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User:Saliousoft/Place Bulgarie

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Saliousoft/Place Bulgarie
TypePlace fermée
Place Bulgarie
alt=Image illustrative de l’article Place Bulgarie|373x373px|statue de Georgi Dimitrov, communiste bulgare à la place Bulgarie de Cotonou

sculpture of Georgi Dimitrov, Bulgarian communist, at Bulgaria Square in Cotonou
Coordonnées 6° 21′ 44″ nord, 2° 24′ 50″ est
Pays border|class=noviewer|20x20px|Drapeau du Bénin Bénin
Région Littoral
Ville Cotonou
Quartier(s) Gbégamey
Type Place fermée
Création 1979


Catégorie:Article utilisant une Infobox Catégorie:Article géolocalisé sur Terre Place Bulgarie is a public square located in Gbégamey in the 11th arrondissement of Cotonou where the statue of Georgi Dimitrov, a Bulgarian communist, is erected. This square is built to testify to the Marxist-Leninist past of Benin under the reign of General Mathieu Kérékou governed by the Party of the People's Revolution of Benin before passing from the People's Republic of Benin during the national conference of the living forces of the nation in February 1990. He is better known as Father Bulgaria or Old Bulgarian.

Notes et références[edit]

Articles connexes[edit]

  • Place de l'Étoile rouge
  • Place du Souvenir
  • Place Lénine à Cotonou

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