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It is a country that is part of the United Kingdom.[edit]

The area now called England was first inhabited by modern humans during the Upper Palaeolithic period, but it takes its name from the Angles, one of the Germanic tribes who settled during the 5th and 6th centuries. England became a unified state in 927 AD, and since the Age of Discovery, which began during the 15th century, has had a significant cultural and legal impact on the wider world.[1] The English language, the Anglican Church, and English law - the basis for the common law legal systems of many other countries around the world - developed in England, and the country's parliamentary system of government has been widely adopted by other nations.[2] The Industrial Revolution began in 18th-century England, transforming its society into the world's first industrialised nation.[3]The Kingdom of England - which after 1284 included Wales - was a sovereign state until 1 May 1707, when the Acts of Union put into effect the terms agreed in the Treaty of Union the previous year, resulting in a political union with the Kingdom of Scotland to create the new Kingdom of Great Britain.[4]

  1. 1.^ "England – Culture". britainusa.com.
  2. 2.^ "Country profile: United Kingdom". BBC News (news.bbc.co.uk).
  3. 3.^ "Industrial Revolution". Ace.mmu.ac.uk.
  4. 4.^ "The British Parliamentary System". BBC News.