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My mom’s name is Laxmi. She got married at the age of 13, at Kathmandu, Nepal by her parents. She was raised in a village, so she grew up as an innocent girl. After she had been with her husband for some time she discovered that her husband mind didn’t work properly, Unfortunately, she didn’t have a choice so she stayed with him. Within the first two years of marriage, she got pregnant and bore a baby boy. Two years later, Laxmi came to know that her mom (grandma) got severely sick so my mom spent her money traveling alone to take care of her in her last days. She spent the last couple days of her mother’s life alongside her bed, she watched her go to sleep/die. After my grandma’s death, my mom couldn’t go back to her husband’s house because she didn’t have the money to pay the trip. No one helped her. Another man from “Dachhin Kali” took her as his wife. So, from that man, she bore three daughters. She stayed with him for 12 years in Dachhin Kali. After that time, her husband left her. One day, as she was walking on the way, a certain lady passed by and asked her if she was interested in getting a job. My mom was looking for a job so she accepted. The lady took her to a man’s house and left her there. Later on, she discovered that she had been sold by a girl trafficker to that man. She couldn’t do anything, so she stayed there for 1 month. This man promised to pay the $50 money to the lady after the month, so when she came back to pick it up he affirmed that he had to go home and get it. In fact, he went to his house but he never came back. After a few days, my mom found out that she was pregnant. They (she and the lady) discussed for a whole night about the situation as my mom complained about the lies of the lady and the supposed job. In the end, the lady went away leaving my mom alone, in the streets. After that traumatic experience, she kept looking for a job. Finally, she got one at a small hotel, where she had to wash the dishes. However, her belly started to grow bigger and bigger, and it didn’t take too long until her boss found out that she was pregnant and kicked her out. As my mom was walking in the street, looking for a job or anyone who could help her, she found some people who felt compassion for her and gave her food to eat. Later, a couple offered her to stay at their house. She stayed with them for one month and and then she gave birth to a little baby girl while she was over a bunch of bamboo sticks, near to the jungle, in a place called Gokarna, Kathmandu!