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User:Shakaib12/God Exists

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Name of Allāh written in Arabic calligraphy (The word "Allah" means "God" in Arabic

Arguments for and against the existence of God have been proposed by philosophers, theologians, and others. In philosophical terminology, "existence-of-God" arguments concern schools of thought on the epistemology of the ontology of God.

The debate concerning the existence of God raises many philosophical issues. A basic problem is that there is no universally accepted definition of God. Some definitions of God's existence are so non-specific that it is certain that something exists that meets the definition; in stark contrast, there are suggestions that other definitions are self-contradictory.

The main aim of building this article is to behold the Existence of God and to refer this to Atheism talk. I will give all references to Qur'anic verses so You do not think I am giving false verses.

God's Existence


Signs in the Universe

Hubble Ultra Deep Field image of the Universe

The Universe has ultimate design which is so complex to the design of any object in the Earth. It's beauty and order lead many astronomers to believe in God. By far chance it must have had a creator and there is no doubt in this. So if you ask an Atheist "Who created the Universe?", the Atheist would say something like this:

1) The Universe began about 15 Billion years ago with a "Big Bang" when the matter of the Universe became so compressed which produced a huge explosion.

2) As the matter flew away from the explosion, the forces of gravity etc. joined some toghether into stars;

about 5 billion years ago the solar system formed;

4.5 billion years ago primitive life began on earth;

this life evolved and about 2.5 million years ago, humans first appeared.

Hmmmmm... There seems to be no reference to God here.

The Qur'an and the Big Bang

Page from a Qur’an

Please note that when it says "Heavens", it means space and Universe.

Christians, Muslims, Jews say that God created the Universe in six days. So by this the first question you would ask an Atheist to prove God's existence is "How did the Universe come into existence?", The Atheist would say "The Big Bang". So by making sense to a Christian; he would probably say "An explosion wouldn't create life.... it would perhaps destroy life."

The Qur'an clearly talks about Modern Science in which Scientists have recently discoverd. There are over Hundreds of verses which talk about Science. The Qur'an explains the birth of the Universe in every clear aspect.

So, when you ask an Atheist, "When did you come to know about the Big Bang"

He Will say "About 30-40 years back, Scientist experimented and came out with positive results"

But what the Atheist is saying is what is already mentioned in the Qur'an 1400 years ago!

So, let's see what the Qur'an says about the "Big Bang".

The Qur'an mentions the Big Bang 1400 years ago:

Chapter 41, Verse 11

"Then he turned to heaven when it was smoke" (41:11)[1]

This basically claims that the Universe was originated from Dust and Hot Gas, or Smoke.

Red Nebula:

The Galaxies of the Universe will all explode:

The Qur'an says:

"And when the heaven splitteth asunder and becometh rosy like red hide (the red Nebula)" (55:37)[2]

Scientists recently say "Evidence suggest that the Big Bang was very likely to have happened because the Universe is still expanding."

But the Qur'an mentions this 1400 years ago:

" And it is We who have constructed the heaven with might, and verily, it is We who are steadily expanding it" (The Qur'an, 51:47)[3]

There are many more other verses which talk about the Big Bang in the Qur'an.

If you want to see more then Click Here

But do return back!

But... Who could have mentioned this in the Qur'an 1400 years ago??

Science and God


People think that Science tells us everything so clearly that we do not need any reference to God.


If you ask an Atheist about the light of the Moon, he would say

"Previously we thought that the Moon has it's own light, but recently we have come to know in Science (about 200 years back) that the light of the moon is not it's own light but it is the reflected light [of the sun]."

But guess what?, this is already mentioned in the Qur'an 1400 years back;

The Holy Qur'an says in Chapter 25, Verse 61:

"Blessed is He Who made constellations in the skies, and placed therein a Lamp and a Moon giving light"[4]

Some Scientists say that there is a Scientific error in this Qur'anic verse because it doesn't really say "The moon has reflected light".


By meaning reflected light is that;

"A great lamp" is the Sun and "a moon giving light" refering to the lamp which is the Sun and this "great lamp" is giving light to the Moon. Moon 'giving' meaning reflecting [of the Sun].

But why didn't Muslims tell us this before Scientists studied this?


Good Question and a very sensible question. Well, around 500 years ago Islam was a spreading religion all around Europe, especially in Spain and France. Spain was ruled by the Muslims for about 800 Years and Islam was spreading more and more. When the crusaders came into power, what did they do? They burnt down all the Islamic libraries which contained Thousand of Scientific Knowledge from Muslims. Islam was no longer spreading because of the crusaders who were jealous of the Muslims who knew all what Science was and how Islam was connected to Science. So there is the answer.

But why don't the Muslims tell us these days?


I am telling you NOW. :)

But who's right though?, The Bible, Qur'an or Torah?


The Bible


The Bible is a thick book which not only contains the "Word of God" but the word of the Prophets too [e.g. Jesus]. The Bible has been translated from the language of "Aramaic" to English. And has also been edited many times. This speaks for it all, it cannot be right if it's not original till the day it was wrote. But the Qur'an hasn't been changed since day one. We have the old testament [the Bible] and the new testament [The Qur'an], now you should follow the right and last testament, The Glorious Qur'an.

The Bible claims that Jesus [peace be upon him] was the son of God. It's not true. But even in the Bible they call Mary a virgin. If Jesus was the son of God and Mary was the Mother; why would Mary be a Virgin?. It's Wrong.

In many aspects of the Bible, it claims to have Scientific errors which do not make sense. If the Bible was the word of God, why would it contain Scientific errors?

The Bible and Modern Science [and it's Scientific Errors]




In The Bible:

The Book of Genesis, 1st Chapter. This says Almighty God Created the Universe [and earth] in six days. Also it says that there was a morning and an evening.

The Bible says in Genesis Chapter 1, verse 3-5:

This says that the light was created on the First day

Genesis Ch 1, V. 14-19:

The cause of light e.g. stars, moon, was created on the Fourth day.

How can the cause of light be created on the fourth day later than the light which came to existence on the first day? It's Un Scientific.

Furthur: Genesis Ch.1, V.9-13;

"Earth was created on the Third day"

But how can you have a night and day without the Earth? The day depends on the rotation of the Earth, withought the Earth Created, how can you have a night and day? Un Scientific again.

Today Science tells us that the Earth is part of the parent body which is the Sun. It cannot come to existence before the Sun. It's Un Scientific.

The Bible says in Genesis Ch.1, V.11-13

This says that the plants, trees and Vegetation was created on the Third day.

In Genesis Ch.1, V.14-19 says;

The Sun was created on the Fourth day.

BUT: how can can the Vegetation come into existence before Sunlight? and how can they survive without Sunlight? It's Un Scientific.

The Bible also says in Genesis Ch.1, V.16; This says that god created two lights, the greater light which is the Sun, and the lesser light which is the moon.

But in Genesis; Ch.1, V.17;

This says that Almighty God placed them in the firmurment to give it to the Earth.

This indicates that the Sun and the Moon has it's own light! which is in condtrdiction with established Scientific knowledge.

I just think Religion is so ridiculous!

Symbols of some of the more common religions.

An Atheist always says this;

"Religion is so ridiculous" He would say this because:

"Christians say; "Only Christians will go to heaven [and everyone else will go to hell]"

Muslims say: Only Muslims will go to heaven [and everyone else will go to hell!]

Same with Jews and more religios groups."

But this is wrong because Muslims do not however say this. However it is highly recommended that Islam is the true religion.

Islam says:

[briefly in the Qur'an]

"let there be no Compulsion in religion"

Also the Qur'an talks positively about the people of the Book, e.g. Bible, Torah.

And some Muslims also believe that Good Christians and Jews will enter heaven too.

So this statement is false, nowhere in Islam does it say "Only Muslims can enter heaven" Islam is a fair religion.

Back to the Existence and Creation

A Watch

Here is what William Poley said:

"If you came across a watch in an uninhabited place, you could not say it had been put there by chance. The complexity of its mechanism would make you say it had a designer. The universe is far more complex than a watch and so if a watch needs a watchmaker, the universe needs a universe maker and that could only be God."

This basically argues about the existence of a God. It claims that when you compare the complexity of the Universe and a Watch. You see a big difference in design and mechanism. Now, the Universe is far more complex and it must have had a designer. If a watch does, then the Universe must too.

Now if an Atheist agree's that everything has a designer and that everything was created by something. He will then wonder and say "Who made God?"

hmm..., hard one there

Who Made God?


Who Created God? where did he come from?

I will try and answer this frequent question asked by many Atheists.


This question itself is a fallacy; it doesn't make sense. How can God be created? He wouldn't be God if he was created.

He always existed...... but how?, where did he come from?

Well if he always existed, he wouldn't come from anywhere!

But.... how is that possible?

There is a general principle which says; "Either everything came from nothing which is impossible. Or...

Something always existed and created everything that is created.

You have two choices now:

1) Nothing created everything (Impossible)


2) Something always Existed and created everything that is created

Which is it??


If your on the side of logic then you certainly agree that Nothing can make nothing, so something obviously created everything so whatever created everything always existed.

God is Eternal, the Universe is NOT eternal because the Universe is matter, time and space which cannot be eternal/infinate.

I hope this has answered your question of "Who created God"?

Scientific proof of God's existence


This will follow up in steps e.g. 1, 2, 3

1) Nothing can only create Nothing, before the Universe began, something must have always existed

2) It's Energy; Energy is eternal, the 1st law of thermodynamics confirms that

3) The law states; "Energy cannot be created or destroyed", No beginning or uncreated and no end. That's the defination of "Eternal"

4) You can't claim that this Energy in the known Universe because Science has proven that the Universe didn't always exist.

5) This energy source that was present before the Universe began had to have power beyond anything we can begin to imagine

6) Considering it had to transfer it's energy unto the Trillions of stars and Billions of Galaxies

7) A seperate Eternal energy source that exists outside of the Universe had to have supplied or transferred it's energy onto the Universe (because we know the Universe didn't always exist)

8) It's not unreasonable to assume this enormous energy was created by God

9) Now you have 2 reasonable options to determine what Was this powerful always existing energy

10) The most logical answer would be that an intellignet mind constructed the Universe.

That's it! It has to be God and he does exist.

But still..


Why can't we see him though?? Where is he?

Nice Question!

Atheists may not believe in God because they cannot see him but.....

Did they see or witness the Big Bang? can you see oxygen? but you believe it's there. If God had shown himself, then it would have been too obvious. But God has put everyone in a test; He is testing us in many things. Even if we believe in him or not. Evidence of God isn't needed, It's everywhere and Faith leads you to believe in God.

Furthur more...

An Atheist would say "If God just "existed", then why can't the Universe have just "existed""?

This doesn't make sense because Modern Science has told us that the Universe didn't always exist and isn't Eternal. Remember, It started with a "Big Bang". Duh.

