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Note to other Wikipedia users: This page is a separate page for my dog Ruby. I figured it would be easier then just taking up a HUGE section on her on my main page. Thanks! Megan :) 06:45, 6 August 2007 (UTC)



Ruby was born on March 12, 2002, a year and a day after my youngest brother Matthew. I was four and 7 months then, and Ruby? She was like a brown tomato, but probably bigger. My cousins' dog Ping and another dog(that looks more like Ruby with his small head, like Ruby's) had 5 puppies. Abby, Ruby's sister, was the third one, and the first two(boys) were giving to my cousins' parents' friend. The last one, Mongo(named after a song called "Mongo No.5) was given away or sold to someone. After a few weeks with Ping, Ruby was given to us, and we named her after a baseball player named Erubiel, or something. Our cat, Gonzo, also after a baseball player, ran away shortly after Ruby came. (Gonzo was a coward, I guess.) Ruby thinks she is a big dog, and she barks at almost everyone. She used to bark at our neighbors/friends' dogs, which were much bigger then her, until our neighbors/friends moved away - sad - Since I don't have a sister, Ruby is super close. I don't know what I'd do if Ruby was killed or doggienapped. Ruby is currently 5 years old and almost 7 months. Her room is being shared with mine, and all she really does in there is sleep or lay down on my bed, or on the floor with my blanket or just on the floor. She gets used to people after awhile, but I may not have friends when I move, because of her. Especially if people get hives from dogs.. Oh! Ruby is a brown dachshund, and we almost always take her with us to my aunt's house when we go swimming there, because that's where Abby(Ruby's sister) and her mother lives. Another dog that lives there is a beagle about 7 or 8 years old, named Oreo, and she's a girl. (obviously!) Oreo is of no relation to Ruby or her family, as far as I'm aware.

Ruby's Family and Acquaintances




Abby is the sister of Ruby and first daughter of Ping. Ruby is the younger sister of Abby. Abby is not as dark as Ruby, and her head is a bit bigger. Abby loves balls. She and Ruby often are on a small raft in my aunt's pool, with one ball(or 2)and Ruby isn't much of a swimmer as Abby is. Abby and Ruby don't look very much alike. But they are still sisters.



Oreo is a big beagle who loves steaks and meat, and other good foods. She can swim a little.. but not as much as Abby and Ruby. Oreo(as far as I'm aware)has no relation to Ruby, Abby, or any of Ruby's family. As soon as Oreo hears the other dogs start to bark, she'll jump right in and start barking.



Ping is Abby and Ruby's momma. Abby is like her momma, and Ruby is like her daddy. Ping loves water. If you have a water gun, Ping will jump around while you splash her and spray her. Ping is a black doggie. That's probably how Ruby is blackish.