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Aryon Dall'Igna Rodrigues (4 July 1925, Curitiba - 24 April 2014, Brasília) was a Brazilian linguist, considered one of the most renowned researcher of the indigenous languages of Brazil. His primary contribution to linguistic literature is the proposal that indigenous languages of Brazil such as Tupí, Karib, and Macro-Jê are related in a single family called Tupi-Guarani. The first Brazilian to obtain a doctorate in linguistics, Rodrigues went on to establish the first and second post-graduate programs in linguistics in Brazil, as well as a number of associations in linguistics including the Brazilian Institute of Linguistics, the Brazilian Association of Linguistics (ABRALIN), and the Laboratory of Indigenous Languages (LALI).

Born in Curitiba in Paraná, Rodrigues attended the Gynásio Paranaense (later known as Colégio Estadual do Paraná) and began publishing papers on indigenous languages when he was only seventeen. After graduating from the Federal University of Paraná, Rodrigues went to the University of Hamburg in Germany to obtain his doctorate degree under phonetician Otto van Essen.

A prodigious worker, Rodrigues wrote more than 110 published works over 60 years, a third of which was written after the year 2000, or his 75th birthday. Rodrigues's influence is vast - as linguist Wilmar R. D'Angelis notes, it would be "impossible (if not dishonest)" to discuss Tupí-Guaraní languages without some form of reference to Rodrigues. His book, Brazilian Languages: For the Understanding of the Indigenous Languages, was chosen by the Brazilian Chamber of Books as one of the hundred books of the century.

Rodrigues died at the age of 88 from cardiac arrest.

Outline for Article

  • Lead Section:
    • Aryon Dall'Igna Rodrigues (4 July 1925, Curitiba - 24 April 2014, Brasília) was a Brazilian linguist, considered one of the most renowned researcher of the indigenous languages of Brazil.
  • Early Life:
    • The first Brazilian to obtain a PhD in linguistics in Hamburg (Germany) in 1959. Aryon Rodrigues was invited by Darcy Ribeiro to organize the first post-graduate program in Linguistics in Brazil, in the recently founded Universidade de Brasília (UnB). Aryon left UnB following the coupe in 1964, in solidarity with his colleagues dismissed and persecuted by the military, moving to UFRJ and later to UNICAMP.
    • Aryon era fluente em seis línguas indígenas do tronco tupi e da família tupi-guarani, e conseguia se comunicar em várias outras. Poliglota, também falava alemão, inglês, francês, italiano e espanhol, holandês e polonês e conhecia sânscrito, latim e grego.
  • Linguistic Contribution:
    • Throughout his career, which lasted nearly seventy years, he dedicated himself to the analysis and documentation of various languages such as Xetá and Tupinambá, of the Tupi-Guarani family, and Kipeá of the Kariri family (Macro-Jê). In addition to descriptive and theoretical works in linguistics, Rodrigues contributed to the study of historical and comparative linguistics of the indígenous languages of the continent, particularly of the Tupi family. He originated the hypothesis that relates Tupí, Macro-Jê and Karíb as a single branch of the same macro family.
    • Aryon Rodrigues trabalhou até os 87 anos, e deixou uma importante herança, resultado de 60 anos de trabalho: compôs 17 obras, entre 1951 e 1992
  • Later Life:
    • Aryon Rodrigues published more than 150 scientific works, among them articles, book chapters and books. He created and directed the Laboratório de Línguas Indígenas (LALI) at UnB, and was one of the creators and editors of the Revista Brasileira de Linguística Antropológica (RBLA).
    • Criou e coordenou os programas de pós-graduação em linguística na UnB (1963-65), no Museu Nacional/UFRJ (1968-1972) e na UNICAMP (1974-1976).
    • In January 2013, he participated in the creation of the Instituto Aryon Dall'Igna Rodrigues (IADR), which will serve as the repository of his papers.
    • Rodrigues died on 24 April 2014. Ele foi internado, na véspera, para uma cirurgia de desobstrução intestinal mas, antes do procedimento, sofreu uma parada cardíaca. 
  • Legacy:
    • Influence on linguistics
    • Aryon Rodrigues orientou dezenas de dissertações e teses [vide aba "Teses orientadas" abaixo], sendo responsável direto ou indireto pela formação de diversas gerações de lingüistas dedicados aos estudos das línguas indígenas sul-americanas.
    • Seu livro Línguas brasileiras: para o conhecimento das línguas indígenas (Edições Loyola), publicado originalmente em 1986, foi escolhido pela Câmara Brasileira do Livro como um dos cem livros do século
    • Seu trabalho, sempre muito próximo à antropologia, contribuiu muito para mudar a imagem do índio no nosso país. Oferecendo a oportunidade dos povos indígenas estudarem a própria cultura e língua, elevou o padrão de vida das etnias. 

I found a bunch of articles written by Rodrigues that I will review and use to flesh out the Linguistic Contribution section especially.

Potential Targets




• Is each fact referenced with an appropriate, reliable reference?

All facts seem to reference physical texts not available online, or other Wikipedia articles. Encyclopedia Britannica is also referenced, but it appears to be the physical text version, published in 1911.

• Is everything in the article relevant to the article topic? Is there anything that distracted you?

Yes, except for one fact about Dante placing Priscian in hell with the sodomites.

• Is the article neutral? Are there any claims, or frames, that appear heavily biased toward a particular position?

Yes. The article remains strictly neutral, without any subjective claims.

• Where does the information come from? Are these neutral sources? If biased, is that bias noted?

Four out of five references are to physical texts, not available online. The fifth is a Wikipedia link to Dante's Inferno. I cannot judge the neutrality of the sources, but the way the article is written, I suspect they are neutral.

• Are there viewpoints that are overrepresented, or underrepresented?

I don't feel that particular viewpoints are overrepresented, but a bulk of the article is a list of translations and editions. This article could probably do without the list.

• Check a few citations. Do the links work? Is there any close paraphrasing or plagiarism in the article?

None point to primary sources available online. Interestingly, the online Encyclopedia Britannica page for Priscian reads like a summary of the Wikipedia page.

• Is any information out of date? Is anything missing that could be added?

Information could be elaborated on his impact, specifically on speculative grammar. The article mentions speculative grammar only once, in the introduction.

• What kinds of illustrations are included in the article?

A relief carving of Priscian (also present in the Encyclopedia Britannica page) and a manuscript book.

• Check the "Talk" page - what kinds of discussions are happening behind the scenes about how to represent the person, their life, and their careers?

There are no discussions being held. The last edit was made in October 2013.