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User:Ryan Santer

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In The Beginning As a child, Ryan Santer was unlike many other his age, not only was he more determined to over come his vertical challenges, but he was also extemely well focassed on his career. Born in the July of 1992, Ryan made a huge impact on all that met him. Yes he lacked in height, but he made up in bravery. At just four he joined his local football team, where he conquered his ever growing struggle to eliminate prejudice against those of less than average height. By the age of five, shortly after starting his awe inspiring journey thought Britain's educational system, Ryan took on the almight force of childhood imagination. He started at the bottom, as any good hero does, cunningly working his way into the clan of the donkey family of his friend and sister's dreams. Entering the group as a mere weakling, he served the mother and super strength donkey. In only a matter of weeks he had mastered the game and continued his journey to rid the world of heightist beliefs.

Early Schooling In 1997 Ryan joined Hockwold Primary School. Although the odds were against him, what with a system riddled with hipocracy, he prospered. By his second year he had a firm place in his year group's hierarchy and ad even began to establish himself in the higher the years of the school. Despite being the only male in his age group he managed to balance his year's feminine values with those masculine of his own. Soon enough Ryan had taken part in the legendary Play Ground Wide War of Hockwold Primry, (1998). Fighting on the side of the now world reknown Matthew Fulton(whos has became a suicidal loner) , he managed to defeat the majourity, and most importantly, the forces of Benjamin Monacco Castanio.

Life Struggles Throughout his life Ryan has faced many struggles on his way. Not only has his lack of verticalisity failed to stop him on his way, he has conquered many other challenging frights. This list of fearful challeneges Ryan has had to over come includes: 1.A rare and incurrable skin disease 2.Slow growing legs, causing immense pain 3.Lacking interlect 4.Darastic mood swings, leading to mass psychological conflict 5.A harsh tounge which is incontrollable

For The Future Although Ryan's quest to rid the world of heightist prejudice, he has taken on many other missions, all of which are gaining mass support from his followers. Some of these new quests include: 1.The Italian Penguin Revloution see Italian Pengiun Revloution 2. Cross breeding two spieces - e.i. penguin and italian humans...if humans not available cats will do

The Death List Other the years Ryan has developed a death list which include the names of people who have caused conflict and hatred in the world in which he lives. As these names cannot be mentioned due to legal purposes and the threat of lawsuits (and possible inprisonment) all names have been with held. However if you wiah to found out names simply google Ryan Santers Death LIst ...you never know, you might get lucky.

Words Of Wisdom - Quotes 1.'Size doesn't matter, unless you're in a height contest' 2.'I may not be smart, I may not be strong, but I sure can take a beating' 3.'Would you like to go to bed, wishing death upon a seven year old girl every night?' 4.'if i am a goose you are a ass' 5.'Just because I acknowledge you, doesn't mean I care' 6.'I'm not gay, purely misunderstood' 7.'Just because I'm small, doesn't mean I'm not big on the inside'