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Lebohang Kganye


Lebohang Kganye (born 23 June 1990 in Katlehong) is a visual artist currently living and working in Johannesburg. Although Kganye is primarily a photographer, she often incorporates her interest in sculpture and performance of archive and memory[1]. She uses digital manipulation to create a pictorial space that explores her family history, particularly a matrilineal lineage[2]. Her work engages memory, family histories and absence, using photo's to piece together moments and fragments of her family's - particularly her mother's history.



Kganye studied photography at the Market Photo Workshop from 2009 until 2011, after which she pursued a BA in Fine Arts degree at the University of Johannesburg. She is currently enrolled in the MFA programme at the Wits School of Arts.

Lebohang Kganye has exhibited extensively, participating in group and solo exhibitions on the African content and abroad most notably her exhibition Ke Lefa Laka.[3] She is the recipient of the 2018 Hopper Prize grant[4], the Tierney Fellowship Award in 2012, was selected as the Featured Artist for the 17th Business and Arts South Africa Awards (BASA) in 2014[5], received the 2015 Coup de Coeur Jury Award, Rencontres Africaines de la Photographie (African Photography Encounters) in Bamako,[6][7] was selected overall winner for the 2017 Sasol New Signatures Awards amongst others[8]. From the series Ke Lefa Laka, she created an animation entitled Pied Piper's Voyage. This animation was launched on Mandela Day 2014 in Scotland. Kganye’s work forms part of several private and public collections, including the Standard Banks Collection and the Walther Collection in Ulm.




1:54 Contemporary African Art Fair New York, Afronova Gallery, Industria, West Village, NY

Africa State of Mind, Impressions Gallery, Bradford UK

Art Nova 100, Bejing, China

Beyond Boundaries: LensCulture Discoveries in Contemporary Photography, Aperture Gallery

Coda Paper Art 2019, Coda Paper Museum, Apeldoorn, the Netherlands

Nataal Magazine Preview, The Africa Center, NY, May

Redamacy/Ke Lefa Laka, PHMuseum, online

Who’s Looking at the Family, Now?, Photo50 at London Art Fair, 2019


1:54 Contemporary African Art Fair London, Afronova Gallery, Somerset House,London

1:54 Contemporary African Art Fair NY, Afronova Gallery, Pioneer Works, New York

Africa is No Island, MACAAL, Marrakech

Africa State of Mind, New Art Exchange, Nottingham UK

Gifts, 25 years of Open Society Foundation, Cape Town

L’Afrique n’est pas une île, Fondation Zinsou, Cotonou, Benin

Mohlokomedi wa Tora, Pretoria Art Museum, Pretoria, South Africa

Recent Histories, Contemporary African Photography and Video Art from The Walter Collection, Huis Marseille, Museum of Photography, Amsterdam, Netherlands

RE*CREATION, fotograf festival #8, Fotograf Gallery, Prague

Not the Usual Suspects, IZIKO South African National Gallery, Cape Town

Sans Tambour, Ni Trompette, Cent ans de Guerres, Faux Movement, Metz, France

Tell freedom, by all means necessary, Kunsthal KAdE, Amersfoort, Netherlands Tell Tale, The Photo Workshop Gallery, Johannesburg The bricks that build a home, Migratie Museum, The Hague

Un Air de famille – parce que les fantômes disparaissent au lever du jour, Portraits La Galerie, H2M, Bourg-en-Bresse, France

"writing for the ear, writing for the eye" for Season 3, Centre for Less Good Idea, Johannesburg


35 Years: Trailblazers, Lizamore and Associates Gallery, Johannesburg

Africana, Rencontres d’Arles, Pop-Up Gallery, Kehrer Galerie, Arles

Atomic Peace: Searching for Level Ground During A Spiritual Emergency, The Bag Factory artist studios, Johannesburg

Booknesses: South African Artists’ Books, FADA Gallery, University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg

Being Her(e), Galeria do Banco Económico, Luanda, Angola

Being Her(e): Meditations on African Femininities, Six Mountains on Her Back: (Re)-reading African Feminisms Colloquium, Rhodes University Fine Art Department, Makhanda

Digital Africa (Tokyo), YaPhoto@Arakawa Africa, OGU MAG gallery, Tokyo

Equal but Different, Pop-Up Gallery, Art@First, Johannesburg

Four Dilemmas, Market Photo Workshop Gallery, Johannesburg

Infecting the City, Africa Centre, Cape Town

Le jour qui vient, AFRICA NOW, Galerie des Galeries, Galeries Lafayette,Paris

Les Territoires du Corps, Video Programme, Art Paris Art Fair, Grand Palais, Paris

MY XXX, Innibos National Arts Festival, Mpumalanga

Nathi.Aha.Sasa, Wiener Festwochen, Vienna

Ourselves + Others: African Feminist Re-Creations, SOAS University of London,United Kingdom

Recent Histories, New Photography from Africa, Walther Collection, Ulm,

RESIST(E) – Printemps photographique Afrique de Sud, NegPos, France Sans tambour ni trompette – Cent ans de guerres, Le Parvis centre d'art, Parvis France Sasol New Signatures, Pretoria Arts Museum, Pretoria


1:54 Contemporary African Art Fair, Afronova Gallery, Pioneer Works,New York

Cities and Memory, Photo Biennale, Brandts Museum, Odense

Escape by Night, Museum Night, V&A Waterfront, Cape Town Festival Africolor, Université Paris 13, Paris Focus: African Perspectives, Armory Show, Afronova Gallery, New York

L’Autre Continent, Artistes, Femmes, Africaines, Musèum du Havre, Le Havre

KIN, HANGAR Centro de Investigação Artística, Lisbon

Recent Histories, New Photography from Africa, Walther Collection Project Space, New York City


1:54 Contemporary African Art Fair, Afronova Gallery, Pioneer Works,New York

Addis Video Art Festival, Addis Ababa

Now you see me, Now you don’t, International Schillertage, Mannheim

Stone Kraal, International Schillertage, Mannheim

Telling Time, Bamako Encounters Biennale of African Photography,Bamako

The View From Here, Tiwani Contemporary, London

Trek, Following Journeys, SMAC Gallery, Cape Town


Femme Photographe, ONOMO Hotel, Dakar Airport

OFF THE WALL, Les Rencontres d’Arles, Arles

Sasol New Signatures, Pretoria Art Museum, Pretoria

Short Change, My Joburg, Market Photo Workshop Gallery, Johannesburg

Young ’14, Bag Factory, Fordsburg


Apartheid and After, Huis Marsielle, Amsterdam

Ke Lefa Laka, Market Photo Workshop Gallery, Johannesburg

Photoville, Brooklyn Bridge Park, New York

Short Change, My Joburg, La Maison Rouge Gallery, Paris

The Suit, Copy Shop, Cape Town


Happily Never After, AVA Gallery, Cape Town

Parking Gallery, Joburg Art Fair, Market Photo Workshop Stall,Johannesburg

Sasol New Signatures, Pretoria Art Museum, Pretoria

Tracing Territories, Makweteng outdoor exhibition and screening,Potchefstroom

Tracing Territories, Market Photo Workshop Gallery, Johannesburg


Between 10 and 5, Joburg Art Fair, Market Photo Workshop Stall,Johannesburg

Kaolafe Saam, Market Photo Workshop Gallery, Johannesburg


  1. ^ "Lebohang Kganye | Contemporary And". www.contemporaryand.com (in German). Retrieved 2019-06-22.
  2. ^ "Lebohang Kganye: Ke Lefa Laka | Series | impressa magazine". impressa magazine. 2016-11-06. Retrieved 2019-06-22.
  3. ^ "Ke Lefa Laka – a solo exhibition by Lebohang Kganye". The Market Photo Workshop. Retrieved 2019-06-23.
  4. ^ "Lebohang Kganye is an artist living and working in Johannesburg". The Hopper Prize. Retrieved 2019-06-23.
  5. ^ Africa, Art South (2014-08-26). "Winners Honoured at 17th Business Day BASA Awards". Art Africa Magazine. Retrieved 2019-06-23.
  6. ^ "Dossier de presse Rencontres de Bamako - Biennale africaine de la photographie 2015". Issuu. Retrieved 2019-06-23.
  7. ^ "Stories about my Granddad | Contemporary And". www.contemporaryand.com (in German). Retrieved 2019-06-23.
  8. ^ "CV". Lebohang Kganye. Retrieved 2019-06-22.