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My name is Saneela Javed and I am a Digital Media student at Middlesex University. I have created this Wikipedia page to take you through some of the topics I have learnt in the module of Digital Cultures. Digital Cultures has been a very fascinating subject, each lesson we had the chance to do some activities which either would be group work our going out the class to do an experiment. We also had some workshops with guest speakers where we got the chance to learn from people who specialise in the topics we were discussing. From this academic year the three subjects I have learn the most from are the ones I will be writing about below. Please also check the Reflection page.




Live broadcasting allows participants from different locations take part in events, liveness doesn’t have a limit to the audience that can watch the event. Live broadcasted events can also be replayed once the event is over. Live broadcasting means the event shown is taking place as the exact living moment, the concept of liveness has been visualised through technology. There are many examples of live events that are very commonly watched such as live sports shows by BBC live or Sky sports live, or even news from Sky news live, or even BBC live news. When events are live, they are taking place in real time, therefore we know these events have not been negotiated with or changed to look a specific way to the viewers. “Performance’s only life is in the present” (P. Phelon, 1993)[1]. When a performance is broadcasted live you cannot forward or rewind it, once the performance is filmed and re-watched after it is no longer knows as a live version it becomes archived, however it is not possible for the event to be broadcasted without the accurate technology. However, watching events live could be a confusing concept because the viewers are not watching the event right in front of them nevertheless, they are still somehow present for the event. Social media has now got the ‘go live’ function which allows a user to share what they are doing in the moment with their followers. An example of this is Instagram where users can ‘go live’ and all their followers can watch them. With this function users are also able to go live with another user.

Lev Manovich


Week 11

New media is all about the change digital technology has brought to the world of film, photography and other media. As said by Pardo (2015)[2] “the changes caused by the digital revolution are transforming the film industry at a more fast-paced and more far-reaching scale than anything that came before”. This suggests how new technology has become so common and changes so rapidly that it has changed the way businesses such as the film industry immensely. The topic of new media is exciting as we get to learn about how film technology started and how much the world has changed after its existence.

Digital natives


Week 9

Digital natives are the generation that were born in the time of technology. Digital natives are known to be multi taskers and parallel thinkers, they are the generation that adapt to new technology really quick. As said by Marc Prensky (2001)[3] “digital natives process information more or less like a computer” this promotes the idea that digital natives have a fast processing mind which also links to the fact that digital natives have the ability to carry out more than one task at a time. As a digital native this topic has taught me a lot about the difference between the way people like myself (Digital Natives) and people who were born before technology (Digital immigrants).


  1. ^ Phelan, P. (1993). Unmarked[Book]. 1st ed. London: Routledge.
  2. ^ Crisp, V. and Gonring, G. (2015). Besides the screen. 1st ed. Hampshire: Palgrave McMillan.
  3. ^ Prensky, M. (2001). Digital natives, digital immigrants. Marc Prensky.