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Dear Prof. I emailed many famous physicists with this. It seems that it all went to spam. So.

Hello world here is the first definition of gravity.

Please assist me in presenting an alternative to the incompatibility problem of gravity and electro-magnetism. A universe without push would collapse. A universe without pull would fly apart. For a graphic explanation please go here By treating forces as push and pull I have replaced Failed to parse (syntax error): {\displaystyle G∗m∗m/r^2} with a more friendly equation, that will not run to infinity as r approaches 0, which we all guess didn't make sense. For the first time gravity is defined using known constants, namely Failed to parse (syntax error): {\displaystyle 2∗c^3/hbar} Insert formula here which is the maximum acceleration per kilogram that can be achieved. Do not try this or you will be gone forever. The speed of light and Planck's constant. Since Planck is all derived from G this may not be 100% true as we still have to come back to Newtons. What I am suggesting is that the definitions should be reversed. Planck should be the base unit of measurement then the functionality of G would be simplified to Failed to parse (syntax error): {\displaystyle 2∗c^3/hbar} , because Failed to parse (syntax error): {\displaystyle 2∗c^3/} is independent of G. Plank length is still left with G but we will still need a way to relate to the every day world. What this is saying is that the soul of gravity is determined by the speed of light and the quanta of energy. This is suggesting that there is no difference between electro-magnetics and gravity except that, in materials 99.99..... of the charge is canceled out and the left over is gravity. Gravity is stray charge. With the Coulomb experiment the charges mostly float to one side of a hollow globe so nearly all the interaction is charge. With the Cavendish experiment the charges are mostly locked in place canceling out each other. This implies that gravity is stray electro-magnetism. Detecting this as stray electro-magnetism is difficult because whatever measurement