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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Basic Formatting


Typing in text will usually result in a pretty decent output.

Just skip a line to create a new paragraph.

Text can be bold. It can be in italics. Other HTML formats are, of course, possible.

Automatic code highlighting


Wikimedia also includes automatic code highlighting.

    type t_address is  record (
        name address.name%type,
        street address.street%type,
        street_number address.street_number%type,
        postcode address.postcode%type);
    v_address t_address;
    select name, street, street_number, postcode into v_address from address where rownum = 1;

All that is needed is to include the code within a <syntaxhighlight lang="PLSQL"></syntaxhighlight> tag.





Sub-header can help keep the page organized. They also automatically trigger the creation of a table of contents at the top of an article once it has enough of them.

Unordered Lists


As can unordered lists:

  • First Level
    • Second Level A
    • Second Level B
      • Third Level
    Multiple paragraphs can also be under the same item.
  • Second Level C

Ordered Lists


Ordered list are also an option:

  1. First Level A
    1. Second Level
      1. Third Level A
      2. Third Level B
    Still with multiple paragraphs
  2. First Level B



Indentation is also possible

First Level
Second Level
Third Level



While a little more complex, wiki table mark-up is still pretty simple:

top-left top-middle top-right
middle-left middle middle-right
bottom-left bottom-middle bottom-right

The HTML table syntax also works.


I almost forgot to include this and yet it is probably one of the most important feature of any website.

As illustrated above, internal links to the wiki are created using [[double square-brackets]]. Capitalization doesn't matter. If the link should show different text than the article title, include a vertical line after the article title; what comes after will be the link text.

If an internal link points to a page that does not yet exist, it will be highlighted in red. Clinking on the link will take the user to an edit page where they can create the content associated with that page. For example: jfie92-743j.

External links just use single square-brackets. (i.e. [1]) Since URLs can't contain spaces, a single space is used to separate the link URL from its text. (i.e. Google)