedef ParsedArchiveNotice
  * @type {Object}
  * @property {string} username Case username
  * @property {boolean} xwiki Whether the crosswiki flag is set
  * @property {boolean} deny Whether the deny flag is set
  * @property {boolean} notalk Whether the notalk flag is set

// Globals
// User-configurable settings, these are the defaults but will be updated by
// spiHelper_loadSettings()
const spiHelperSettings = {
  // Choices are 'watch' (unconditionally add to watchlist), 'preferences'
  // (follow default preferences), 'nochange' (don't change the watchlist
  // status of the page), and 'unwatch' (unconditionally remove)
  watchCase: 'preferences',
  watchCaseExpiry: 'indefinite',
  watchArchive: 'nochange',
  watchArchiveExpiry: 'indefinite',
  watchTaggedUser: 'preferences',
  watchTaggedUserExpiry: 'indefinite',
  watchNewCats: 'nochange',
  watchNewCatsExpiry: 'indefinite',
  watchBlockedUser: true,
  watchBlockedUserExpiry: 'indefinite',
  // Lets people disable clerk options if they're not a clerk
  clerk: true,
  // Log all actions to Special:MyPage/spihelper_log
  log: false,
  // Reverse said log, so that the newest actions are at the top.
  reversed_log: false,
  // Enable the "move section" button
  iUnderstandSectionMoves: false,
  // These are for debugging to view as other roles. If you're picking apart the code and
  // decide to set these (especially the CU option), it is YOUR responsibility to make sure
  // you don't do something that violates policy
  debugForceCheckuserState: null,
  debugForceAdminState: null

/** @type {string} Name of the SPI page in wiki title form
 * (e.g. Wikipedia:Sockpuppet investigations/Test) */
let spiHelperPageName = mw.config.get('wgPageName').replace(/_/g, ' ')

/** @type {number} The main page's ID - used to check if the page
 * has been edited since we opened it to prevent edit conflicts
let spiHelperStartingRevID = mw.config.get('wgCurRevisionId')

// Just the username part of the case
let spiHelperCaseName = spiHelperPageName.replace(/Wikipedia:Sockpuppet investigations\//g, '')

/** list of section IDs + names corresponding to separate investigations */
let spiHelperCaseSections = []

/** @type {?number} Selected section, "null" means that we're opearting on the entire page */
let spiHelperSectionId = null

/** @type {?string} Selected section's name (e.g. "10 June 2020") */
let spiHelperSectionName = null

/** @type {ParsedArchiveNotice} */
let spiHelperArchiveNoticeParams

/** Map of top-level actions the user has selected */
const spiHelperActionsSelected = {
  Case_act: false,
  Block: false,
  Note: false,
  Close: false,
  Rename: false,
  Archive: false,
  SpiMgmt: false

/** @type {BlockEntry[]} Requested blocks */
const spiHelperBlocks = []

/** @type {TagEntry[]} Requested tags */
const spiHelperTags = []

/** @type {string[]} Requested global locks */
const spiHelperGlobalLocks = []

// Count of unique users in the case (anything with a checkuser, checkip, user, ip, or vandal template on the page)
let spiHelperUserCount = 0
const spiHelperSectionRegex = /^(?:===[^=]*===|=====[^=]*=====)\s*$/m

/** @type {SelectOption[]} List of possible selections for tagging a user in the block/tag interface
const spiHelperTagOptions = [
  { label: 'None', selected: true, value: '' },
  { label: 'Suspected sock', value: 'blocked', selected: false },
  { label: 'Proven sock', value: 'proven', selected: false },
  { label: 'CU confirmed sock', value: 'confirmed', selected: false },
  { label: 'Blocked master', value: 'master', selected: false },
  { label: 'CU confirmed master', value: 'sockmasterchecked', selected: false },
  { label: '3X banned master', value: 'bannedmaster', selected: false }

/** @type {SelectOption[]} List of possible selections for tagging a user's altmaster in the block/tag interface */
const spiHelperAltMasterTagOptions = [
  { label: 'None', selected: true, value: '' },
  { label: 'Suspected alt master', value: 'suspected', selected: false },
  { label: 'Proven alt master', value: 'proven', selected: false }

/** @type {SelectOption[]} List of templates that CUs might insert */
const spiHelperCUTemplates = [
  { label: 'CU templates', selected: true, value: '', disabled: true },
  { label: 'Confirmed', selected: false, value: '{{confirmed}}' },
  { label: 'Confirmed/No Comment', selected: false, value: '{{confirmed-nc}}' },
  { label: 'Indistinguishable', selected: false, value: '{{tallyho}}' },
  { label: 'Likely', selected: false, value: '{{likely}}' },
  { label: 'Possilikely', selected: false, value: '{{possilikely}}' },
  { label: 'Possible', selected: false, value: '{{possible}}' },
  { label: 'Unlikely', selected: false, value: '{{unlikely}}' },
  { label: 'Unrelated', selected: false, value: '{{unrelated}}' },
  { label: 'Inconclusive', selected: false, value: '{{inconclusive}}' },
  { label: 'Need behavioral eval', selected: false, value: '{{behav}}' },
  { label: 'No sleepers', selected: false, value: '{{nosleepers}}' },
  { label: 'Stale', selected: false, value: '{{IPstale}}' },
  { label: 'No comment (IP)', selected: false, value: '{{ncip}}' }

/** @type {SelectOption[]} Templates that a clerk or admin might insert */
const spiHelperAdminTemplates = [
  { label: 'Admin/clerk templates', selected: true, value: '', disabled: true },
  { label: 'Duck', selected: false, value: '{{duck}}' },
  { label: 'Megaphone Duck', selected: false, value: '{{megaphone duck}}' },
  { label: 'Blocked and tagged', selected: false, value: '{{bnt}}' },
  { label: 'Blocked, no tags', selected: false, value: '{{bwt}}' },
  { label: 'Blocked, awaiting tags', selected: false, value: '{{sblock}}' },
  { label: 'Blocked, tagged, closed', selected: false, value: '{{btc}}' },
  { label: 'Diffs needed', selected: false, value: '{{DiffsNeeded|moreinfo}}' },
  { label: 'Locks requested', selected: false, value: '{{GlobalLocksRequested}}' }

// Regex to match the case status, group 1 is the actual status
const spiHelperCaseStatusRegex = /{{\s*SPI case status\s*\|?\s*(\S*?)\s*}}/i
// Regex to match closed case statuses (close or closed)
const spiHelperCaseClosedRegex = /^closed?$/i

const spiHelperClerkStatusRegex = /{{(CURequest|awaitingadmin|clerk ?request|(?:self|requestand|cu)?endorse|inprogress|decline(?:-ip)?|moreinfo|relisted|onhold)}}/i

const spiHelperSockSectionWithNewlineRegex = /====\s*Suspected sockpuppets\s*====\n*/i

const spiHelperAdminSectionWithPrecedingNewlinesRegex = /\n*\s*====\s*<big>Clerk, CheckUser, and\/or patrolling admin comments<\/big>\s*====\s*/i

const spiHelperCUBlockRegex = /{{(checkuserblock(-account|-wide)?|checkuser block)}}/i

const spiHelperArchiveNoticeRegex = /{{\s*SPI\s*archive notice\|(?:1=)?([^|]*?)(\|.*)?}}/i

const spiHelperPriorCasesRegex = /{{spipriorcases}}/i

// regex to remove hidden characters from form inputs - they mess up some things,
// especially mw.util.isIP
const spiHelperHiddenCharNormRegex = /\u200E/g

const spihelperAdvert = ' (using [[:w:en:User:GeneralNotability/spihelper|spihelper.js]])'

// The current wiki's interwiki prefix
const spiHelperInterwikiPrefix = spiHelperGetInterwikiPrefix()

// Map of active operations (used as a "dirty" flag for beforeunload)
// Values are strings representing the state - acceptable values are 'running', 'success', 'failed'
const spiHelperActiveOperations = new Map()

// Actually put the portlets in place if needed
if (mw.config.get('wgPageName').includes('Wikipedia:Sockpuppet_investigations/') &&
  !mw.config.get('wgPageName').includes('Wikipedia:Sockpuppet_investigations/SPI/') &&
  !mw.config.get('wgPageName').match('Wikipedia:Sockpuppet_investigations/.*/Archive.*')) {

// Main functions - do the meat of the processing and UI work

const spiHelperTopViewHTML = `
<div id="spiHelper_topViewDiv">
  <h3>Handling SPI case</h3>
  <select id="spiHelper_sectionSelect"></select>
  <h4 id="spiHelper_warning" class="spiHelper-errortext" hidden></h4>
    <li id="spiHelper_actionLine"  class="spiHelper_singleCaseOnly">
      <input type="checkbox" name="spiHelper_Case_Action" id="spiHelper_Case_Action" />
      <label for="spiHelper_Case_Action">Change case status</label>
    <li id="spiHelper_spiMgmtLine"  class="spiHelper_allCasesOnly">
      <input type="checkbox" id="spiHelper_SpiMgmt" />
      <label for="spiHelper_SpiMgmt">Change SPI options</label>
    <li id="spiHelper_blockLine" class="spiHelper_adminClerkClass">
      <input type="checkbox" name="spiHelper_BlockTag" id="spiHelper_BlockTag" />
      <label for="spiHelper_BlockTag">Block/tag socks</label>
    <li id="spiHelper_commentLine" class="spiHelper_singleCaseOnly">
      <input type="checkbox" name="spiHelper_Comment" id="spiHelper_Comment" />
      <label for="spiHelper_Comment">Note/comment</label>
    <li id="spiHelper_closeLine" class="spiHelper_adminClerkClass spiHelper_singleCaseOnly">
      <input type="checkbox" name="spiHelper_Close" id="spiHelper_Close")" />
      <label for="spiHelper_Close">Close case</label>
    <li id="spiHelper_moveLine" class="spiHelper_clerkClass">
      <input type="checkbox" name="spiHelper_Move" id="spiHelper_Move" />
      <label for="spiHelper_Move" id="spiHelper_moveLabel">Move/merge full case (Clerk only)</label>
    <li id="spiHelper_archiveLine" class="spiHelper_clerkClass">
      <input type="checkbox" name="spiHelper_Archive" id="spiHelper_Archive"/>
      <label for="spiHelper_Archive">Archive case (Clerk only)</label>
  <input type="button" id="spiHelper_GenerateForm" name="spiHelper_GenerateForm" value="Continue" onclick="spiHelperGenerateForm()" />

 * Initialization functions for spiHelper, displays the top-level menu
async function spiHelperInit () {
  'use strict'
  spiHelperCaseSections = await spiHelperGetInvestigationSectionIDs()

  // Load archivenotice params
  spiHelperArchiveNoticeParams = await spiHelperParseArchiveNotice(spiHelperPageName)

  // First, insert the template text

  // Narrow search scope
  const $topView = $('#spiHelper_topViewDiv', document)

  // Next, modify what's displayed
  // Set the block selection label based on whether or not the user is an admin
  $('#spiHelper_blockLabel', $topView).text(spiHelperIsAdmin() ? 'Block/tag socks' : 'Tag socks')

  // Wire up a couple of onclick handlers
  $('#spiHelper_Move', $topView).on('click', function () {
  $('#spiHelper_Archive', $topView).on('click', function () {

  // Generate the section selector
  const $sectionSelect = $('#spiHelper_sectionSelect', $topView)
  $sectionSelect.on('change', () => {

  // Add the dates to the selector
  for (let i = 0; i < spiHelperCaseSections.length; i++) {
    const s = spiHelperCaseSections[i]
  // All-sections selector...deliberately at the bottom, the default should be the first section
  $('<option>').val('all').text('All Sections').appendTo($sectionSelect)

  // Hide block and close from non-admin non-clerks
  if (!(spiHelperIsAdmin() || spiHelperIsClerk())) {
    $('.spiHelper_adminClerkClass', $topView).hide()

  // Hide move and archive from non-clerks
  if (!spiHelperIsClerk()) {
    $('.spiHelper_clerkClass', $topView).hide()

  // Set the checkboxes to their default states

const spiHelperActionViewHTML = `
<div id="spiHelper_actionViewDiv">
  <small><a id="spiHelper_backLink">Back to top menu</a></small>
  <br />
  <h3>Handling SPI case</h3>
  <div id="spiHelper_actionView">
    <h4>Changing case status</h4>
    <label for="spiHelper_CaseAction">New status:</label>
    <select id="spiHelper_CaseAction"></select>
  <div id="spiHelper_spiMgmtView">
    <h4>Changing SPI settings</h4>
        <input type="checkbox" id="spiHelper_spiMgmt_crosswiki" />
        <label for="spiHelper_spiMgmt_crosswiki">Case is crosswiki</label>
        <input type="checkbox" id="spiHelper_spiMgmt_deny" />
        <label for="spiHelper_spiMgmt_deny">Socks should not be tagged per DENY</label>
        <input type="checkbox" id="spiHelper_spiMgmt_notalk" />
        <label for="spiHelper_spiMgmt_notalk">Socks should have talk page and email access revoked due to past abuse</label>
  <div id="spiHelper_blockTagView">
    <h4 id="spiHelper_blockTagHeader">Blocking and tagging socks</h4>
      <li class="spiHelper_adminClass">
        <input type="checkbox" name="spiHelper_noblock" id="spiHelper_noblock" />
        <label for="spiHelper_noblock">Do not make any blocks (this overrides the individual "Blk" boxes below)</label>
      <li class="spiHelper_adminClass">
        <input type="checkbox" name="spiHelper_override" id="spiHelper_override" />
        <label for="spiHelper_override">Override any existing blocks</label>
      <li class="spiHelper_cuClass">
        <input type="checkbox" name="spiHelper_cublock" id="spiHelper_cublock" />
        <label for="spiHelper_cublock">Mark blocks as Checkuser blocks.</label>
      <li class="spiHelper_cuClass">
        <input type="checkbox" name="spiHelper_cublockonly" id="spiHelper_cublockonly" />
        <label for="spiHelper_cublockonly">
          Suppress the usual block summary and only use {{checkuserblock-account}} and {{checkuserblock}} (no effect if "mark blocks as CU blocks" is not checked).
      <li class="spiHelper_adminClass">
        <input type="checkbox" checked="checked" name="spiHelper_blocknoticemaster" id="spiHelper_blocknoticemaster" />
        <label for="spiHelper_blocknoticemaster">Add talk page notice when (re)blocking the sockmaster.</label>
      <li class="spiHelper_adminClass">
        <input type="checkbox" checked="checked" name="spiHelper_blocknoticesocks" id="spiHelper_blocknoticesocks" />
        <label for="spiHelper_blocknoticesocks">Add talk page notice when blocking socks.</label>
      <li class="spiHelper_adminClass">
        <input type="checkbox" name="spiHelper_blanktalk" id="spiHelper_blanktalk" />
        <label for="spiHelper_blanktalk">Blank the talk page when adding talk notices.</label>
        <input type="checkbox" name="spiHelper_hidelocknames" id="spiHelper_hidelocknames" />
        <label for="spiHelper_hidelocknames">Hide usernames when requesting global locks.</label>
    <table id="spiHelper_blockTable" style="border-collapse:collapse;">
        <th class="spiHelper_adminClass"><span title="Block user" class="rt-commentedText spihelper-hovertext">Blk?</span></th>
        <th class="spiHelper_adminClass"><span title="Block duration" class="rt-commentedText spihelper-hovertext">Duration</span></th>
        <th class="spiHelper_adminClass"><span title="Account creation blocked" class="rt-commentedText spihelper-hovertext">ACB</span></th>
        <th class="spiHelper_adminClass"><span title="Autoblock (for logged-in users)/Anonymous-only (for IPs)" class="rt-commentedText spihelper-hovertext">AB/AO</span></th>
        <th class="spiHelper_adminClass"><span title="Disable talk page access" class="rt-commentedText spihelper-hovertext">NTP</span></th>
        <th class="spiHelper_adminClass"><span title="Disable email" class="rt-commentedText spihelper-hovertext">NEM</span></th>
        <th><span title="Tag the user with a suspected alternate master" class="rt-commentedText spihelper-hovertext">Alt Master</span></th>
        <th><span title="Request a global lock at Meta:SRG" class="rt-commentedText spihelper-hovertext">Req Lock?</span></th>
      <tr style="border-bottom:2px solid black">
        <td style="text-align:center;">(All users)</td>
        <td class="spiHelper_adminClass"><input type="checkbox" id="spiHelper_block_doblock"/></td>
        <td class="spiHelper_adminClass"></td>
        <td class="spiHelper_adminClass"><input type="checkbox" id="spiHelper_block_acb" checked="checked"/></td>
        <td class="spiHelper_adminClass"><input type="checkbox" id="spiHelper_block_ab" checked="checked"/></td>
        <td class="spiHelper_adminClass"><input type="checkbox" id="spiHelper_block_tp"/></td>
        <td class="spiHelper_adminClass"><input type="checkbox" id="spiHelper_block_email"/></td>
        <td><select id="spiHelper_block_tag"></select></td>
        <td><select id="spiHelper_block_tag_altmaster"></select></td>
        <td><input type="checkbox" name="spiHelper_block_lock_all" id="spiHelper_block_lock"/></td>
    <span><input type="button" id="moreSerks" value="Add Row" onclick="spiHelperAddBlankUserLine();"/></span>
  <div id="spiHelper_closeView">
    <h4>Marking case as closed</h4>
    <input type="checkbox" checked="checked" id="spiHelper_CloseCase" />
    <label for="spiHelper_CloseCase">Close this SPI case</label>
  <div id="spiHelper_moveView">
    <h4 id="spiHelper_moveHeader">Move section</h4>
    <label for="spiHelper_moveTarget">New sockmaster username: </label>
    <input type="text" name="spiHelper_moveTarget" id="spiHelper_moveTarget" />
  <div id="spiHelper_archiveView">
    <h4>Archiving case</h4>
    <input type="checkbox" checked="checked" name="spiHelper_ArchiveCase" id="spiHelper_ArchiveCase" />
    <label for="spiHelper_ArchiveCase">Archive this SPI case</label>
  <div id="spiHelper_commentView">
      <select id="spiHelper_noteSelect"></select>
      <select class="spiHelper_adminClerkClass" id="spiHelper_adminSelect"></select>
      <select class="spiHelper_cuClass" id="spiHelper_cuSelect"></select>
      <label for="spiHelper_CommentText">Comment:</label>
      <textarea rows="3" cols="80" id="spiHelper_CommentText">*</textarea>
      <div><a id="spiHelper_previewLink">Preview</a></div>
    <div class="spihelper-previewbox" id="spiHelper_previewBox" hidden></div>
  <input type="button" id="spiHelper_performActions" value="Done" />
 * Big function to generate the SPI form from the top-level menu selections
 * Would fail ESlint no-unused-vars due to only being
 * referenced in an onclick event
 * @return {Promise<void>}
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
async function spiHelperGenerateForm () {
  'use strict'
  spiHelperUserCount = 0
  const $topView = $('#spiHelper_topViewDiv', document)
  spiHelperActionsSelected.Case_act = $('#spiHelper_Case_Action', $topView).prop('checked')
  spiHelperActionsSelected.Block = $('#spiHelper_BlockTag', $topView).prop('checked')
  spiHelperActionsSelected.Note = $('#spiHelper_Comment', $topView).prop('checked')
  spiHelperActionsSelected.Close = $('#spiHelper_Close', $topView).prop('checked')
  spiHelperActionsSelected.Rename = $('#spiHelper_Move', $topView).prop('checked')
  spiHelperActionsSelected.Archive = $('#spiHelper_Archive', $topView).prop('checked')
  spiHelperActionsSelected.SpiMgmt = $('#spiHelper_SpiMgmt', $topView).prop('checked')
  const pagetext = await spiHelperGetPageText(spiHelperPageName, false, spiHelperSectionId)
  if (!(spiHelperActionsSelected.Case_act ||
    spiHelperActionsSelected.Note || spiHelperActionsSelected.Close ||
    spiHelperActionsSelected.Archive || spiHelperActionsSelected.Block ||
    spiHelperActionsSelected.Rename || spiHelperActionsSelected.SpiMgmt)) {


  // Reduce the scope that jquery operates on
  const $actionView = $('#spiHelper_actionViewDiv', document)

  // Wire up the action view
  $('#spiHelper_backLink', $actionView).on('click', () => {
  if (spiHelperActionsSelected.Case_act) {
    const result = spiHelperCaseStatusRegex.exec(pagetext)
    let casestatus = ''
    if (result) {
      casestatus = result[1]
    const canAddCURequest = (casestatus === '' || /^(?:admin|moreinfo|cumoreinfo|hold|cuhold|clerk|open)$/i.test(casestatus))
    const cuRequested = /^(?:CU|checkuser|CUrequest|request|cumoreinfo)$/i.test(casestatus)
    const cuEndorsed = /^(?:endorse(d)?)$/i.test(casestatus)
    const cuCompleted = /^(?:inprogress|checking|relist(ed)?|checked|completed|declined?|cudeclin(ed)?)$/i.test(casestatus)

    /** @type {SelectOption[]} Generated array of values for the case status select box */
    const selectOpts = [
      { label: 'No action', value: 'noaction', selected: true }
    if (spiHelperCaseClosedRegex.test(casestatus)) {
      selectOpts.push({ label: 'Reopen', value: 'reopen', selected: false })
    } else if (spiHelperIsClerk() && casestatus === 'clerk') {
      // Allow clerks to change the status from clerk to open.
      // Used when clerk assistance has been given and the case previously had the status 'open'.
      selectOpts.push({ label: 'Mark as open', value: 'open', selected: false })
    } else if (spiHelperIsAdmin() && casestatus === 'admin') {
      // Allow admins to change the status to open from admin
      // Used when admin assistance has been given to the non-admin clerk and the case previously had the status 'open'.
      selectOpts.push({ label: 'Mark as open', value: 'open', selected: false })
    if (spiHelperIsCheckuser()) {
      selectOpts.push({ label: 'Mark as in progress', value: 'inprogress', selected: false })
    if (spiHelperIsClerk() || spiHelperIsAdmin()) {
      selectOpts.push({ label: 'Request more information', value: 'moreinfo', selected: false })
    if (canAddCURequest) {
      // Statuses only available if the case could be moved to "CU requested"
      selectOpts.push({ label: 'Request CU', value: 'CUrequest', selected: false })
      if (spiHelperIsClerk()) {
        selectOpts.push({ label: 'Request CU and self-endorse', value: 'selfendorse', selected: false })
    // CU already requested
    if (cuRequested && spiHelperIsClerk()) {
      // Statuses only available if CU has been requested, only clerks + CUs should use these
      selectOpts.push({ label: 'Endorse for CU attention', value: 'endorse', selected: false })
      // Switch the decline option depending on whether the user is a checkuser
      if (spiHelperIsCheckuser()) {
        selectOpts.push({ label: 'Endorse CU as a CheckUser', value: 'cuendorse', selected: false })
      if (spiHelperIsCheckuser()) {
        selectOpts.push({ label: 'Decline CU', value: 'cudecline', selected: false })
      } else {
        selectOpts.push({ label: 'Decline CU', value: 'decline', selected: false })
      selectOpts.push({ label: 'Request more information for CU', value: 'cumoreinfo', selected: false })
    } else if (cuEndorsed && spiHelperIsCheckuser()) {
      // Let checkusers decline endorsed cases
      if (spiHelperIsCheckuser()) {
        selectOpts.push({ label: 'Decline CU', value: 'cudecline', selected: false })
      selectOpts.push({ label: 'Request more information for CU', value: 'cumoreinfo', selected: false })
    // This is mostly a CU function, but let's let clerks and admins set it
    //  in case the CU forgot (or in case we're un-closing))
    if (spiHelperIsAdmin() || spiHelperIsClerk()) {
      selectOpts.push({ label: 'Mark as checked', value: 'checked', selected: false })
    if (spiHelperIsClerk() && cuCompleted) {
      selectOpts.push({ label: 'Relist for another check', value: 'relist', selected: false })
    if (spiHelperIsCheckuser()) {
      selectOpts.push({ label: 'Place case on CU hold', value: 'cuhold', selected: false })
    } else { // I guess it's okay for anyone to have this option
      selectOpts.push({ label: 'Place case on hold', value: 'hold', selected: false })
    selectOpts.push({ label: 'Request clerk action', value: 'clerk', selected: false })
    // I think this is only useful for non-admin clerks to ask admins to do stuff
    if (!spiHelperIsAdmin() && spiHelperIsClerk()) {
      selectOpts.push({ label: 'Request admin action', value: 'admin', selected: false })
    // Generate the case action options
    spiHelperGenerateSelect('spiHelper_CaseAction', selectOpts)
    // Add the onclick handler to the drop-down
    $('#spiHelper_CaseAction', $actionView).on('change', function (e) {
  } else {
    $('#spiHelper_actionView', $actionView).hide()

  if (spiHelperActionsSelected.SpiMgmt) {
    const $xwikiBox = $('#spiHelper_spiMgmt_crosswiki', $actionView)
    const $denyBox = $('#spiHelper_spiMgmt_deny', $actionView)
    const $notalkBox = $('#spiHelper_spiMgmt_notalk', $actionView)

    $xwikiBox.prop('checked', spiHelperArchiveNoticeParams.xwiki)
    $denyBox.prop('checked', spiHelperArchiveNoticeParams.deny)
    $notalkBox.prop('checked', spiHelperArchiveNoticeParams.notalk)
  } else {
    $('#spiHelper_spiMgmtView', $actionView).hide()

  if (spiHelperActionsSelected.Block) {
    if (spiHelperIsAdmin()) {
      $('#spiHelper_blockTagHeader', $actionView).text('Blocking and tagging socks')
    } else {
      $('#spiHelper_blockTagHeader', $actionView).text('Tagging socks')
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape
    const checkuserRegex = /{{\s*check(?:user|ip)\s*\|\s*(?:1=)?\s*([^\|}]*?)\s*(?:\|master name\s*=\s*.*)?}}/gi
    const results = pagetext.match(checkuserRegex)
    const likelyusers = []
    const likelyips = []
    const possibleusers = []
    const possibleips = []
    if (results) {
      for (let i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
        const username = spiHelperNormalizeUsername(results[i].replace(checkuserRegex, '$1'))
        const isIP = mw.util.isIPAddress(username, true)
        if (!isIP && !likelyusers.includes(username)) {
        } else if (isIP && !likelyips.includes(username)) {
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape
    const userRegex = /{{\s*(?:user|vandal|IP|noping|noping2)[^\|}{]*?\s*\|\s*(?:1=)?\s*([^\|}]*?)\s*}}/gi
    const userresults = pagetext.match(userRegex)
    if (userresults) {
      for (let i = 0; i < userresults.length; i++) {
        const username = spiHelperNormalizeUsername(userresults[i].replace(userRegex, '$1'))
        if (mw.util.isIPAddress(username, true) && !possibleips.includes(username) &&
          !likelyips.includes(username)) {
        } else if (!possibleusers.includes(username) &&
          !likelyusers.includes(username)) {
    // Wire up the "select all" options
    $('#spiHelper_block_doblock', $actionView).on('click', function (e) {
    $('#spiHelper_block_acb', $actionView).on('click', function (e) {
    $('#spiHelper_block_ab', $actionView).on('click', function (e) {
    $('#spiHelper_block_tp', $actionView).on('click', function (e) {
    $('#spiHelper_block_email', $actionView).on('click', function (e) {
    $('#spiHelper_block_lock', $actionView).on('click', function (e) {
    $('#spiHelper_block_lock', $actionView).on('click', function (e) {
    spiHelperGenerateSelect('spiHelper_block_tag', spiHelperTagOptions)
    $('#spiHelper_block_tag', $actionView).on('change', function (e) {
    spiHelperGenerateSelect('spiHelper_block_tag_altmaster', spiHelperAltMasterTagOptions)
    $('#spiHelper_block_tag_altmaster', $actionView).on('change', function (e) {
    $('#spiHelper_block_lock', $actionView).on('click', function (e) {

    for (let i = 0; i < likelyusers.length; i++) {
      await spiHelperGenerateBlockTableLine(likelyusers[i], true, spiHelperUserCount)
    for (let i = 0; i < likelyips.length; i++) {
      await spiHelperGenerateBlockTableLine(likelyips[i], true, spiHelperUserCount)
    for (let i = 0; i < possibleusers.length; i++) {
      await spiHelperGenerateBlockTableLine(possibleusers[i], false, spiHelperUserCount)
    for (let i = 0; i < possibleips.length; i++) {
      await spiHelperGenerateBlockTableLine(possibleips[i], false, spiHelperUserCount)
  } else {
    $('#spiHelper_blockTagView', $actionView).hide()
  if (!spiHelperActionsSelected.Close) {
    $('#spiHelper_closeView', $actionView).hide()
  if (spiHelperActionsSelected.Rename) {
    if (spiHelperSectionId) {
      $('#spiHelper_moveHeader', $actionView).text('Move section "' + spiHelperSectionName + '"')
    } else {
      $('#spiHelper_moveHeader', $actionView).text('Move/merge full case')
  } else {
    $('#spiHelper_moveView', $actionView).hide()

  if (!spiHelperActionsSelected.Archive) {
    $('#spiHelper_archiveView', $actionView).hide()

  // Only give the option to comment if we selected a specific section
  if (spiHelperSectionId) {
    // generate the note prefixes
    /** @type {SelectOption[]} */
    const spiHelperNoteTemplates = [
      { label: 'Comment templates', selected: true, value: '', disabled: true }
    if (spiHelperIsClerk()) {
      spiHelperNoteTemplates.push({ label: 'Clerk note', selected: false, value: 'clerknote' })
    if (spiHelperIsAdmin()) {
      spiHelperNoteTemplates.push({ label: 'Administrator note', selected: false, value: 'adminnote' })
    if (spiHelperIsCheckuser()) {
      spiHelperNoteTemplates.push({ label: 'CU note', selected: false, value: 'cunote' })
    spiHelperNoteTemplates.push({ label: 'Note', selected: false, value: 'takenote' })

    // Wire up the select boxes
    spiHelperGenerateSelect('spiHelper_noteSelect', spiHelperNoteTemplates)
    $('#spiHelper_noteSelect', $actionView).on('change', function (e) {
    spiHelperGenerateSelect('spiHelper_adminSelect', spiHelperAdminTemplates)
    $('#spiHelper_adminSelect', $actionView).on('change', function (e) {
    spiHelperGenerateSelect('spiHelper_cuSelect', spiHelperCUTemplates)
    $('#spiHelper_cuSelect', $actionView).on('change', function (e) {
    $('#spiHelper_previewLink', $actionView).on('click', function () {
  } else {
    $('#spiHelper_commentView', $actionView).hide()
  // Wire up the submit button
  $('#spiHelper_performActions', $actionView).on('click', () => {


async function updateForRole () {
  const $actionView = $('#spiHelper_actionViewDiv', document)
  // Hide items based on role
  if (!spiHelperIsCheckuser()) {
    // Hide CU options from non-CUs
    $('.spiHelper_cuClass', $actionView).hide()
  if (!spiHelperIsAdmin()) {
    // Hide block options from non-admins
    $('.spiHelper_adminClass', $actionView).hide()
  if (!(spiHelperIsAdmin() || spiHelperIsClerk())) {
    $('.spiHelper_adminClerkClass', $actionView).hide()

 * Archives everything on the page that's eligible for archiving
async function spiHelperOneClickArchive () {
  'use strict'
  spiHelperActiveOperations.set('oneClickArchive', 'running')

  const pagetext = await spiHelperGetPageText(spiHelperPageName, false)
  spiHelperCaseSections = await spiHelperGetInvestigationSectionIDs()
  if (!spiHelperSectionRegex.test(pagetext)) {
    alert('Looks like the page has been archived already.')
    spiHelperActiveOperations.set('oneClickArchive', 'successful')
  displayMessage('<ul id="spiHelper_status"/>')
  await spiHelperArchiveCase()
  await spiHelperPurgePage(spiHelperPageName)
  const logMessage = '* [[' + spiHelperPageName + ']]: used one-click archiver ~~~~~'
  if (spiHelperSettings.log) {
  $('#spiHelper_status', document).append($('<li>').text('Done!'))
  spiHelperActiveOperations.set('oneClickArchive', 'successful')

 * Another "meaty" function - goes through the action selections and executes them
async function spiHelperPerformActions () {
  'use strict'
  spiHelperActiveOperations.set('mainActions', 'running')

  // Again, reduce the search scope
  const $actionView = $('#spiHelper_actionViewDiv', document)

  // set up a few function-scoped vars
  let comment = ''
  let cuBlock = false
  let cuBlockOnly = false
  let newCaseStatus = 'noaction'
  let renameTarget = ''

  /** @type {boolean} */
  const blankTalk = $('#spiHelper_blanktalk', $actionView).prop('checked')
  /** @type {boolean} */
  const overrideExisting = $('#spiHelper_override', $actionView).prop('checked')
  /** @type {boolean} */
  const hideLockNames = $('#spiHelper_hidelocknames', $actionView).prop('checked')

  if (spiHelperActionsSelected.Case_act) {
    newCaseStatus = $('#spiHelper_CaseAction', $actionView).val().toString()
  if (spiHelperActionsSelected.SpiMgmt) {
    spiHelperArchiveNoticeParams.deny = $('#spiHelper_spiMgmt_deny', $actionView).prop('checked')
    spiHelperArchiveNoticeParams.xwiki = $('#spiHelper_spiMgmt_crosswiki', $actionView).prop('checked')
    spiHelperArchiveNoticeParams.notalk = $('#spiHelper_spiMgmt_notalk', $actionView).prop('checked')
  if (spiHelperSectionId) {
    comment = $('#spiHelper_CommentText', $actionView).val().toString()
  if (spiHelperActionsSelected.Block) {
    if (spiHelperIsCheckuser()) {
      cuBlock = $('#spiHelper_cublock', $actionView).prop('checked')
      cuBlockOnly = $('#spiHelper_cublockonly', $actionView).prop('checked')
    if (spiHelperIsAdmin() && !$('#spiHelper_noblock', $actionView).prop('checked')) {
      const masterNotice = $('#spiHelper_blocknoticemaster', $actionView).prop('checked')
      const sockNotice = $('#spiHelper_blocknoticesocks', $actionView).prop('checked')
      for (let i = 1; i <= spiHelperUserCount; i++) {
        if ($('#spiHelper_block_doblock' + i, $actionView).prop('checked')) {
          if (!$('#spiHelper_block_username' + i, $actionView).val().toString()) {
            // Skip blank usernames, empty string is falsey
          let noticetype = ''

          const username = spiHelperNormalizeUsername($('#spiHelper_block_username' + i, $actionView).val().toString())

          if (masterNotice && ($('#spiHelper_block_tag' + i, $actionView).val().toString().includes('master') ||
                spiHelperNormalizeUsername(spiHelperCaseName) === username)) {
            noticetype = 'master'
          } else if (sockNotice) {
            noticetype = 'sock'

          /** @type {BlockEntry} */
          const item = {
            username: username,
            duration: $('#spiHelper_block_duration' + i, $actionView).val().toString(),
            acb: $('#spiHelper_block_acb' + i, $actionView).prop('checked'),
            ab: $('#spiHelper_block_ab' + i, $actionView).prop('checked'),
            ntp: $('#spiHelper_block_tp' + i, $actionView).prop('checked'),
            nem: $('#spiHelper_block_email' + i, $actionView).prop('checked'),
            tpn: noticetype
        if ($('#spiHelper_block_lock' + i, $actionView).prop('checked')) {
          spiHelperGlobalLocks.push($('#spiHelper_block_username' + i, $actionView).val().toString())
        if ($('#spiHelper_block_tag' + i).val() !== '') {
          if (!$('#spiHelper_block_username' + i, $actionView).val().toString()) {
            // Skip blank entries
          const item = {
            username: spiHelperNormalizeUsername($('#spiHelper_block_username' + i, $actionView).val().toString()),
            tag: $('#spiHelper_block_tag' + i, $actionView).val().toString(),
            altmasterTag: $('#spiHelper_block_tag_altmaster' + i, $actionView).val().toString(),
            blocking: $('#spiHelper_block_doblock' + i, $actionView).prop('checked')
    } else {
      for (let i = 1; i <= spiHelperUserCount; i++) {
        if (!$('#spiHelper_block_username' + i, $actionView).val().toString()) {
          // Skip blank entries
        if ($('#spiHelper_block_tag' + i, $actionView).val() !== '') {
          const item = {
            username: spiHelperNormalizeUsername($('#spiHelper_block_username' + i, $actionView).val().toString()),
            tag: $('#spiHelper_block_tag' + i, $actionView).val().toString(),
            altmasterTag: $('#spiHelper_block_tag_altmaster' + i, $actionView).val().toString(),
            blocking: false
        if ($('#spiHelper_block_lock' + i, $actionView).prop('checked')) {
          spiHelperGlobalLocks.push(spiHelperNormalizeUsername($('#spiHelper_block_username' + i, $actionView).val().toString()))
  if (spiHelperActionsSelected.Close) {
    spiHelperActionsSelected.Close = $('#spiHelper_CloseCase', $actionView).prop('checked')
  if (spiHelperActionsSelected.Rename) {
    renameTarget = spiHelperNormalizeUsername($('#spiHelper_moveTarget', $actionView).val().toString())
  if (spiHelperActionsSelected.Archive) {
    spiHelperActionsSelected.Archive = $('#spiHelper_ArchiveCase', $actionView).prop('checked')

  displayMessage('<ul id="spiHelper_status" />')

  const $statusAnchor = $('#spiHelper_status', document)

  let sectionText = await spiHelperGetPageText(spiHelperPageName, true, spiHelperSectionId)
  let editsummary = ''
  let logMessage = '* [[' + spiHelperPageName + ']]'
  if (spiHelperSectionId) {
    logMessage += ' (section ' + spiHelperSectionName + ')'
  } else {
    logMessage += ' (full case)'
  logMessage += ' ~~~~~'

  if (spiHelperSectionId !== null) {
    let caseStatusResult = spiHelperCaseStatusRegex.exec(sectionText)
    if (caseStatusResult === null) {
      sectionText = sectionText.replace('===', '{{SPI case status|}}\n===')
      caseStatusResult = spiHelperCaseStatusRegex.exec(sectionText)
    const oldCaseStatus = caseStatusResult[1] || 'open'
    if (newCaseStatus === 'noaction') {
      newCaseStatus = oldCaseStatus

    if (spiHelperActionsSelected.Case_act && newCaseStatus !== 'noaction') {
      switch (newCaseStatus) {
        case 'reopen':
          newCaseStatus = 'open'
          editsummary = 'Reopening'
        case 'open':
          editsummary = 'Marking request as open'
        case 'CUrequest':
          editsummary = 'Adding checkuser request'
        case 'admin':
          editsummary = 'Requesting admin action'
        case 'clerk':
          editsummary = 'Requesting clerk action'
        case 'selfendorse':
          newCaseStatus = 'endorse'
          editsummary = 'Adding checkuser request (self-endorsed for checkuser attention)'
        case 'checked':
          editsummary = 'Marking request as checked'
        case 'inprogress':
          editsummary = 'Marking request in progress'
        case 'decline':
          editsummary = 'Declining checkuser'
        case 'cudecline':
          editsummary = 'CU declining checkuser'
        case 'endorse':
          editsummary = 'Endorsing for checkuser attention'
        case 'cuendorse':
          editsummary = 'CU endorsing for checkuser attention'
        case 'moreinfo': // Intentional fallthrough
        case 'cumoreinfo':
          editsummary = 'Requesting additional information'
        case 'relist':
          editsummary = 'Relisting case for another check'
        case 'hold':
          editsummary = 'Putting case on hold'
        case 'cuhold':
          editsummary = 'Placing checkuser request on hold'
        case 'noaction':
          // Do nothing
          console.error('Unexpected case status value ' + newCaseStatus)
      logMessage += '\n** changed case status from ' + oldCaseStatus + ' to ' + newCaseStatus

  if (spiHelperActionsSelected.SpiMgmt) {
    const newArchiveNotice = spiHelperMakeNewArchiveNotice(spiHelperCaseName, spiHelperArchiveNoticeParams)
    sectionText = sectionText.replace(spiHelperArchiveNoticeRegex, newArchiveNotice)
    if (editsummary) {
      editsummary += ', update archivenotice'
    } else {
      editsummary = 'Update archivenotice'
    logMessage += '\n** Updated archivenotice'

  if (spiHelperActionsSelected.Block) {
    let sockmaster = ''
    let altmaster = ''
    let needsAltmaster = false
    spiHelperTags.forEach(async (tagEntry) => {
      // we do not support tagging IPs
      if (mw.util.isIPAddress(tagEntry.username, true)) {
        // Skip, this is an IP
      if (tagEntry.tag.includes('master')) {
        sockmaster = tagEntry.username
      if (tagEntry.altmasterTag !== '') {
        needsAltmaster = true
    if (sockmaster === '') {
      sockmaster = prompt('Please enter the name of the sockmaster: ', spiHelperCaseName) || spiHelperCaseName
    if (needsAltmaster) {
      altmaster = prompt('Please enter the name of the alternate sockmaster: ', spiHelperCaseName) || spiHelperCaseName

    let blockedList = ''
    if (spiHelperIsAdmin()) {
      spiHelperBlocks.forEach(async (blockEntry) => {
        const blockReason = await spiHelperGetUserBlockReason(blockEntry.username)
        if (!spiHelperIsCheckuser() && overrideExisting &&
          spiHelperCUBlockRegex.exec(blockReason)) {
          // If you're not a checkuser, we've asked to overwrite existing blocks, and the block
          // target has a CU block on them, check whether that was intended
          if (!confirm('User ' + blockEntry.username + ' appears to be CheckUser-blocked, are you SURE you want to re-block them?\n' +
            'Current block message:\n' + blockReason
          )) {
        const isIP = mw.util.isIPAddress(blockEntry.username, true)
        const isIPRange = isIP && !mw.util.isIPAddress(blockEntry.username, false)
        let blockSummary = 'Abusing [[WP:SOCK|multiple accounts]]: Please see: [[' + spiHelperInterwikiPrefix + spiHelperPageName + ']]'
        if (spiHelperIsCheckuser() && cuBlock) {
          const cublockTemplate = isIP ? ('{{checkuserblock}}') : ('{{checkuserblock-account}}')
          if (cuBlockOnly) {
            blockSummary = cublockTemplate
          } else {
            blockSummary = cublockTemplate + ': ' + blockSummary
        } else if (isIPRange) {
          blockSummary = '{{rangeblock| ' + blockSummary +
            (blockEntry.acb ? '' : '|create=yes') + '}}'
        const blockSuccess = await spiHelperBlockUser(
          (isIP ? blockEntry.ab : false),
          (isIP ? false : blockEntry.ab),
        if (!blockSuccess) {
          // Don't add a block notice if we failed to block
          if (blockEntry.tpn) {
            // Also warn the user if we were going to post a block notice on their talk page
            const $statusLine = $('<li>').appendTo($('#spiHelper_status', document))
            $statusLine.addClass('spiHelper-errortext').html('<b>Block failed on ' + blockEntry.username + ', not adding talk page notice</b>')
        if (blockedList) {
          blockedList += ', '
        blockedList += '{{noping|' + blockEntry.username + '}}'

        if (isIPRange) {
          // There isn't really a talk page for an IP range, so return here before we reach that section
        // Talk page notice
        if (blockEntry.tpn) {
          let newText = ''
          let isSock = blockEntry.tpn.includes('sock')
          // Hacky workaround for when we didn't make a master tag
          if (isSock && blockEntry.username === spiHelperNormalizeUsername(sockmaster)) {
            isSock = false
          if (isSock) {
            newText = '== Blocked as a sockpuppet ==\n'
          } else {
            newText = '== Blocked for sockpuppetry ==\n'
          newText += '{{subst:uw-sockblock|spi=' + spiHelperCaseName
          if (blockEntry.duration === 'indefinite' || blockEntry.duration === 'infinity') {
            newText += '|indef=yes'
          } else {
            newText += '|duration=' + blockEntry.duration
          if (blockEntry.ntp) {
            newText += '|notalk=yes'
          newText += '|sig=yes'
          if (isSock) {
            newText += '|master=' + sockmaster
          newText += '}}'

          if (!blankTalk) {
            const oldtext = await spiHelperGetPageText('User talk:' + blockEntry.username, true)
            if (oldtext !== '') {
              newText = oldtext + '\n' + newText
          // Hardcode the watch setting to 'nochange' since we will have either watched or not watched based on the _boolean_
          // watchBlockedUser
          spiHelperEditPage('User talk:' + blockEntry.username,
            newText, 'Adding sockpuppetry block notice per [[' + spiHelperGetInterwikiPrefix() + spiHelperPageName + ']]', false, 'nochange')
    if (blockedList) {
      logMessage += '\n** blocked ' + blockedList

    let tagged = ''
    if (sockmaster) {
      // Whether we should purge sock pages (needed when we create a category)
      let needsPurge = false
      // True for each we need to check if the respective category (e.g.
      // "Suspected sockpuppets of Test") exists
      let checkConfirmedCat = false
      let checkSuspectedCat = false
      let checkAltSuspectedCat = false
      let checkAltConfirmedCat = false
      spiHelperTags.forEach(async (tagEntry) => {
        if (mw.util.isIPAddress(tagEntry.username, true)) {
          return // do not support tagging IPs
        let tagText = ''
        let altmasterName = ''
        let altmasterTag = ''
        if (altmaster !== '' && tagEntry.altmasterTag !== '') {
          altmasterName = altmaster
          altmasterTag = tagEntry.altmasterTag
          switch (altmasterTag) {
            case 'suspected':
              checkAltSuspectedCat = true
            case 'proven':
              checkAltConfirmedCat = true
        let isMaster = false
        let tag = ''
        let checked = ''
        switch (tagEntry.tag) {
          case 'blocked':
            tag = 'blocked'
            checkSuspectedCat = true
          case 'proven':
            tag = 'proven'
            checkConfirmedCat = true
          case 'confirmed':
            tag = 'confirmed'
            checkConfirmedCat = true
          case 'master':
            tag = 'blocked'
            isMaster = true
          case 'sockmasterchecked':
            tag = 'blocked'
            checked = 'yes'
            isMaster = true
          case 'bannedmaster':
            tag = 'banned'
            checked = 'yes'
            isMaster = true
        const isLocked = await spiHelperIsUserGloballyLocked(tagEntry.username) ? 'yes' : 'no'
        let isNotBlocked
        // If this account is going to be blocked, force isNotBlocked to 'no' - it's possible that the
        // block hasn't gone through by the time we reach this point
        if (tagEntry.blocking) {
          isNotBlocked = 'no'
        } else {
          // Otherwise, query whether the user is blocked
          isNotBlocked = await spiHelperGetUserBlockReason(tagEntry.username) ? 'no' : 'yes'
        if (isMaster) {
          // Not doing SPI or LTA fields for now - those auto-detect right now
          // and I'm not sure if setting them to empty would mess that up
          tagText += `{{sockpuppeteer
| 1 = ${tag}
| checked = ${checked}
| locked = ${isLocked}
        // Not if-else because we tag something as both sock and master if they're a
        // sockmaster and have a suspected altmaster
        if (!isMaster || altmasterName) {
          let sockmasterName = sockmaster
          if (altmasterName && isMaster) {
            // If we have an altmaster and we're the master, swap a few values around
            sockmasterName = altmasterName
            tag = altmasterTag
            altmasterName = ''
            altmasterTag = ''
            tagText += '\n'
          tagText += `{{sockpuppet
| 1 = ${sockmasterName}
| 2 = ${tag}
| locked = ${isLocked}
| notblocked = ${isNotBlocked}
| altmaster = ${altmasterName}
| altmaster-status = ${altmasterTag}
        spiHelperEditPage('User:' + tagEntry.username, tagText, 'Adding sockpuppetry tag per [[' + spiHelperGetInterwikiPrefix() + spiHelperPageName + ']]',
          false, spiHelperSettings.watchTaggedUser, spiHelperSettings.watchTaggedUserExpiry)
        if (tagged) {
          tagged += ', '
        tagged += '{{noping|' + tagEntry.username + '}}'
      if (tagged) {
        logMessage += '\n** tagged ' + tagged

      if (checkAltConfirmedCat) {
        const catname = 'Category:Wikipedia sockpuppets of ' + altmaster
        const cattext = await spiHelperGetPageText(catname, false)
        // Empty text means the page doesn't exist - create it
        if (!cattext) {
          await spiHelperEditPage(catname, '{{sockpuppet category}}',
            'Creating sockpuppet category per [[' + spiHelperGetInterwikiPrefix() + spiHelperPageName + ']]',
            true, spiHelperSettings.watchNewCats, spiHelperSettings.watchNewCatsExpiry)
          needsPurge = true
      if (checkAltSuspectedCat) {
        const catname = 'Category:Suspected Wikipedia sockpuppets of ' + altmaster
        const cattext = await spiHelperGetPageText(catname, false)
        if (!cattext) {
          await spiHelperEditPage(catname, '{{sockpuppet category}}',
            'Creating sockpuppet category per [[' + spiHelperGetInterwikiPrefix() + spiHelperPageName + ']]',
            true, spiHelperSettings.watchNewCats, spiHelperSettings.watchNewCatsExpiry)
          needsPurge = true
      if (checkConfirmedCat) {
        const catname = 'Category:Wikipedia sockpuppets of ' + sockmaster
        const cattext = await spiHelperGetPageText(catname, false)
        if (!cattext) {
          await spiHelperEditPage(catname, '{{sockpuppet category}}',
            'Creating sockpuppet category per [[' + spiHelperGetInterwikiPrefix() + spiHelperPageName + ']]',
            true, spiHelperSettings.watchNewCats, spiHelperSettings.watchNewCatsExpiry)
          needsPurge = true
      if (checkSuspectedCat) {
        const catname = 'Category:Suspected Wikipedia sockpuppets of ' + sockmaster
        const cattext = await spiHelperGetPageText(catname, false)
        if (!cattext) {
          await spiHelperEditPage(catname, '{{sockpuppet category}}',
            'Creating sockpuppet category per [[' + spiHelperGetInterwikiPrefix() + spiHelperPageName + ']]',
            true, spiHelperSettings.watchNewCats, spiHelperSettings.watchNewCatsExpiry)
          needsPurge = true
      // Purge the sock pages if we created a category (to get rid of
      // the issue where the page says "click here to create category"
      // when the category was created after the page)
      if (needsPurge) {
        spiHelperTags.forEach((tagEntry) => {
          if (mw.util.isIPAddress(tagEntry.username, true)) {
            // Skip, this is an IP
          if (!tagEntry.tag && !tagEntry.altmasterTag) {
            // Skip, not tagged
          // Not bothering with an await, no need for async behavior here
          spiHelperPurgePage('User:' + tagEntry.username)
    if (spiHelperGlobalLocks.length > 0) {
      let locked = ''
      let templateContent = ''
      let matchCount = 0
      spiHelperGlobalLocks.forEach(async (globalLockEntry) => {
        // do not support locking IPs (those are global blocks, not
        // locks, and are handled a bit differently)
        if (mw.util.isIPAddress(globalLockEntry, true)) {
        templateContent += '|' + (matchCount + 1) + '=' + globalLockEntry
        if (locked) {
          locked += ', '
        locked += '{{noping|1=' + globalLockEntry + '}}'

      if (matchCount > 0) {
        if (hideLockNames) {
          // If requested, hide locked names
          templateContent += '|hidename=1'
        // Parts of this code were adapted from https://github.com/Xi-Plus/twinkle-global
        let lockTemplate = ''
        if (matchCount === 1) {
          lockTemplate = '* {{LockHide' + templateContent + '}}'
        } else {
          lockTemplate = '* {{MultiLock' + templateContent + '}}'
        if (!sockmaster) {
          sockmaster = prompt('Please enter the name of the sockmaster: ', spiHelperCaseName) || spiHelperCaseName
        const lockComment = prompt('Please enter a comment for the global lock request (optional):', '') || ''
        const heading = hideLockNames ? 'sockpuppet(s)' : '[[Special:CentralAuth/' + sockmaster + '|' + sockmaster + ']] sock(s)'
        let message = '=== Global lock for ' + heading + ' ==='
        message += '\n{{status}}'
        message += '\n' + lockTemplate
        message += '\nSockpuppet(s) found in enwiki sockpuppet investigation, see [[' + spiHelperInterwikiPrefix + spiHelperPageName + ']]. ' + lockComment + ' ~~~~'

        // Write lock request to [[meta:Steward requests/Global]]
        let srgText = await spiHelperGetPageText('meta:Steward requests/Global', false)
        srgText = srgText.replace(/\n+(== See also == *\n)/, '\n\n' + message + '\n\n$1')
        spiHelperEditPage('meta:Steward requests/Global', srgText, 'global lock request for ' + heading, false, 'nochange')
        $statusAnchor.append($('<li>').text('Filing global lock request'))
      if (locked) {
        logMessage += '\n** requested locks for ' + locked
  if (spiHelperSectionId && comment && comment !== '*') {
    if (!sectionText.includes('\n----')) {
      sectionText += '\n----<!-- All comments go ABOVE this line, please. -->'
    if (!/~~~~/.test(comment)) {
      comment += ' ~~~~'
    // Clerks and admins post in the admin section
    if (spiHelperIsClerk() || spiHelperIsAdmin()) {
      // Complicated regex to find the first regex in the admin section
      // The weird (\n|.) is because we can't use /s (dot matches newline) regex mode without ES9,
      // I don't want to go there yet
      sectionText = sectionText.replace(/\n*----(?!(\n|.)*----)/, '\n' + comment + '\n----')
    } else { // Everyone else posts in the "other users" section
      sectionText = sectionText.replace(spiHelperAdminSectionWithPrecedingNewlinesRegex,
        '\n' + comment + '\n====<big>Clerk, CheckUser, and/or patrolling admin comments</big>====\n')
    if (editsummary) {
      editsummary += ', comment'
    } else {
      editsummary = 'Comment'
    logMessage += '\n** commented'

  if (spiHelperActionsSelected.Close) {
    newCaseStatus = 'close'
    if (editsummary) {
      editsummary += ', marking case as closed'
    } else {
      editsummary = 'Marking case as closed'
    logMessage += '\n** closed case'
  if (spiHelperSectionId !== null) {
    const caseStatusText = spiHelperCaseStatusRegex.exec(sectionText)[0]
    sectionText = sectionText.replace(caseStatusText, '{{SPI case status|' + newCaseStatus + '}}')

  // Fallback: if we somehow managed to not make an edit summary, add a default one
  if (!editsummary) {
    editsummary = 'Saving page'

  // Make all of the requested edits (synchronous since we might make more changes to the page)
  const editResult = await spiHelperEditPage(spiHelperPageName, sectionText, editsummary, false,
    spiHelperSettings.watchCase, spiHelperSettings.watchCaseExpiry, spiHelperStartingRevID, spiHelperSectionId)
  if (!editResult) {
    // Page edit failed (probably an edit conflict), dump the comment if we had one
    if (comment && comment !== '*') {
          .append($('<b>').text('SPI page edit failed! Comment was: ' + comment)))
        .appendTo($('#spiHelper_status', document))
  // Update to the latest revision ID
  spiHelperStartingRevID = await spiHelperGetPageRev(spiHelperPageName)
  if (spiHelperActionsSelected.Archive) {
    // Archive the case
    if (spiHelperSectionId === null) {
      // Archive the whole case
      logMessage += '\n** Archived case'
      await spiHelperArchiveCase()
    } else {
      // Just archive the selected section
      logMessage += '\n** Archived section'
      await spiHelperArchiveCaseSection(spiHelperSectionId)
  } else if (spiHelperActionsSelected.Rename && renameTarget) {
    if (spiHelperSectionId === null) {
      // Option 1: we selected "All cases," this is a whole-case move/merge
      logMessage += '\n** moved/merged case to ' + renameTarget
      await spiHelperMoveCase(renameTarget)
    } else {
      // Option 2: this is a single-section case move or merge
      logMessage += '\n** moved section to ' + renameTarget
      await spiHelperMoveCaseSection(renameTarget, spiHelperSectionId)
  if (spiHelperSettings.log) {

  await spiHelperPurgePage(spiHelperPageName)
  $('#spiHelper_status', document).append($('<li>').text('Done!'))
  spiHelperActiveOperations.set('mainActions', 'successful')

 * Logs SPI actions to userspace a la Twinkle's CSD/prod/etc. logs
 * @param {string} logString String with the changes the user made
async function spiHelperLog (logString) {
  const now = new Date()
  const dateString = now.toLocaleString('en', { month: 'long' }) + ' ' +
    now.toLocaleString('en', { year: 'numeric' })
  const dateHeader = '==\\s*' + dateString + '\\s*=='
  const dateHeaderRe = new RegExp(dateHeader, 'i')
  const dateHeaderReWithAnyDate = /==.*?==/i

  let logPageText = await spiHelperGetPageText('User:' + mw.config.get('wgUserName') + '/spihelper_log', false)
  if (!logPageText.match(dateHeaderRe)) {
    if (spiHelperSettings.reversed_log) {
      const firstHeaderMatch = logPageText.match(dateHeaderReWithAnyDate)
      logPageText = logPageText.substring(0, firstHeaderMatch.index) + '== ' + dateString + ' ==\n' + logPageText.substring(firstHeaderMatch.index)
    } else {
      logPageText += '\n== ' + dateString + ' =='
  if (spiHelperSettings.reversed_log) {
    const firstHeaderMatch = logPageText.match(dateHeaderReWithAnyDate)
    logPageText = logPageText.substring(0, firstHeaderMatch.index + firstHeaderMatch[0].length) + '\n' + logString + logPageText.substring(firstHeaderMatch.index + firstHeaderMatch[0].length)
  } else {
    logPageText += '\n' + logString
  await spiHelperEditPage('User:' + mw.config.get('wgUserName') + '/spihelper_log', logPageText, 'Logging spihelper edits', false, 'nochange')

// Major helper functions
 * Cleanups following a rename - update the archive notice, add an archive notice to the
 * old case name, add the original sockmaster to the sock list for reference
 * @param {string} oldCasePage Title of the previous case page
async function spiHelperPostRenameCleanup (oldCasePage) {
  'use strict'
  const replacementArchiveNotice = '<noinclude>__TOC__</noinclude>\n' + spiHelperMakeNewArchiveNotice(spiHelperCaseName, spiHelperArchiveNoticeParams) + '\n{{SPIpriorcases}}'
  const oldCaseName = oldCasePage.replace(/Wikipedia:Sockpuppet investigations\//g, '')

  // The old case should just be the archivenotice template and point to the new case
  spiHelperEditPage(oldCasePage, replacementArchiveNotice, 'Updating case following page move', false, spiHelperSettings.watchCase, spiHelperSettings.watchCaseExpiry)

  // The new case's archivenotice should be updated with the new name
  let newPageText = await spiHelperGetPageText(spiHelperPageName, true)
  newPageText = newPageText.replace(spiHelperArchiveNoticeRegex, '{{SPIarchive notice|' + spiHelperCaseName + '}}')
  // We also want to add the previous master to the sock list
  // We use SOCK_SECTION_RE_WITH_NEWLINE to clean up any extraneous whitespace
  newPageText = newPageText.replace(spiHelperSockSectionWithNewlineRegex, '====Suspected sockpuppets====' +
    '\n* {{checkuser|1=' + oldCaseName + '}} ({{clerknote}} original case name)\n')
  // Also remove the new master if they're in the sock list
  // This RE is kind of ugly. The idea is that we find everything from the level 4 heading
  // ending with "sockpuppets" to the level 4 heading beginning with <big> and pull the checkuser
  // template matching the current case name out. This keeps us from accidentally replacing a
  // checkuser entry in the admin section
  const newMasterReString = '(sockpuppets\\s*====.*?)\\n^\\s*\\*\\s*{{checkuser\\|(?:1=)?' + spiHelperCaseName + '(?:\\|master name\\s*=.*?)?}}\\s*$(.*====\\s*<big>)'
  const newMasterRe = new RegExp(newMasterReString, 'sm')
  newPageText = newPageText.replace(newMasterRe, '$1\n$2')

  await spiHelperEditPage(spiHelperPageName, newPageText, 'Updating case following page move', false, spiHelperSettings.watchCase, spiHelperSettings.watchCaseExpiry, spiHelperStartingRevID)
  // Update to the latest revision ID
  spiHelperStartingRevID = await spiHelperGetPageRev(spiHelperPageName)

 * Cleanups following a merge - re-insert the original page text
 * @param {string} originalText Text of the page pre-merge
async function spiHelperPostMergeCleanup (originalText) {
  'use strict'
  let newText = await spiHelperGetPageText(spiHelperPageName, false)
  // Remove the SPI header templates from the page
  newText = newText.replace(/\n*<noinclude>__TOC__.*\n/ig, '')
  newText = newText.replace(spiHelperArchiveNoticeRegex, '')
  newText = newText.replace(spiHelperPriorCasesRegex, '')
  newText = originalText + '\n' + newText

  // Write the updated case
  await spiHelperEditPage(spiHelperPageName, newText, 'Re-adding previous cases following merge', false, spiHelperSettings.watchCase, spiHelperSettings.watchCaseExpiry, spiHelperStartingRevID)
  // Update to the latest revision ID
  spiHelperStartingRevID = await spiHelperGetPageRev(spiHelperPageName)

 * Archive all closed sections of a case
async function spiHelperArchiveCase () {
  'use strict'
  let i = 0
  let previousRev = 0
  while (i < spiHelperCaseSections.length) {
    const sectionId = spiHelperCaseSections[i].index
    const sectionText = await spiHelperGetPageText(spiHelperPageName, false,

    const currentRev = await spiHelperGetPageRev(spiHelperPageName)
    if (previousRev === currentRev && currentRev !== 0) {
      // Our previous archive hasn't gone through yet, wait a bit and retry
      await new Promise((resolve) => {
        setTimeout(resolve, 100)

      // Re-grab the case sections list since the page may have updated
      spiHelperCaseSections = await spiHelperGetInvestigationSectionIDs()
    previousRev = await spiHelperGetPageRev(spiHelperPageName)
    const result = spiHelperCaseStatusRegex.exec(sectionText)
    if (result === null) {
      // Bail out - can't find the case status template in this section
    if (spiHelperCaseClosedRegex.test(result[1])) {
      // A running concern with the SPI archives is whether they exceed the post-expand
      // include size. Calculate what percent of that size the archive will be if we
      // add the current page to it - if >1, we need to archive the archive
      const postExpandPercent =
        (await spiHelperGetPostExpandSize(spiHelperPageName, sectionId) +
        await spiHelperGetPostExpandSize(spiHelperGetArchiveName())) /
      if (postExpandPercent >= 1) {
        // We'd overflow the archive, so move it and then archive the current page
        // Find the first empty archive page
        let archiveId = 1
        while (await spiHelperGetPageText(spiHelperGetArchiveName() + '/' + archiveId, false) !== '') {
        const newArchiveName = spiHelperGetArchiveName() + '/' + archiveId
        await spiHelperMovePage(spiHelperGetArchiveName(), newArchiveName, 'Moving archive to avoid exceeding post expand size limit', false)
        await spiHelperEditPage(spiHelperGetArchiveName(), '', 'Removing redirect', false, 'nochange')
      // Need an await here - if we have multiple sections archiving we don't want
      // to stomp on each other
      await spiHelperArchiveCaseSection(sectionId)
      // need to re-fetch caseSections since the section numbering probably just changed,
      // also reset our index
      i = 0
      spiHelperCaseSections = await spiHelperGetInvestigationSectionIDs()

 * Archive a specific section of a case
 * @param {!number} sectionId The section number to archive
async function spiHelperArchiveCaseSection (sectionId) {
  'use strict'
  let sectionText = await spiHelperGetPageText(spiHelperPageName, true, sectionId)
  sectionText = sectionText.replace(spiHelperCaseStatusRegex, '')
  const newarchivetext = sectionText.substring(sectionText.search(spiHelperSectionRegex))

  // Update the archive
  let archivetext = await spiHelperGetPageText(spiHelperGetArchiveName(), true)
  if (!archivetext) {
    archivetext = '__TOC__\n{{SPIarchive notice|1=' + spiHelperCaseName + '}}\n{{SPIpriorcases}}'
  } else {
    archivetext = archivetext.replace(/<br\s*\/>\s*{{SPIpriorcases}}/gi, '\n{{SPIpriorcases}}') // fmt fix whenever needed.
  archivetext += '\n' + newarchivetext
  const archiveSuccess = await spiHelperEditPage(spiHelperGetArchiveName(), archivetext,
    'Archiving case section from [[' + spiHelperGetInterwikiPrefix() + spiHelperPageName + ']]',
    false, spiHelperSettings.watchArchive, spiHelperSettings.watchArchiveExpiry)

  if (!archiveSuccess) {
    const $statusLine = $('<li>').appendTo($('#spiHelper_status', document))
    $statusLine.addClass('spiHelper-errortext').append('b').text('Failed to update archive, not removing section from case page')

  // Blank the section we archived
  await spiHelperEditPage(spiHelperPageName, '', 'Archiving case section to [[' + spiHelperGetInterwikiPrefix() + spiHelperGetArchiveName() + ']]',
    false, spiHelperSettings.watchCase, spiHelperSettings.watchCaseExpiry, spiHelperStartingRevID, sectionId)
  // Update to the latest revision ID
  spiHelperStartingRevID = await spiHelperGetPageRev(spiHelperPageName)

 * Move or merge the selected case into a different case
 * @param {string} target The username portion of the case this section should be merged into
 *                        (should have been normalized before getting passed in)
async function spiHelperMoveCase (target) {
  // Move or merge an entire case
  // Normalize: change underscores to spaces
  // target = target
  const newPageName = spiHelperPageName.replace(spiHelperCaseName, target)
  const targetPageText = await spiHelperGetPageText(newPageName, false)
  if (targetPageText) {
    if (spiHelperIsAdmin()) {
      const proceed = confirm('Target page exists, do you want to histmerge the cases?')
      if (!proceed) {
        // Build out the error line
            .append($('<b>').text('Aborted merge.')))
          .appendTo($('#spiHelper_status', document))
    } else {
          .append($('<b>').text('Target page exists and you are not an admin, aborting merge.')))
        .appendTo($('#spiHelper_status', document))
  // Housekeeping to update all of the var names following the rename
  const oldPageName = spiHelperPageName
  const oldArchiveName = spiHelperGetArchiveName()
  spiHelperCaseName = target
  spiHelperPageName = newPageName
  let archivesCopied = false
  if (targetPageText) {
    // There's already a page there, we're going to merge
    // First, check if there's an archive; if so, copy its text over
    const newArchiveName = spiHelperGetArchiveName().replace(spiHelperCaseName, target)
    let sourceArchiveText = await spiHelperGetPageText(oldArchiveName, false)
    let targetArchiveText = await spiHelperGetPageText(newArchiveName, false)
    if (sourceArchiveText && targetArchiveText) {
        .append($('<div>').text('Archive detected on both source and target cases, manually copying archive.'))
        .appendTo($('#spiHelper_status', document))

      // Normalize the source archive text
      sourceArchiveText = sourceArchiveText.replace(/^\s*__TOC__\s*$\n/gm, '')
      sourceArchiveText = sourceArchiveText.replace(spiHelperArchiveNoticeRegex, '')
      sourceArchiveText = sourceArchiveText.replace(spiHelperPriorCasesRegex, '')
      // Strip leading newlines
      sourceArchiveText = sourceArchiveText.replace(/^\n*/, '')
      targetArchiveText += '\n' + sourceArchiveText
      await spiHelperEditPage(newArchiveName, targetArchiveText, 'Copying archives from [[' + spiHelperGetInterwikiPrefix() + oldArchiveName + ']], see page history for attribution',
        false, spiHelperSettings.watchArchive, spiHelperSettings.watchArchiveExpiry)
      await spiHelperDeletePage(oldArchiveName, 'Deleting copied archive')
      archivesCopied = true
    // Ignore warnings on the move, we're going to get one since we're stomping an existing page
    await spiHelperDeletePage(spiHelperPageName, 'Deleting as part of case merge')
    await spiHelperMovePage(oldPageName, spiHelperPageName, 'Merging case to [[' + spiHelperGetInterwikiPrefix() + spiHelperPageName + ']]', true)
    await spiHelperUndeletePage(spiHelperPageName, 'Restoring page history after merge')
    if (archivesCopied) {
      // Create a redirect
      spiHelperEditPage(oldArchiveName, '#REDIRECT [[' + newArchiveName + ']]', 'Redirecting old archive to new archive',
        false, spiHelperSettings.watchArchive, spiHelperSettings.watchArchiveExpiry)
  } else {
    await spiHelperMovePage(oldPageName, spiHelperPageName, 'Moving case to [[' + spiHelperGetInterwikiPrefix() + spiHelperPageName + ']]', false)
  spiHelperStartingRevID = await spiHelperGetPageRev(spiHelperPageName)
  await spiHelperPostRenameCleanup(oldPageName)
  if (targetPageText) {
    // If there was a page there before, also need to do post-merge cleanup
    await spiHelperPostMergeCleanup(targetPageText)
  if (archivesCopied) {
    alert('Archives were merged during the case move, please reorder the archive sections')

 * Move or merge a specific section of a case into a different case
 * @param {string} target The username portion of the case this section should be merged into (pre-normalized)
 * @param {!number} sectionId The section ID of this case that should be moved/merged
async function spiHelperMoveCaseSection (target, sectionId) {
  // Move or merge a particular section of a case
  'use strict'
  const newPageName = spiHelperPageName.replace(spiHelperCaseName, target)
  let targetPageText = await spiHelperGetPageText(newPageName, false)
  let sectionText = await spiHelperGetPageText(spiHelperPageName, true, sectionId)
  // SOCK_SECTION_RE_WITH_NEWLINE cleans up extraneous whitespace at the top of the section
  // Have to do this transform before concatenating with targetPageText so that the
  // "originally filed" goes in the correct section
  sectionText = sectionText.replace(spiHelperSockSectionWithNewlineRegex, '====Suspected sockpuppets====' +
  '\n* {{checkuser|1=' + spiHelperCaseName + '}} ({{clerknote}} originally filed under this user)\n')

  if (targetPageText === '') {
    // Pre-load the split target with the SPI templates if it's empty
    targetPageText = '<noinclude>__TOC__</noinclude>\n{{SPIarchive notice|' + target + '}}\n{{SPIpriorcases}}'
  targetPageText += '\n' + sectionText

  // Intentionally not async - doesn't matter when this edit finishes
  spiHelperEditPage(newPageName, targetPageText, 'Moving case section from [[' + spiHelperGetInterwikiPrefix() + spiHelperPageName + ']], see page history for attribution',
    false, spiHelperSettings.watchCase, spiHelperSettings.watchCaseExpiry)
  // Blank the section we moved
  await spiHelperEditPage(spiHelperPageName, '', 'Moving case section to [[' + spiHelperGetInterwikiPrefix() + newPageName + ']]',
    false, spiHelperSettings.watchCase, spiHelperSettings.watchCaseExpiry, spiHelperStartingRevID, sectionId)
  // Update to the latest revision ID
  spiHelperStartingRevID = await spiHelperGetPageRev(spiHelperPageName)

 * Render a text box's contents and display it in the preview area
async function spiHelperPreviewText () {
  const inputText = $('#spiHelper_CommentText', document).val().toString()
  const renderedText = await spiHelperRenderText(spiHelperPageName, inputText)
  // Fill the preview box with the new text
  const $previewBox = $('#spiHelper_previewBox', document)
  // Unhide it if it was hidden

 * Given a page title, get an API to operate on that page
 * @param {string} title Title of the page we want the API for
 * @return {Object} MediaWiki Api/ForeignAPI for the target page's wiki
function spiHelperGetAPI (title) {
  'use strict'
  if (title.startsWith('m:') || title.startsWith('meta:')) {
    return new mw.ForeignApi('https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/api.php')
  } else {
    return new mw.Api()

 * Removes the interwiki prefix from a page title
 * @param {*} title Page name including interwiki prefix
 * @return {string} Just the page name
function spiHelperStripXWikiPrefix (title) {
  // TODO: This only works with single-colon names, make it more robust
  'use strict'
  if (title.startsWith('m:') || title.startsWith('meta:')) {
    return title.slice(title.indexOf(':') + 1)
  } else {
    return title

 * Get the post-expand include size of a given page
 * @param {string} title Page title to check
 * @param {?number} sectionId Section to check, if null check the whole page
 * @return {Promise<number>} Post-expand include size of the given page/page section
async function spiHelperGetPostExpandSize (title, sectionId = null) {
  // Synchronous method to get a page's post-expand include size given its title
  const finalTitle = spiHelperStripXWikiPrefix(title)

  const request = {
    action: 'parse',
    prop: 'limitreportdata',
    page: finalTitle
  if (sectionId) {
    request.section = sectionId
  const api = spiHelperGetAPI(title)
  try {
    const response = await api.get(request)

    // The page might not exist, so we need to handle that smartly - only get the parse
    // if the page actually parsed
    if ('parse' in response) {
      // Iterate over all properties to find the PEIS
      for (let i = 0; i < response.parse.limitreportdata.length; i++) {
        if (response.parse.limitreportdata[i].name === 'limitreport-postexpandincludesize') {
          return response.parse.limitreportdata[i][0]
    } else {
      // Fallback - most likely the page doesn't exist
      return 0
  } catch (error) {
    // Something's gone wrong, just return 0
    return 0

 * Get the maximum post-expand size from the wgPageParseReport (it's the same for all pages)
 * @return {number} The max post-expand size in bytes
function spiHelperGetMaxPostExpandSize () {
  'use strict'
  return mw.config.get('wgPageParseReport').limitreport.postexpandincludesize.limit

 * Get the inter-wiki prefix for the current wiki
 * @return {string} The inter-wiki prefix
function spiHelperGetInterwikiPrefix () {
  // Mostly copied from https://github.com/Xi-Plus/twinkle-global/blob/master/morebits.js
  // Most of this should be overkill (since most of these wikis don't have checkuser support)
  /** @type {string[]} */ const temp = mw.config.get('wgServer').replace(/^(https?)?\/\//, '').split('.')
  const wikiLang = temp[0]
  const wikiFamily = temp[1]
  switch (wikiFamily) {
    case 'wikimedia':
      switch (wikiLang) {
        case 'commons':
          return ':commons:'
        case 'meta':
          return ':meta:'
        case 'species:':
          return ':species:'
        case 'incubator':
          return ':incubator:'
          return ''
    case 'mediawiki':
      return 'mw'
    case 'wikidata:':
      switch (wikiLang) {
        case 'test':
          return ':testwikidata:'
        case 'www':
          return ':d:'
          return ''
    case 'wikipedia':
      switch (wikiLang) {
        case 'test':
          return ':testwiki:'
        case 'test2':
          return ':test2wiki:'
          return ':w:' + wikiLang + ':'
    case 'wiktionary':
      return ':wikt:' + wikiLang + ':'
    case 'wikiquote':
      return ':q:' + wikiLang + ':'
    case 'wikibooks':
      return ':b:' + wikiLang + ':'
    case 'wikinews':
      return ':n:' + wikiLang + ':'
    case 'wikisource':
      return ':s:' + wikiLang + ':'
    case 'wikiversity':
      return ':v:' + wikiLang + ':'
    case 'wikivoyage':
      return ':voy:' + wikiLang + ':'
      return ''

// "Building-block" functions to wrap basic API calls
 * Get the text of a page. Not that complicated.
 * @param {string} title Title of the page to get the contents of
 * @param {boolean} show Whether to show page fetch progress on-screen
 * @param {?number} [sectionId=null] Section to retrieve, setting this to null will retrieve the entire page
 * @return {Promise<string>} The text of the page, '' if the page does not exist.
async function spiHelperGetPageText (title, show, sectionId = null) {
  const $statusLine = $('<li>')
  if (show) {
    // Actually display the statusLine
    $('#spiHelper_status', document).append($statusLine)
  // Build the link element (use JQuery so we get escapes and such)
  const $link = $('<a>').attr('href', mw.util.getUrl(title)).attr('title', title).text(title)
  $statusLine.html('Getting page ' + $link.prop('outerHTML'))

  const finalTitle = spiHelperStripXWikiPrefix(title)

  const request = {
    action: 'query',
    prop: 'revisions',
    rvprop: 'content',
    rvslots: 'main',
    indexpageids: true,
    titles: finalTitle

  if (sectionId) {
    request.rvsection = sectionId

  try {
    const response = await spiHelperGetAPI(title).get(request)
    const pageid = response.query.pageids[0]

    if (pageid === '-1') {
      $statusLine.html('Page ' + $link.html() + ' does not exist')
      return ''
    $statusLine.html('Got ' + $link.html())
    return response.query.pages[pageid].revisions[0].slots.main['*']
  } catch (error) {
    $statusLine.addClass('spiHelper-errortext').html('<b>Failed to get ' + $link.html() + '</b>: ' + error)
    return ''

 * @param {string} title Title of the page to edit
 * @param {string} newtext New content of the page
 * @param {string} summary Edit summary to use for the edit
 * @param {boolean} createonly Only try to create the page - if false,
 *                             will fail if the page already exists
 * @param {string} watch What watchlist setting to use when editing - decides
 *                       whether the edited page will be watched
 * @param {string} watchExpiry Duration to watch the edited page, if unset
 *                             defaults to 'indefinite'
 * @param {?number} baseRevId Base revision ID, used to detect edit conflicts. If null,
 *                           we'll grab the current page ID.
 * @param {?number} [sectionId=null] Section to edit - if null, edits the whole page
 * @return {Promise<boolean>} Whether the edit was successful
async function spiHelperEditPage (title, newtext, summary, createonly, watch, watchExpiry = null, baseRevId = null, sectionId = null) {
  let activeOpKey = 'edit_' + title
  if (sectionId) {
    activeOpKey += '_' + sectionId
  spiHelperActiveOperations.set(activeOpKey, 'running')
  const $statusLine = $('<li>').appendTo($('#spiHelper_status', document))
  const $link = $('<a>').attr('href', mw.util.getUrl(title)).attr('title', title).text(title)

  $statusLine.html('Editing ' + $link.prop('outerHTML'))

  if (!baseRevId) {
    baseRevId = await spiHelperGetPageRev(title)
  const api = spiHelperGetAPI(title)
  const finalTitle = spiHelperStripXWikiPrefix(title)

  const request = {
    action: 'edit',
    watchlist: watch,
    summary: summary + spihelperAdvert,
    text: newtext,
    title: finalTitle,
    createonly: createonly,
    baserevid: baseRevId
  if (sectionId) {
    request.section = sectionId
  if (watchExpiry) {
    request.watchlistExpiry = watchExpiry
  try {
    await api.postWithToken('csrf', request)
    $statusLine.html('Saved ' + $link.prop('outerHTML'))
    spiHelperActiveOperations.set(activeOpKey, 'success')
    return true
  } catch (error) {
    $statusLine.addClass('spiHelper-errortext').html('<b>Edit failed on ' + $link.html() + '</b>: ' + error)
    spiHelperActiveOperations.set(activeOpKey, 'failed')
    return false
 * Moves a page. Exactly what it sounds like.
 * @param {string} sourcePage Title of the source page (page we're moving)
 * @param {string} destPage Title of the destination page (page we're moving to)
 * @param {string} summary Edit summary to use for the move
 * @param {boolean} ignoreWarnings Whether to ignore warnings on move (used to force-move one page over another)
async function spiHelperMovePage (sourcePage, destPage, summary, ignoreWarnings) {
  // Move a page from sourcePage to destPage. Not that complicated.
  'use strict'

  const activeOpKey = 'move_' + sourcePage + '_' + destPage
  spiHelperActiveOperations.set(activeOpKey, 'running')

  // Should never be a crosswiki call
  const api = new mw.Api()

  const $statusLine = $('<li>').appendTo($('#spiHelper_status', document))
  const $sourceLink = $('<a>').attr('href', mw.util.getUrl(sourcePage)).attr('title', sourcePage).text(sourcePage)
  const $destLink = $('<a>').attr('href', mw.util.getUrl(destPage)).attr('title', destPage).text(destPage)

  $statusLine.html('Moving ' + $sourceLink.prop('outerHTML') + ' to ' + $destLink.prop('outerHTML'))

  try {
    await api.postWithToken('csrf', {
      action: 'move',
      from: sourcePage,
      to: destPage,
      reason: summary + spihelperAdvert,
      noredirect: false,
      movesubpages: true,
      ignoreWarnings: ignoreWarnings
    $statusLine.html('Moved ' + $sourceLink.prop('outerHTML') + ' to ' + $destLink.prop('outerHTML'))
    spiHelperActiveOperations.set(activeOpKey, 'success')
  } catch (error) {
    $statusLine.addClass('spihelper-errortext').html('<b>Failed to move ' + $sourceLink.prop('outerHTML') + ' to ' + $destLink.prop('outerHTML') + '</b>: ' + error)
    spiHelperActiveOperations.set(activeOpKey, 'failed')

 * Purges a page's cache
 * @param {string} title Title of the page to purge
async function spiHelperPurgePage (title) {
  // Forces a cache purge on the selected page
  'use strict'
  const $statusLine = $('<li>').appendTo($('#spiHelper_status', document))
  const $link = $('<a>').attr('href', mw.util.getUrl(title)).attr('title', title).text(title)
  $statusLine.html('Purging ' + $link.prop('outerHTML'))
  const strippedTitle = spiHelperStripXWikiPrefix(title)

  const api = spiHelperGetAPI(title)
  try {
    await api.postWithToken('csrf', {
      action: 'purge',
      titles: strippedTitle
    $statusLine.html('Purged ' + $link.prop('outerHTML'))
  } catch (error) {
    $statusLine.addClass('spihelper-errortext').html('<b>Failed to purge ' + $link.prop('outerHTML') + '</b>: ' + error)

 * Blocks a user.
 * @param {string} user Username to block
 * @param {string} duration Duration of the block
 * @param {string} reason Reason to log for the block
 * @param {boolean} reblock Whether to reblock - if false, nothing will happen if the target user is already blocked
 * @param {boolean} anononly For IPs, whether this is an anonymous-only block (alternative is
 *                           that logged-in users with the IP are also blocked)
 * @param {boolean} accountcreation Whether to permit the user to create new accounts
 * @param {boolean} autoblock Whether to apply an autoblock to the user's IP
 * @param {boolean} talkpage Whether to revoke talkpage access
 * @param {boolean} email Whether to block email
 * @param {boolean} watchBlockedUser Watchlist setting for whether to watch the newly-blocked user
 * @param {string} watchExpiry Duration to watch the blocked user, if unset
 *                             defaults to 'indefinite'

 * @return {Promise<boolean>} True if the block suceeded, false if not
async function spiHelperBlockUser (user, duration, reason, reblock, anononly, accountcreation,
  autoblock, talkpage, email, watchBlockedUser, watchExpiry) {
  'use strict'
  const activeOpKey = 'block_' + user
  spiHelperActiveOperations.set(activeOpKey, 'running')

  if (!watchExpiry) {
    watchExpiry = 'indefinite'
  const userPage = 'User:' + user
  const $statusLine = $('<li>').appendTo($('#spiHelper_status', document))
  const $link = $('<a>').attr('href', mw.util.getUrl(userPage)).attr('title', userPage).text(user)
  $statusLine.html('Blocking ' + $link.prop('outerHTML'))

  // This is not something which should ever be cross-wiki
  const api = new mw.Api()
  try {
    await api.postWithToken('csrf', {
      action: 'block',
      expiry: duration,
      reason: reason,
      reblock: reblock,
      anononly: anononly,
      nocreate: accountcreation,
      autoblock: autoblock,
      allowusertalk: !talkpage,
      noemail: email,
      watchuser: watchBlockedUser,
      watchlistexpiry: watchExpiry,
      user: user
    $statusLine.html('Blocked ' + $link.prop('outerHTML'))
    spiHelperActiveOperations.set(activeOpKey, 'success')
    return true
  } catch (error) {
    $statusLine.addClass('spihelper-errortext').html('<b>Failed to block ' + $link.prop('outerHTML') + '</b>: ' + error)
    spiHelperActiveOperations.set(activeOpKey, 'failed')
    return false

 * Get whether a user is currently blocked
 * @param {string} user Username
 * @return {Promise<string>} Block reason, empty string if not blocked
async function spiHelperGetUserBlockReason (user) {
  'use strict'
  // This is not something which should ever be cross-wiki
  const api = new mw.Api()
  try {
    const response = await api.get({
      action: 'query',
      list: 'blocks',
      bklimit: '1',
      bkusers: user,
      bkprop: 'user|reason'
    if (response.query.blocks.length === 0) {
      // If the length is 0, then the user isn't blocked
      return ''
    return response.query.blocks[0].reason
  } catch (error) {
    return ''

 * Get a user's current block settings
 * @param {string} user Username
 * @return {Promise<BlockEntry>} Current block settings for the user, or null if the user is not blocked
async function spiHelperGetUserBlockSettings (user) {
  'use strict'
  // This is not something which should ever be cross-wiki
  const api = new mw.Api()
  try {
    const response = await api.get({
      action: 'query',
      list: 'blocks',
      bklimit: '1',
      bkusers: user,
      bkprop: 'user|reason|flags|expiry'
    if (response.query.blocks.length === 0) {
      // If the length is 0, then the user isn't blocked
      return null

    /** @type {BlockEntry} */
    const item = {
      username: user,
      duration: response.query.blocks[0].expiry,
      acb: ('nocreate' in response.query.blocks[0] || 'anononly' in response.query.blocks[0]),
      ab: 'autoblock' in response.query.blocks[0],
      ntp: !('allowusertalk' in response.query.blocks[0]),
      nem: 'noemail' in response.query.blocks[0],
      tpn: ''
    return item
  } catch (error) {
    return null

 * Get whether a user is currently globally locked
 * @param {string} user Username
 * @return {Promise<boolean>} Whether the user is globally locked
async function spiHelperIsUserGloballyLocked (user) {
  'use strict'
  // This is not something which should ever be cross-wiki
  const api = new mw.Api()
  try {
    const response = await api.get({
      action: 'query',
      list: 'globalallusers',
      agulimit: '1',
      agufrom: user,
      aguto: user,
      aguprop: 'lockinfo'
    if (response.query.globalallusers.length === 0) {
      // If the length is 0, then we couldn't find the global user
      return false
    // If the 'locked' field is present, then the user is locked
    return 'locked' in response.query.globalallusers[0]
  } catch (error) {
    return false

 * Get a page's latest revision ID - useful for preventing edit conflicts
 * @param {string} title Title of the page
 * @return {Promise<number>} Latest revision of a page, 0 if it doesn't exist
async function spiHelperGetPageRev (title) {
  'use strict'

  const finalTitle = spiHelperStripXWikiPrefix(title)
  const request = {
    action: 'query',
    prop: 'revisions',
    rvslots: 'main',
    indexpageids: true,
    titles: finalTitle

  try {
    const response = await spiHelperGetAPI(title).get(request)
    const pageid = response.query.pageids[0]
    if (pageid === '-1') {
      return 0
    return response.query.pages[pageid].revisions[0].revid
  } catch (error) {
    return 0

 * Delete a page. Admin-only function.
 * @param {string} title Title of the page to delete
 * @param {string} reason Reason to log for the page deletion
async function spiHelperDeletePage (title, reason) {
  'use strict'

  const activeOpKey = 'delete_' + title
  spiHelperActiveOperations.set(activeOpKey, 'running')

  const $statusLine = $('<li>').appendTo($('#spiHelper_status', document))
  const $link = $('<a>').attr('href', mw.util.getUrl(title)).attr('title', title).text(title)
  $statusLine.html('Deleting ' + $link.prop('outerHTML'))

  const api = spiHelperGetAPI(title)
  try {
    await api.postWithToken('csrf', {
      action: 'delete',
      title: title,
      reason: reason
    $statusLine.html('Deleted ' + $link.prop('outerHTML'))
    spiHelperActiveOperations.set(activeOpKey, 'success')
  } catch (error) {
    $statusLine.addClass('spihelper-errortext').html('<b>Failed to delete ' + $link.prop('outerHTML') + '</b>: ' + error)
    spiHelperActiveOperations.set(activeOpKey, 'failed')

 * Undelete a page (or, if the page exists, undelete deleted revisions). Admin-only function
 * @param {string} title Title of the pgae to undelete
 * @param {string} reason Reason to log for the page undeletion
async function spiHelperUndeletePage (title, reason) {
  'use strict'
  const activeOpKey = 'undelete_' + title
  spiHelperActiveOperations.set(activeOpKey, 'running')

  const $statusLine = $('<li>').appendTo($('#spiHelper_status', document))
  const $link = $('<a>').attr('href', mw.util.getUrl(title)).attr('title', title).text(title)
  $statusLine.html('Undeleting ' + $link.prop('outerHTML'))

  const api = spiHelperGetAPI(title)
  try {
    await api.postWithToken('csrf', {
      action: 'undelete',
      title: title,
      reason: reason
    $statusLine.html('Undeleted ' + $link.prop('outerHTML'))
    spiHelperActiveOperations.set(activeOpKey, 'success')
  } catch (error) {
    $statusLine.addClass('spihelper-errortext').html('<b>Failed to undelete ' + $link.prop('outerHTML') + '</b>: ' + error)
    spiHelperActiveOperations.set(activeOpKey, 'failed')

 * Render a snippet of wikitext
 * @param {string} title Page title
 * @param {string} text Text to render
 * @return {Promise<string>} Rendered version of the text
async function spiHelperRenderText (title, text) {
  'use strict'

  const request = {
    action: 'parse',
    prop: 'text',
    pst: 'true',
    text: text,
    title: title

  try {
    const response = await spiHelperGetAPI(title).get(request)
    return response.parse.text['*']
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error rendering text: ' + error)
    return ''

 * Get a list of investigations on the sockpuppet investigation page
 * @return {Promise<Object[]>} An array of section objects, each section is a separate investigation
async function spiHelperGetInvestigationSectionIDs () {
  // Uses the parse API to get page sections, then find the investigation
  // sections (should all be level-3 headers)
  'use strict'

  // Since this only affects the local page, no need to call spiHelper_getAPI()
  const api = new mw.Api()
  const response = await api.get({
    action: 'parse',
    prop: 'sections',
    page: spiHelperPageName
  const dateSections = []
  for (let i = 0; i < response.parse.sections.length; i++) {
    // TODO: also check for presence of spi case status
    if (response.parse.sections[i].level === '3') {
  return dateSections

 * Pretty obvious - gets the name of the archive. This keeps us from having to regen it
 * if we rename the case
 * @return {string} Name of the archive page
function spiHelperGetArchiveName () {
  return spiHelperPageName + '/Archive'

// UI helper functions
 * Generate a line of the block table for a particular user
 * @param {string} name Username for this block line
 * @param {boolean} defaultblock Whether to check the block box by default on this row
 * @param {number} id Index of this line in the block table
async function spiHelperGenerateBlockTableLine (name, defaultblock, id) {
  'use strict'

  const currentBlock = await spiHelperGetUserBlockSettings(name)

  let block, ab, acb, ntp, nem, duration

  if (currentBlock) {
    block = true
    acb = currentBlock.acb
    ab = currentBlock.ab
    ntp = currentBlock.ntp
    nem = currentBlock.nem
    duration = currentBlock.duration
  } else {
    block = defaultblock
    acb = true
    ab = true
    ntp = spiHelperArchiveNoticeParams.notalk
    nem = spiHelperArchiveNoticeParams.notalk
    duration = mw.util.isIPAddress(name, true) ? '1 week' : 'indefinite'

  const $table = $('#spiHelper_blockTable', document)

  const $row = $('<tr>')
  // Username
  $('<td>').append($('<input>').attr('type', 'text').attr('id', 'spiHelper_block_username' + id)
  // Block checkbox (only for admins)
  $('<td>').addClass('spiHelper_adminClass').append($('<input>').attr('type', 'checkbox')
    .attr('id', 'spiHelper_block_doblock' + id).prop('checked', block)).appendTo($row)
  // Block duration (only for admins)
  $('<td>').addClass('spiHelper_adminClass').append($('<input>').attr('type', 'text')
    .attr('id', 'spiHelper_block_duration' + id).val(duration)
  // Account creation blocked (only for admins)
  $('<td>').addClass('spiHelper_adminClass').append($('<input>').attr('type', 'checkbox')
    .attr('id', 'spiHelper_block_acb' + id).prop('checked', acb)).appendTo($row)
  // Autoblock (only for admins)
  $('<td>').addClass('spiHelper_adminClass').append($('<input>').attr('type', 'checkbox')
    .attr('id', 'spiHelper_block_ab' + id).prop('checked', ab)).appendTo($row)
  // Revoke talk page access (only for admins)
  $('<td>').addClass('spiHelper_adminClass').append($('<input>').attr('type', 'checkbox')
    .attr('id', 'spiHelper_block_tp' + id).prop('checked', ntp)).appendTo($row)
  // Block email access (only for admins)
  $('<td>').addClass('spiHelper_adminClass').append($('<input>').attr('type', 'checkbox')
    .attr('id', 'spiHelper_block_email' + id).prop('checked', nem)).appendTo($row)
  // Tag select box
  $('<td>').append($('<select>').attr('id', 'spiHelper_block_tag' + id)
  // Altmaster tag select
  $('<td>').append($('<select>').attr('id', 'spiHelper_block_tag_altmaster' + id)
  // Global lock (disabled for IPs since they can't be locked)
  $('<td>').append($('<input>').attr('type', 'checkbox').attr('id', 'spiHelper_block_lock' + id)
    .prop('disabled', mw.util.isIPAddress(name, true))).appendTo($row)

  // Generate the select entries
  spiHelperGenerateSelect('spiHelper_block_tag' + id, spiHelperTagOptions)
  spiHelperGenerateSelect('spiHelper_block_tag_altmaster' + id, spiHelperAltMasterTagOptions)

 * Complicated function to decide what checkboxes to enable or disable
 * and which to check by default
async function spiHelperSetCheckboxesBySection () {
  // Displays the top-level SPI menu
  'use strict'

  const $topView = $('#spiHelper_topViewDiv', document)
  // Get the value of the selection box
  if ($('#spiHelper_sectionSelect', $topView).val() === 'all') {
    spiHelperSectionId = null
    spiHelperSectionName = null
  } else {
    spiHelperSectionId = parseInt($('#spiHelper_sectionSelect', $topView).val().toString())
    const $sectionSelect = $('#spiHelper_sectionSelect', $topView)
    spiHelperSectionName = spiHelperCaseSections[$sectionSelect.prop('selectedIndex')].line

  const $warningText = $('#spiHelper_warning', $topView)

  const $archiveBox = $('#spiHelper_Archive', $topView)
  const $blockBox = $('#spiHelper_BlockTag', $topView)
  const $closeBox = $('#spiHelper_Close', $topView)
  const $commentBox = $('#spiHelper_Comment', $topView)
  const $moveBox = $('#spiHelper_Move', $topView)
  const $caseActionBox = $('#spiHelper_Case_Action', $topView)
  const $spiMgmtBox = $('#spiHelper_SpiMgmt', $topView)

  // Start by unchecking everything
  $archiveBox.prop('checked', false)
  $blockBox.prop('checked', false)
  $closeBox.prop('checked', false)
  $commentBox.prop('checked', false)
  $moveBox.prop('checked', false)
  $caseActionBox.prop('checked', false)
  $spiMgmtBox.prop('checked', false)

  // Enable optionally-disabled boxes
  $closeBox.prop('disabled', false)
  $archiveBox.prop('disabled', false)

  if (spiHelperSectionId === null) {
    // Hide inputs that aren't relevant in the case view
    $('.spiHelper_singleCaseOnly', $topView).hide()
    // Show inputs only visible in all-case mode
    $('.spiHelper_allCasesOnly', $topView).show()
    // Fix the move label
    $('#spiHelper_moveLabel', $topView).text('Move/merge full case (Clerk only)')
    // enable the move box
    $moveBox.prop('disabled', false)
  } else {
    const sectionText = await spiHelperGetPageText(spiHelperPageName, false, spiHelperSectionId)
    if (!spiHelperSectionRegex.test(sectionText)) {
      // Nothing to do here.

    // Unhide single-case options
    $('.spiHelper_singleCaseOnly', $topView).show()
    // Hide inputs only visible in all-case mode
    $('.spiHelper_allCasesOnly', $topView).hide()

    const result = spiHelperCaseStatusRegex.exec(sectionText)
    let casestatus = ''
    if (result) {
      casestatus = result[1]
    } else {
      $warningText.text(`Can't find case status in ${spiHelperSectionName}!`)

    // Disable the section move setting if you haven't opted into it
    if (!spiHelperSettings.iUnderstandSectionMoves) {
      $moveBox.prop('disabled', true)

    const isClosed = spiHelperCaseClosedRegex.test(casestatus)

    if (isClosed) {
      $closeBox.prop('disabled', true)
      $archiveBox.prop('checked', true)
    } else {
      $archiveBox.prop('disabled', true)

    // Change the label on the rename button
    $('#spiHelper_moveLabel', $topView).html('Move case section (<span title="You probably want to move the full case, ' +
      'select All Sections instead of a specific date in the drop-down"' +
      'class="rt-commentedText spihelper-hovertext"><b>READ ME FIRST</b></span>)')

 * Updates whether the 'archive' checkbox is enabled
function spiHelperUpdateArchive () {
  // Archive should only be an option if close is checked or disabled (disabled meaning that
  // the case is closed) and rename is not checked
  'use strict'
  $('#spiHelper_Archive', document).prop('disabled', !($('#spiHelper_Close', document).prop('checked') ||
    $('#spiHelper_Close', document).prop('disabled')) || $('#spiHelper_Move', document).prop('checked'))
  if ($('#spiHelper_Archive', document).prop('disabled')) {
    $('#spiHelper_Archive', document).prop('checked', false)

 * Updates whether the 'move' checkbox is enabled
function spiHelperUpdateMove () {
  // Rename is mutually exclusive with archive
  'use strict'
  $('#spiHelper_Move', document).prop('disabled', $('#spiHelper_Archive', document).prop('checked'))
  if ($('#spiHelper_Move', document).prop('disabled')) {
    $('#spiHelper_Move', document).prop('checked', false)

 * Generate a select input, optionally with an onChange call
 * @param {string} id Name of the input
 * @param {SelectOption[]} options Array of options objects
function spiHelperGenerateSelect (id, options) {
  // Add the dates to the selector
  const $selector = $('#' + id, document)
  for (let i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
    const o = options[i]
      .prop('selected', o.selected)
      .prop('disabled', o.disabled)

 * Given an HTML element, sets that element's value on all block options
 * For example, checking the 'block all' button will check all per-user 'block' elements
 * @param {JQuery<HTMLElement>} source The HTML input element that we're matching all selections to
function spiHelperSetAllBlockOpts (source) {
  'use strict'
  for (let i = 1; i <= spiHelperUserCount; i++) {
    const $target = $('#' + source.attr('id') + i)
    if (source.attr('type') === 'checkbox') {
      // Don't try to set disabled checkboxes
      if (!$target.prop('disabled')) {
        $target.prop('checked', source.prop('checked'))
    } else {

 * Inserts text at the cursor's position
 * @param {JQuery<HTMLElement>} source Select box that was changed
 * @param {number?} pos Position to insert text; if null, inserts at the cursor
function spiHelperInsertTextFromSelect (source, pos = null) {
  const $textBox = $('#spiHelper_CommentText', document)
  // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11076975/how-to-insert-text-into-the-textarea-at-the-current-cursor-position
  const selectionStart = parseInt($textBox.attr('selectionStart'))
  const selectionEnd = parseInt($textBox.attr('selectionEnd'))
  const startText = $textBox.val().toString()
  const newText = source.val().toString()
  if (pos === null && (selectionStart || selectionStart === 0)) {
    $textBox.val(startText.substring(0, selectionStart) +
      newText +
      startText.substring(selectionEnd, startText.length))
    $textBox.attr('selectionStart', selectionStart + newText.length)
    $textBox.attr('selectionEnd', selectionEnd + newText.length)
  } else if (pos !== null) {
    $textBox.val(startText.substring(0, pos) +
      source.val() +
      startText.substring(pos, startText.length))
    $textBox.attr('selectionStart', selectionStart + newText.length)
    $textBox.attr('selectionEnd', selectionEnd + newText.length)
  } else {
    $textBox.val(startText + newText)

  // Force the selected element to reset its selection to 0
  source.prop('selectedIndex', 0)

 * Inserts a {{note}} template at the start of the text box
 * @param {JQuery<HTMLElement>} source Select box that was changed
function spiHelperInsertNote (source) {
  'use strict'
  const $textBox = $('#spiHelper_CommentText', document)
  let newText = $textBox.val().toString()
  // Match the start of the line, optionally including a '*' with or without whitespace around it,
  // optionally including a template which contains the string "note"
  newText = newText.replace(/^(\s*\*\s*)?({{[\w\s]*note[\w\s]*}}\s*)?/i, '* {{' + source.val() + '}} ')

  // Force the selected element to reset its selection to 0
  source.prop('selectedIndex', 0)

 * Changes the case status in the comment box
 * @param {JQuery<HTMLElement>} source Select box that was changed
function spiHelperCaseActionUpdated (source) {
  const $textBox = $('#spiHelper_CommentText', document)
  const oldText = $textBox.val().toString()
  let newTemplate = ''
  switch (source.val()) {
    case 'CUrequest':
      newTemplate = '{{CURequest}}'
    case 'admin':
      newTemplate = '{{awaitingadmin}}'
    case 'clerk':
      newTemplate = '{{Clerk Request}}'
    case 'selfendorse':
      newTemplate = '{{Requestandendorse}}'
    case 'inprogress':
      newTemplate = '{{Inprogress}}'
    case 'decline':
      newTemplate = '{{Decline}}'
    case 'cudecline':
      newTemplate = '{{Cudecline}}'
    case 'endorse':
      newTemplate = '{{Endorse}}'
    case 'cuendorse':
      newTemplate = '{{cu-endorsed}}'
    case 'moreinfo': // Intentional fallthrough
    case 'cumoreinfo':
      newTemplate = '{{moreinfo}}'
    case 'relist':
      newTemplate = '{{relisted}}'
    case 'hold':
    case 'cuhold':
      newTemplate = '{{onhold}}'
  if (spiHelperClerkStatusRegex.test(oldText)) {
    $textBox.val(oldText.replace(spiHelperClerkStatusRegex, newTemplate))
    if (!newTemplate) { // If the new template is empty, get rid of the stray ' - '
      $textBox.val(oldText.replace(/^ - /, ''))
  } else if (newTemplate) {
    // Don't try to insert if the "new template" is empty
    // Also remove the leading *
    $textBox.val('*' + newTemplate + ' - ' + oldText.replace(/^\s*\*\s*/, ''))

 * Fires on page load, adds the SPI portlet and (if the page is categorized as "awaiting
 * archive," meaning that at least one closed template is on the page) the SPI-Archive portlet
async function spiHelperAddLink () {
  'use strict'
  await spiHelperLoadSettings()
  await mw.loader.load('mediawiki.util')
  const initLink = mw.util.addPortletLink('p-cactions', '#', 'SPI', 'ca-spiHelper')
  initLink.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
    return spiHelperInit()
  if (mw.config.get('wgCategories').includes('SPI cases awaiting archive') && spiHelperIsClerk()) {
    const oneClickArchiveLink = mw.util.addPortletLink('p-cactions', '#', 'SPI-Archive', 'ca-spiHelperArchive')
    $(oneClickArchiveLink).one('click', (e) => {
      return spiHelperOneClickArchive()
  window.addEventListener('beforeunload', (e) => {
    const $actionView = $('#spiHelper_actionViewDiv', document)
    if ($actionView.length > 0) {
      // for Chrome
      e.returnValue = ''
      return true

    // Make sure no operations are still in flight
    let isDirty = false
    spiHelperActiveOperations.forEach((value, _0, _1) => {
      if (value === 'running') {
        isDirty = true
    if (isDirty) {
      e.returnValue = ''
      return true

 * Checks for the existence of Special:MyPage/spihelper-options.js, and if it exists,
 * loads the settings from that page.
async function spiHelperLoadSettings () {
  // Dynamically load a user's settings
  // Borrowed from code I wrote for [[User:Headbomb/unreliable.js]]
  try {
    await mw.loader.getScript('/w/index.php?title=Special:MyPage/spihelper-options.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript')
    if (typeof spiHelperCustomOpts !== 'undefined') {
      Object.entries(spiHelperCustomOpts).forEach(([k, v]) => {
        spiHelperSettings[k] = v
  } catch (error) {
    mw.log.error('Error retrieving your spihelper-options.js')
    // More detailed error in the console
    console.error('Error getting local spihelper-options.js: ' + error)

// User role helper functions
 * Whether the current user has admin permissions, used to determine
 * whether to show block options
 * @return {boolean} Whether the current user is an admin
function spiHelperIsAdmin () {
  if (spiHelperSettings.debugForceAdminState !== null) {
    return spiHelperSettings.debugForceAdminState
  return mw.config.get('wgUserGroups').includes('sysop')

 * Whether the current user has checkuser permissions, used to determine
 * whether to show checkuser options
 * @return {boolean} Whether the current user is a checkuser

function spiHelperIsCheckuser () {
  if (spiHelperSettings.debugForceCheckuserState !== null) {
    return spiHelperSettings.debugForceCheckuserState
  return mw.config.get('wgUserGroups').includes('checkuser')

 * Whether the current user is a clerk, used to determine whether to show
 * clerk options
 * @return {boolean} Whether the current user is a clerk
function spiHelperIsClerk () {
  // Assumption: checkusers should see clerk options. Please don't prove this wrong.
  return spiHelperSettings.clerk || spiHelperIsCheckuser()

 * Common username normalization function
 * @param {string} username Username to normalize
 * @return {string} Normalized username
function spiHelperNormalizeUsername (username) {
  // Replace underscores with spaces
  username = username.replace('/_/g', ' ')
  // Get rid of bad hidden characters
  username = username.replace(spiHelperHiddenCharNormRegex, '')
  // Remove leading and trailing spaces
  username = username.trim()
  if (mw.util.isIPAddress(username, true)) {
    // For IP addresses, capitalize them (really only applies to IPv6)
    username = username.toUpperCase()
  } else {
    // For actual usernames, make sure the first letter is capitalized
    username = username.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + username.slice(1)
  return username
// </nowiki>

 * Parse key features from an archivenotice
 * @param {string} page Page to parse
 * @return {Promise<ParsedArchiveNotice>} Parsed archivenotice
async function spiHelperParseArchiveNotice (page) {
  const pagetext = await spiHelperGetPageText(page, false)
  const match = spiHelperArchiveNoticeRegex.exec(pagetext)
  const username = match[1]
  let deny = false
  let xwiki = false
  let notalk = false
  if (match[2]) {
    for (const entry of match[2].split('|')) {
      if (!entry) {
        // split in such a way that it's just a pipe
      const splitEntry = entry.split('=')
      if (splitEntry.length !== 2) {
        console.error('Malformed archivenotice parameter ' + entry)
      const key = splitEntry[0]
      const val = splitEntry[1]
      if (val.toLowerCase() !== 'yes') {
        // Only care if the value is 'yes'
      if (key.toLowerCase() === 'deny') {
        deny = true
      } else if (key.toLowerCase() === 'crosswiki') {
        xwiki = true
      } else if (key.toLowerCase() === 'notalk') {
        notalk = true
  /** @type {ParsedArchiveNotice} */
  return {
    username: username,
    deny: deny,
    xwiki: xwiki,
    notalk: notalk

 * Helper function to make a new archivenotice
 * @param {string} username Username
 * @param {ParsedArchiveNotice} archiveNoticeParams Other archivenotice params
 * @return {string} New archivenotice
function spiHelperMakeNewArchiveNotice (username, archiveNoticeParams) {
  let notice = '{{SPIarchive notice|1=' + username
  if (archiveNoticeParams.xwiki) {
    notice += '|crosswiki=yes'
  if (archiveNoticeParams.deny) {
    notice += '|deny=yes'
  if (archiveNoticeParams.notalk) {
    notice += '|notalk=yes'
  notice += '}}'

  return notice

 * Function to add a blank user line to the block table
 * Would fail ESlint no-unused-vars due to only being
 * referenced in an onclick event
 * @return {Promise<void>}
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
async function spiHelperAddBlankUserLine () {
  await spiHelperGenerateBlockTableLine('', true, spiHelperUserCount)