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User:Ruaidhrí Jnr

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Early Years


Ruaidhrí was born on Tuesday June 15th 1971 in the Coombe Hospital Dublin, Ireland to Ruaidhrí Snr and Sheila. Brother Breffni arrived on the 27th June 1974 and sister Ciara arrived on the 20th August 1977. Dad until retirement was an Irish Custom and Excise and Mum until marriage and kids was a Dental Nurse. Proud grand parents Arthur and Elizabeth Byrne and Jack and Pauline Murphy were of course overcome with joy.

School Years


He attended St. Francis Xavier National School and Coolmine Community School. He had a glittering school career, days filled with learning numbers, letters and occasionally useful information. In first or second class he was put outside the door, probably for some witty comment. Having hidden behind the coat rack outside the class upon hearing the headmasters footsteps coming down the corridor imagine the young Ruaidhrís' surprise when the headmaster told him to return to class. The fact that young Ruaidhrí's feet and legs were clearly visible at the bottom of the coat rack seemed not to have dawned on him.
In fifth year in Coolmine Community School during an assembly the year was told the school was raising money to build a bike shed. When asked whose families would be willing to make a donation, most of the year raised their hands. When asked who wouldn't Ruaidhrí raised his hand all alone in a field of disbelief. When asked "why?" he replied that "he didn't own a bike." Following an outbreak of giggling and guffawing he was asked to the headmaster’s office. No punishment was administered but an order for his autobiography was placed.

Gang Life


Ruaidhrí was a founding member of the “Thor Gang,” other notorious members included brother Breff, Doug, Darren, and Robbie. Gang activities included, “ditches and bridges”, swinging upside down from trees, kerbs, football tennis, kick the can and of course scotch. Although known to the police for crimes against football (and the neighbours who complained) none were ever arrested. During the winter months the gang were often found building igloos having rolled a snowball up and down the length of the Clonsilla Rd. A vicious snowball attack on a coal man did however result in the lads nearly peeing themselves with laughter.

A Scouting Tale


Having joined St Brigid’s Cub scout pack Ruaidhrí set about gaining every merit badge available. A trip to the Isle of Man when in the 104th Scout troop resulted in his first power shower. Having accepted a wager from the locals for 5 whole pounds which at the time was worth 5 whole pounds, Ruaidhrí and a couple of other scouts (identifies withheld due to embarrassment) stood under the Laxey Wheel http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laxey_Wheel. All was well as the wheel turned and scooped up the water. All was not well when the wheel changed direction and dumped what seemed to be the entire contents of an Olympic size swimming pool on the lads. And no they didn’t win the bet.

Early works


Ruaidhrí was a member of the Thor gang for many years, other members included Breff, Doug, Darren, and Robbie. Dispit public outcry the gang spent many summer nights playing "ditches and bridges", swinging out of "the big tree" and basically making the "famous five" look like the hitler youth with their deeds of daring do.