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User:Saira.s.3/Choose an Article

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Article Selection


Please list articles that you're considering for your Wikipedia assignment below. Begin to critique these articles and find relevant sources.

Option 1

Article title
Radio advertisement
Article Evaluation
The article is relatively neutral, and provides well-rounded background information for the topic. However, the article is primarily focused on radio advertisements in the United States, and does not include information from a worldly perspective. This article could be improved by including more sources to explain radio advertisements from around the world. The history component of the article is also well-developed, but could be improved with a less euro-centric perspective on radio advertisements.

Option 2

Article title
Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Article Evaluation
The article provides a good foundation of knowledge of the history and the causes of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, but does not provide updated research on the topic and could be updated to include the developments in research on the topic.

Option 3

Article title
Censorship of broadcasting in the United States
Article Evaluation
The article provides sources for certain court cases and other situations where freedom of the press is not guaranteed in the United States, but the article is not developed and does not have a diverse variety of sources to support the article. This article could use more research and background information on the history of the freedom of the press, and what makes it difficult in today's age.

Option 4

Article title
Social media marketing
Article Evaluation
This article provides a well-rounded background on the current use of social media marketing and the various platforms that are used to market by corporations. The article is written in a neutral tone and provides a good understanding of the impact of social media marketing.

Option 5

Article title
Social conflict theory
Article Evaluation
This page has a good foundation, yet does not go into detail of the different theoretical perspectives of the theory and the history of the theory. This article could be developed to include more information of the theory and the its background. It could also include examples of the theory in practice and how social conflict theory changes the way we see conflicts in our world. I will be improving this article as it peaks my interest and I am interested to update the information with more relevant sources.