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User:S. Perquin/History education in the Netherlands

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Cornelis de Tromp's former flagship the 'Gouden Leeuw' on the IJ in front of Amsterdam by Willem van de Velde the Younger

In Dutch primary and secondary schools, history education has been taught cyclically since the beginning of the 21st century, so that all subjects are covered more often and are taught in greater depth each time.

Ten time periods


As a guide in both primary and secondary education in the European part of the Netherlands, a division into ten time periods is used.[1]

Time period of Time period Year
hunters and farmers Prehistory To 3000 B.C.
Greeks and Romans Ancient history 3000 B.C. to 500 A.D.
monks and knights Early Middle Ages 500 to 1000
cities and states High and Late Middle Ages 1000 to 1500
explorers and reformers Renaissance/Reformation/Age of Discovery 1500 to 1600
regenten and monarchs Dutch Golden Age 1600 to 1700
wigs and revolutions Age of Enlightenment 1700 to 1800
citizens and steam engines Industrial Revolution 1800 to 1900
the world wars First half of the 20th century 1900 to 1950
television and computer Second half of the 20th century 1950 to present

Very concise summary


In the beginning of humanity, people live as nomads and hunt animals. After the agricultural revolution takes place, people become farmers and increasingly stay in a fixed place.

This causes villages to form, and Greek society emerges in Greece, gathering knowledge and making developments in science and philosophy. The Greeks then become part of the Roman Empire, which expands its empire through wars and violence.

Christianity spreads in Europe and more monks emerge. After the fall of the Roman Empire, weak Germanic kingdoms emerge, defended by knights.

Gradually, cities emerge. State formation begins.

The first European voyages of discovery begin, as Columbus discovers America. Meanwhile, Protestants reform the Christian Church during the Reformation.

In the Dutch cities, regents and princes become the rulers. During the Dutch Golden Age, the Republic of the Seven United Netherlands becomes one of the most powerful countries in the world.

The country is conquered by the French, and King Louis XIV, whose wig became very popular among many men, ruled over a large area from his palace in Versailles. After a while, King Louis XVI comes to power, dealing with a huge national debt and some crop failures, and he does not know he can rectify the situation in his kingdom. The people revolt and behead the king by guillotine.

At some point, citizens, workers and children are given more and more rights. During the Industrial Revolution the steam engine is invented, which has a great impact everywhere.

Then World War I begins and a fierce battle is fought. Shortly after, another war begins, World War II, which is even bigger and fiercer. Millions of people die during the Holocaust.

After the war, there is a period of relative calm and peace. Technology becomes increasingly popular and modern. So comes the television, and later the computer is invented.[2]


  1. ^ "De 10 Tijdvakken van de Nederlandse geschiedenis". Tijdvakken.nl (in Dutch).
  2. ^ Hans Keissen. Basiskennis Geschiedenis (in Dutch). Noordhoff Uitgevers. ISBN 9789001901189.