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Recently, I have taken to moving around. All my adult life I have owned and lived in a house. I have always had "things". But like some wise person has said, things and/or money do not make you happy. You are either happy, or you are not happy. Is that true though? Are you either happy or not happy. Isn't there some sort of effort that goes into being happy (or vice versa)? I am writing -- something I've always enjoyed doing. Here's an article I wrote. I feel that way sometimes. But, instead of asking the question are we alive, I should probably have asked, are we dead. Same difference, different angle I suppose. I am User: SheriVeronica, also known as Veronica S. Cutting.

Are we alive? If from the time we are born we have an appointment with death, are we truly alive? Is what we call life a death march? Do our words confuse us? If we were to stop for a moment and take a look at things, we would discover how upside down we have things fitted/situated in our heads. Even to ourselves we lie. Our language is created specifically for us to lie, and to confuse ourselves, and to make us believe what should be unbelievable. We are destined to fail in a natural way -- almost as if it's an experiment and someone is watching us closely to see what we would do next. Ok, so we've stopped to take a look at things. And we’ve noticed that the biggest and strongest animals on the earth are vegetarians. Now, how is that possible? How can it be that vegetarian animals are giants on the Earth? And not only are the giant species plant eaters, they are intelligent also. They communicate effectively from long distances; e.g., whales and elephants, so they don’t need to create cell phone towers, and they seem to have a sense of self. But this sense of self makes them fit into the environment, not destroy it. They can reach the highest and the lowest within their landscape, so they don’t need to destroy it to build skyscrapers or other forms of structures (like men do). From what we can see, these animals are peaceful, gentle and live with each other in organized family units. They are like props, they are trying to teach us something. But first we have to stop and take a look. Let's take a look at the meat eating animals (not humans). They have killer instincts and fight for alpha positioning within the ranks. They don’t live as long, they are smaller, territorial, and they find a hiding place to sleep (they know the adage: kill and be killed). So, going back to how we have things fitted into our head -- if plant-eating animals are bigger and stronger, shouldn't plant eating be the norm for us humans? If eating meat is shown to be by animals with killer instincts, should we not not eat meat? If it is shown that plant eating animals have sophisticated communication and navigation systems, shouldn't a plant-based diet be the only thing we humans eat? Shouldn’t that be the norm? Let's take a look at the belief in God and Jesus. By the end of all this confusion, it is written that there will be no marriage in heaven, no sex, no babies being born. Christians are admonished to follow the teaching of God/Jesus, and to practice, while on Earth, for what is to be had in heaven. If this is the case, shouldn't Christians not have sex, not have children, and not get married? And if when you die you get to meet Jesus in Heaven, why are Christians so afraid of dying? Don't you want to have that free mansion and not have to pay taxes like you do here on Earth? Don't you want to not have that fear of dying and sickness and sorrows, and be happy, in Heaven, with Jesus? What about those streets of gold and the gates of pearl. Why do Christians not want to have these things. Is there a disconnect? Do we know, maybe in some innate sense, that we created all these lies in our heads, then in stories, then in books! From the time we are born we are lied to. If it's not Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy, it's some other crap parents feed to their kids, then they wonder who taught their kids to lie! They are surprised, astounded when they catch their one-year old in a deceptive move. Do you not think that they got that from you? So, if that child was born in sin and shaped in iniquity, what do we have here? We have sin on one side, and iniquity on the other side of the same coin. So, with that in mind, aren't we allowed to think that maybe, just maybe the odds are stacked against us? If you are born into such a situation, why would you think you are alive? Why would you continue to have children? Why would you continue to want to live in death? Yes, more questions than answers here, but they all beg the question: Are We Alive? If we were alive, we would not die, and the fact that we do die proves beyond any shadow of any doubt that we are dead. We do not live. We experience death here on Earth. It's an experience/experiment, whichever word suits you. When you really, truly take a look at it, it says it all. It's right front center in your face. You are dead. But even death has a signature. Even death has a march. Even death has a story to tell. We come to Earth to experience death. If there was something that Jesus was trying to say it was that. People cannot listen to the truth. The truth will put you to sleep. The truth will make people go mad! They will go mad and they will kill you because you are showing them that there is something about things that they don't quite understand. You cannot say you are living, when every day you come closer and closer to death. It's a stupid thing to say. It's a stupid way we fool ourselves with our language. So, just admit it. You are dead.