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User:SadPandaBear/Choose an Article

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Article Selection


Please list articles that you're considering for your Wikipedia assignment below. Begin to critique these articles and find relevant sources.

Option 1


Article title


Strategic Communication

Strategic Communication

Article Evaluation


This article on Strategic Communication provides a comprehensive overview of concepts and applications. I provides key definitions, historical developments, theories and applications.

Ideas to improve on the article include:

  • Updating to provide current developments and trends.
  • Providing additional sources and references to support the content. Sources like academic journals, books and reports.
  • Add real-world examples in action.
  • Expand the history section for development in different countries.
  • Add a section on different approaches and methods.
  • Add a section on the impact of technology and how it has changed the way organization communicate.



Wahl-Jorgensen, K., & Hanitzsch, T. (Eds.). (2012). Strategic Communication: An Introduction. Cambridge University Press. https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/strategic-communication/4D8EC57E44C44BFD49A97A6716906486

Scott, C. R., & Waters, R. D. (Eds.). (2017). The Handbook of Communication Science. Sage Publications. https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/the-handbook-of-communication-science/book237998

Option 2


Article title

Public Relations
Public relations

Article Evaluation


This article on Public Relations provides history and definitions, along with various practices and techniques. It also mentions notable figures in the field and evolution of Public Relations through history.

Ideas to improve on the article include:

  • More current examples could be provided. The article does provide some recent Public Relation campaigns, there could be some additional current examples to show the evolution in Public Relations over the recent years.
  • Add the role of Public Relations in crisis management.
  • Add ethical considerations of Public Relations.
  • Add the use of social media. Social media is an integral part of Public Relations. Add informations on how the media is used to reach audiences and measure success.



"Public Relations Ethics: Responsible Advocacy" by Janis D. Brewster and Darryl D. Gardner (Journal of Mass Media Ethics, 2006) - https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1207/s15327736me2101_5

"The Impact of Social Media on Public Relations Practice" by B. Baumeister and S. Roy (Journal of Public Relations Research, 2016) - https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/1062726X.2015.1054617

"Crisis Management in the Public Relations Industry" by Kevin P. Magee and Jeffery W. Dorfman (Journal of Business and Leadership: Research, Practice, and Teaching, 2008) - https://www.regent.edu/acad/global/publications/jbl/docs/v4n2/Magee%20Dorfman%20V4N2.pdf

Option 3


Article title


Corporate Communication

Corporate communication

Article Evaluation


This article covers the definition, history, types, and importance of corporate communication, as well as its role in organizational success and the relationship with stakeholders. There are examples of the evolution in corporate communications and the rise of digital media. The information is clear and organized and supported by references and links.

Ideas to improve the article include:

  • Update information to reflect current trends and developments. Expand on the rise of digital media. Discuss recent advancements such as the impact of social media, the use of data and analytics and the role of artificial intelligence.
  • Addition of real-world examples.
  • Expand on the section of the importance of corporate communication. Highlight research and studies that demonstrate the correlation between effective corporation communication and organizational success. Show the benefits to stakeholders.
  • Include the challenges and ethical considerations. Topics such as crisis communication, reputation management, and the responsible use of information.



"Corporate Communications: An International Journal" - https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/gcor20

"Journal of Business Communication" - https://journals.sagepub.com/home/jbc

Option 4


Article title


Crisis Communication

Crisis communication

Article Evaluation


This article give a good overview. It defines crisis communication as well as its importance. The key components of a crisis plan are also included. There are examples of different types of crises and the roles of various stakeholders in crisis communication. It's clear and organized, with links to relevant resources.

Ideas to improve the article include:

  • Expand the section on crisis communication strategies and best practices: This could include in-depth discussions on the importance of preparation and planning, the development of crisis communication plans, and the use of risk assessment and scenario planning.
  • Include more real-world examples and case studies: This would help readers understand the concepts discussed in the article and how they are applied in practice.
  • Highlight the role of digital and social media in crisis communication: This section could discuss the challenges and opportunities posed by digital media, as well as the importance of effective digital crisis communication and the use of social listening tools.
  • Discuss the role of stakeholders in crisis communication: This section could cover the responsibilities of different stakeholders, such as the organization, media, government, and public, in crisis communication.



"Journal of Public Relations Research" - https://journals.sagepub.com/home/jpr

"Public Relations Review" - https://www.journals.elsevier.com/public-relations-review

Option 5


Article title


Internal Communication

Internal communication

Article Evaluation


The article defines internal communication and discusses its importance and benefits. It covers various aspects of internal communications such as employee engagement, feedback, and culture. The article also discusses information on challenges and barriers to effective internal communication. It also provides examples of different types of internal communication methods.

Ideas to improve the article include:

  • More in-depth information on the latest trends and developments in the field. Examples of impacts of technology and the use of digital communication tools.
  • Include real-world examples and case studies of effective internal communication practices.
  • Add updates to reflect recent developments in the field.
  • Highlight case studies and best practices. Include real-world examples of successful internal communication strategies that would provided valuable insight for readers and make the information more relevant and practical.



"Internal Communication Report" by the Institute of Internal Communication (IoIC) https://www.ioic.org.uk/resources/internal-communication-report

"Global Internal Communication Report" by Prezly https://www.prezly.com/internal-communication-report

"The Future of Internal Communication" by Mckinsey https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/organization/our-insights/the-future-of-internal-communication

"Internal Communication Best Practices" by Ragan Communications https://www.ragan.com/tactics/internal-communication/