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I'm also on Facebook as Joseph Crosby Mecham. Most everyone calls me "Goose", "the mongoose",or"Crosby". Few call me "Joe" as it is not how I like to be called. I've been exposed to several languages, French, Arabic, German, Dutch, and Spanish. I've had a wide variety of jobs from Naval nuclear submariner (machinist's mate) to 25 years as a bricklayer. I'm an accomplished knitter and also proficient in crochet. I love bicycles and am fascinated by all human powered machines, including electric assist bikes as they can be charged by coming down the same hill that was climbed. As this is a particularly safe way of controlling downhill speed when pulling a trailer weighing several hundred pounds. I was raised in the Mormon Church, was quite faithful until age twenty when I left all organized religion. I do believe in a very personal Supreme/Higher Being/Power and life after death even though there is no science to explain or back up that faith. Except for this one area I am a true scientist in my thought and reasoning process.