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Samye Ling Victory Stupa[edit]

Stupa (Skt. stūpa; Tib. མཆོད་རྟེན་, chöten, Wyl. mchod rten) is a Tibetan word meaning 'basis of offerings'. It is a monument that symbolises the enlightened mind of the buddhas and is filled with precious relics and decorated according to ancient lineage instructions. The purpose of a stupa is to help transform and purify imbalance in the environment.

The Samye Ling Victory Stupa was the vision of Choje Akong Tulku Rinpoche, the founder of Kagyu Samye Ling Monastery and Tibetan Centre in Scotland who guided the project through to it's completion.


Stages of Construction[edit]


The Dalai Lama blessed the general area where the stupa was to be sited during his first visit to Samye Ling.


Situ Rinpoche and Pawo Rinpoche chose and consecrated the site.


The land was blessed by Lamdrak Rinpoche and Lama Phuntsok in the presence of Akong Rinpoche.


Work began on laying the reinforced concrete foundations.


Stupa is conscecrated by Lama Phuntsok

External Links[edit]

Film documenting the construction of the Victory Stupa in Samye Ling, Scotland https://youtube/hxXJpE3ra3Q http://www.stupa.org/projects/samyeling/samyelingstupa.htm

The Victory Stupa at Kagyu Samye Ling http://www.stupa.org/projects/samyeling/samyelingstupa.htm