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History / Intro[edit]

Ok! For you noobs that ask or say: "Wtf is Semedar? u n00b lolz!!" or something similar, I made this Wiki just for j00!!

Pronounce: Sem-eh-dahr

Not: Sme-meh-dehr, or Salamander

Semedar originated from EQ (EverQuest) back in its glory days before WoW was ever even heard of! Back in the WarCraft I days! Yup yup! When Blizard still hasn't thought of making an MMORPG (Mass Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game).

Well! Back to the history! I got "Semedar" from EQ yes, but I didn't really thought of naming my character "Semedar". I just clicked "Random" or something like that, and after a few 40 or so clicks, "Semedar" poped up! And I was like: "WHOA!! Helz yeah! That's a bad ass name!" I call it the "Semedar Incident" don't ask.. So yeah! If you ever see "Semedar" anywhere on the web, THATS ME!! ^^

Now that you guys know, DONT ASK!! ¬.¬

History lesson, OVER!! Quiz on this tomarow!! STUDY!!
