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Cocaine intoxication refers to the immediate and deleterious effects of cocaine on the body. Although cocaine intoxication and cocaine dependence can be present in the same individual, these syndromes present with different symptoms. Cocaine intoxication is caused by the intake of the drug cocaine, which causes your body to feel a type of “high”. This “high” that comes along with cocaine intoxication causes your whole body to become impaired and function at a slower or rapid speed. Symptoms vary with cocaine intoxication and could be life-threatening. So symptoms include ingesting too much of the substance or mixing it with various other drugs. Cocaine intoxication makes the body become impaired and is a very dangerous and addictive substance.

Category:Substance intoxication [[:Category:Cocaine|Dependence, Reliant, Addictive, Insobriety ]}

sources: Brande, Lauren. “Cocaine Overdose Signs: Cocaine Intoxication Symptoms.” DrugAbuse.com, 6 Sept. 2019, drugabuse.com/cocaine/overdose/.

“Cocaine Intoxication: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia.” MedlinePlus, U.S. National Library of Medicine, medlineplus.gov/ency/article/000946.htm.