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The All-Ukrainian Central Union of Consumer Societies (Ukrcoopspilka) is a non-profit organization whose activities are aimed at representing and protecting the interests of consumer associations, unions and their members in relevant state and international organizations. Also, Ukrcoopspilka promotes the coordination of members of the cooperatives, the development and promotion of cooperative ideas.

Ukrcoopspilka in independent Ukraine In Ukraine[edit]

Ukrcoopspilka conducts its activities at the national and regional levels. It brings together region consumer organizations and others, which, in turn, bring together district, city and village consumer associations. The registered logo in the state register is COOP Ukraine, which unites all members of the Ukrcoopspilka under one brand and identifies the system internationally among the world's cooperative organizations. The activities of the Ukrcoopspilka is regulated by the Laws of Ukraine "On Cooperation" and "On Consumer Cooperatives", normative and legislative acts regulating the activity of consumer co-operation, and the charter of Ukrcoopspilka. Ukrcoopspilka cooperates with state bodies of legislative and executive power of Ukraine. It is represented by specialists at the Council of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and relevant working groups under the Ministry of Education and Science, the State Regulatory Service of Ukraine, public councils under the Ministry of Economic Development and Development, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and several committees of the European Business Association.

Activities of the Ukrcoopspilka on the territory of Ukraine[edit]

Ukrcoopspilka HeadOffice (Ukraine, Kiev city, Khreshchatyk street, 7/11)

Today, the consumer co-operation system has significant economic and resource potential, it includes a network of trade enterprises, restaurants, hotels, manufacturing enterprises and shops, markets.

This potential is used not only to meet the needs of members of consumer societies, but also performs a social function. In particular, in rural areas, especially in those villages where there are no trade facilities. Establishments Systems are located in most villages and district centers.

Co-operators of Ukraine have significantly increased the local consumer market of consumer goods (first of all, food products).

The system plays an important role in the economy of the regions and the state as a whole working in the legislative field, adhering to the relevant rules of law, creating jobs and paying taxes and fees to the budgets and extra budgetary funds of the state.

Gorokhovsky Illia Leonidovich –Chairman of the Board of COOP Ukraine

In the educational sector, the system is represented by 24 cooperative higher education institutions, including 20 colleges, 2 institutes and 2 universities - Lviv Trade and Economic University and Poltava University of Economics and Trade.

The system of Ukrcoopspilka also includes the Media holding COOP Media, which publishes the newspapers of the Central Union of Consumer Societies of Ukraine and "Poradnitsya" with a total weekly circulation of 155 thousand copies.

Thus, the system of consumer co-operation is coherent and holistic, with strong economic and human potential.

International activity of Ukrcoopspilka[2][edit]

Ukrcoopspilka is an active participant in the international cooperative movement.

Since October 1992, she has been a full member of the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA)[3], as well as its sectoral - World Consumer Cooperatives (CCW) and regional - Co-operatives of Europe, organizations.

Since January 2012, Ukrcoopspilka is a member of the European Union of Consumer Cooperatives (Euro Coop)[4].

During 2014-2018, system representatives became part of the governing bodies of a number of international co-operative institutions.

In November 2015, at the CCW General Assembly, Mr. Gorokhovskyi, the Chairman of the Board of the Ukrcoopspilka, was elected, and in 2017 - re-elected as a member of its Board.

Logo COOP Ukraine

In June 2018, Mr. Gorokhovskyi, the Chairman of the Board of the Ukrcoopspilka, was elected as Vice-President of Euro Coop.

The chairman of the board of the Volyn Regional Consumer Union Marta Kandyba became a member of the Gender Committee of the International Cooperative Alliance.

The history of the creation and development of Ukrkoopspilka[edit]

At the end of XIX - the beginning of XX century Ukrainian cooperative movement has gained considerable development. He became an important factor in the economic, legal, cultural and spiritual uplift of the Ukrainian people. In cooperation, Ukrainian citizenship saw one of the concrete forms of democracy, which brought Ukraine closer to the western style of economic life.

So, on October 6, 1866 in Kharkiv, the first consumer association in Ukraine was officially registered (approved by the Statute). Its founders were: prominent public figure Mykola Ballin, professor Beketov, professor Gordienko and others known by that time of the person. The chairman of the company was elected Professor Garnich-Garnitsky. The association united 356 members.

The first store of the consumer society opened on January 27, 1867, and immediately created a serious competition for local traders, because in the company's store of goods goods were let out at lower prices and "full weight." In 1869, as part of a consumer society, there were already three stores, a mineral water plant, a garment shop, a dining room, and a cafe. Annual turnover from trade amounted to 259192 rubles.

The activities of the consumer society were not limited to the sale of essential goods. Here they set up sales of agricultural products, supplied cloths and agricultural tools to the peasants, opened sections of beer, tea, libraries, reading rooms, and developed new productions.

During 1866-1870, 17 consumer associations were founded in Ukraine (in Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odessa, Nikolaev, Ekaterinoslav, Poltava, Balta, Berdyansk, Borzni, Izyumi), which united mainly the intelligentsia.

After the abolition of serfdom in western Ukrainian lands, cooperative movement in the form of credit, trade, consumer and other cooperative unions also begins to develop actively.

In 1874 in Poland, Polish co-workers created the Union of Labor and Economic Associations, which included 51 credit and 7 industrial-trade cooperatives (17,175 members). Among them there were many Ukrainians. Subsequently, some cooperatives went to the Ukrainian authorities. The first such Ukrainian cooperatives belonged to the Credit Union "Faith", which arose in 1873 in the town of Tysmenytsia Tlumacky County.

The first Western Ukrainian consumer cooperative "People's Trade" began operating in Lviv since 1883. It carried out retail trade and served as the central component of consumer co-operation. "People's trade" had a network of warehouses in Lviv, Stanislav (now Ivano-Frankivsk), Przemysl, Ternopil. In 1907, "People's Trade" turned into a "National Trade Union". Before the First World War, the union united 1244 members and had 19 own large stores. During the war most consumer societies in Western Ukraine were liquidated. The leadership of the restoration of cooperation assumed the Council of the Regional Audit Union (1929 renamed the Revision Union of Ukrainian Cooperatives).

Lviv Prosvita initiated the development of a cooperative movement on the western Ukrainian lands, in particular in Galicia, its leaders became carriers of general and economic culture in villages. Founded with the help of "Enlightenment" institutions became the leading Ukrainian economic associations. In particular, with the assistance of Prosvita, there appeared an insurance company Dnister and a bank with the same name. In 1899, having intercepted economic initiatives in "Prosvita", the main organ of cooperation was the "Farmer" Society, which quickly turned into a powerful financial and economic union.

Since 1909, the reorganized Regional Society of the Farmer's Land "has become one of the most important grain-growing organizations in the then Austria and has played a very important role in the history of the Ukrainian Galician village."

The future milk cooperative started its activity at the branch of the Prosvita company in Stryi, in the beginning of 1900, and in 1907 the "Maslow Union" was founded. Then there were 20 milk workers, which processed about 2 million liters of milk, producing more than 70 tons of butter. And in 1914, Maslow Union united about 100 milk producer unions, where peasants each year handed over 7-7.5 million liters of milk. This amount gave about 300 thousand kg of oil. At that time milk cooperatives became a real economic breakthrough.

The growth of the number of credit unions led to the creation in 1898 of the National Union of Credit (KSK), which united and subjugated a significant part of Ukrainian credit cooperatives. In general, in Eastern Galicia, before the First World War, there were about 7,000 different non-governmental organizations, mostly of a cooperative type, which united 500,000 people.

In parallel with Galicia, a cooperative movement in Bukovina developed. "The first Ukrainian loan cooperative system of the Raiffeisen system (for lending peasants to farmers) was created in 1889 in the village of Raranchi near Chernivtsi. The most widespread in Bukovina were rural savings (loan) cash departments of the "Raiffeisen" system, led by the "Peasants' Cashier" in Chernivtsi. "

In Transcarpathia, Ukrainian co-operation arose in the course of the so-called hill event, which, since the late 90's of the XIX century. carried out the Mukachevo exposition of the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture. In 1902, the Uzhansky Committee operated credit unions in Perechyn, Chernogolov, Zarichev, V. Berezny, Stavny, Khudlov, in Maramoroshchina, in. Oak, Ganichi and others. In the years 1900-1913, the number of credit unions in Transcarpathia increased from 31 to 206, and members of these unions - from 7900 to 51 thousand, that is, in 6,5 times.

The development of consumer co-operation is observed in the 90's and the beginning of the XX century. At this time there are consumer associations organized by entrepreneurs and rural workers. During 1891-1904 there were 469 new consumer associations in Ukraine, and in the beginning of 1914 the number of consumer societies reached 3280, respectively in 1917 - 4873. Consumer cooperatives of the Dnieper Ukraine united about 1.4 million members.

In 1905, workers' consumer cooperatives, organized at the expense of the workers themselves, were organized.

After 1905, the first Ukrainian associations of consumer associations (unions) appeared. In 1908, the Kyiv Union of Consumer Associations came into being, uniting 180 associations of the Kiev province and individual consumer cooperatives in the Podillya province, Volyn province, the Poltava province and the Chernihiv province. In 1912 the Kharkiv Union of Consumer Societies emerged. In 1915 the Poltava Association of Consumer Societies was founded on the basis of the Poltava Bulk Procurement Society. As of January 1, 1917, there were already 26 associations of consumer associations in Ukraine.

In 1911, the reorganized Kiev credit bank Soyuzbank began its operations, it quickly became an important organizational and financial center of not only the Kyiv region, but also the entire Dnieper Ukraine. The Bank carried out banking and commercial and intermediary operations, organized industrial enterprises, conducted publishing activities, convened cooperative meetings.

For the period from May 1917. By May 1918, there were three All-Ukrainian cooperative congresses. The result was the creation of the Ukrainian Central Cooperative Committee, a central organization for Ukrainian cooperatives.

The number of consumer cooperatives and their associations grew rapidly. In 1920, the number of consumer unions reached 134. Of them: regional - 5, rayon - 124 and urban - 5. The largest among them was the Dnipro Union of Consumer Societies ("Dniprosoyuz") in Kiev, which arose in May 1917 "Dneprosoyuz" carried out trade operations, developed own production of goods (factories: footwear, knitwear, soap production), performed instructor-auditing and cultural and educational functions. Consumer cooperatives have united over 4 million shareholders, and together with their families - 15 million, or more than 50% of the total population.

On July 7, 1920, the All-Ukrainian Union of Consumer Cooperative Organizations - VUKOPSPILKA - was established in Kharkiv, representatives of the Dnipropetrovsk Union, the Union of Ukrainian Workers' Cooperatives, the Union of Consumer Unions of South Russia and the Southern Department of the Center Union. 1920-21 gg., Besides the consumer, it also united other types of cooperation: agricultural, credit, industrial, universal.

With the transition to a new economic policy, since March 1921, the cooperation began to return to traditional functions. As of October 1, 1925, there were 6678 consumer associations in Ukraine, of which 6382 were rural (1043 thousand members) and 296 were urban (617 thousand members). On average, the rural consumer society accounted for 1-2 stores, and the city - by 7-8. In 1931, the share of retail trade turnover of cooperative organizations amounted to 74% of the total republican population.

However, during this period, consumer cooperatives lost their classical features, in connection with the implementation by the Soviet authorities of a consistent policy of its nationalization. On September 29, 1935, resolutions of the SNK of the USSR and the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) "On the work of consumer cooperatives in the countryside" were adopted. Since then, consumer cooperatives, guided by the directives of the party and state authorities, had to serve only the villagers. Urban Cooperative Institutions of Retail Trade and Communities. food was transferred to the local departments of the USSR Commissariat of Internal Trade.

Significant changes occurred in the cooperative sector of the economy during the Second World War. Since September 1939, the territory of Western Ukraine began restructuring of local cooperation in the Soviet system. Already in December 1939 the Revision Union of Ukrainian Cooperatives was liquidated. The activities of credit and municipal consumer cooperatives have ceased, and their property has become the property of the state. In rural consumer cooperatives, stocks and supplies of grain were withdrawn and transferred to the state-owned Zagotzerno organization. The villages were distributed by rural consumer associations of the Soviet type. In place of county associations, district associations of consumer associations were formed, which were part of the newly established regional consumer unions: Lviv, Drohobych, Stanislav, Ternopil.

On August 12, 1946, in accordance with the decision of the Center of the USSR No. 768, the Ukrainian Union of Consumer Cooperative Organizations (UCOOPSPILKA) was named "Ukrainian Republican Union of Consumer Societies of Ukraine (UCOOPSPILKA)".

On June 17, 1992, the fifth meeting of the Ucoopspilka Council of the XV convocation of the Ukrainian Republican Union of Consumer Societies was renamed into the Central Union of Consumer Societies of Ukraine (UCOOPSPILKA).

On July 30, 2013, at the XXII (extraordinary) Congress of Consumer Cooperatives of Ukraine, a decision was made to reform the consumer co-operation of Ukraine through restructuring, namely the creation of a representative body of consumer co-operation of Ukraine - the All-Ukrainian Central Union of Consumer Societies (UKRCOOPSPILKA).

The period of work on the post of the Chairman of the Board
August 1, 1921 - January 1922 Chirkin Vasyl Gavrilovich
March 2, 1922 - October 1922 Zatonsky Volodymyr Petrovich
December 3, 1922 - April 1923 Kalmanovich Moses Yosypovych
May 4, 1923 - October 1923 Schlichter Alexander Grigorovich
October 5, 1923 - December 1924 Vetoshkin Mikhail Kuzmich
January 6, 1925 - January 1930 Genkin (Seifert) Alexander Borisovich
February 7, 1930 - February 1931 Yakubenko Gnat Ivanovich
March 8, 1931 - May 1933 Mikhail Mikhail Vasilievich
June 9, 1933 - December 1934 Blyakher Matvey Grigorovich
March 10, 1934 - January 1937 Vasily Denisovich Kuzmenko
January 11, 1937 - June 1937 Gavrilov Ivan Andreevich
July 12, 1937 - May 1938 Makeenko Mikhail Nikitich
May 13, 1938 - March 1944 Dropha Ilya Trokhimovich
April 14, 1944 - June 1949 Lypovy Vyacheslav Leontievich
July 15, 1949 - June 1956 Malikov Stepan Fedorovich
August 16, 1956 - February 5, 1964 Say Nikolai Petrovich
March 17, 1964 - July 1981 Chariot of Theodosius Dmitrievich
August 18, 1981 - August 1991 Litvinenko Sergey Vasilievich
October 19, 1991 - May 2011 Babenko Stanislav Grigorievich
May 20, 2011 - September 2013 Goncharenko Vladislav Vasilievich
September 21, 2013 - May 2014 Goncharenko Vasily Dmitrievich
July 22, 2014 - till now Gorokhovskyi Illia Leonidovich

Top management: the actual composition of the Board[5][edit]

Name Position
Gorokhovsky Illia Leonidovich Chairman of the Board
Levitsky Volodymyr Pavlovich First Deputy Chairman of the Board
Ludvichuk Nikolay Volodymyrovych First Deputy Chairman of the Board
Lyaskovets Oleg Anatoliyovych Deputy Chairman of the Board
Barash Petro Fedorovich Chairman of the Board of the Union of Consumer Societies of Rivne Oblast
Boin Viktor Oleksandrovich Chairman of the Board of the Union of Consumer Societies of Cherkasy region
Nosenko Alexander Mikhailovich Chairman of the Board of the Association of Consumer Societies "Union of Consumer Societies of Dnipropetrovsk Region"
Vasyl Vasyliovich Podolian Chairman of the Board of Vinnytsya Regional Union of Consumer Societies
Voynash Lidiya Gerasimivna Director of the Department of Personnel Policy, Education and Science of Ukrkoopspilka, Director of the Training and Methodological Center "Ukoposvitiya"
Lopushanska Irina Volodumyrivna Director of the Department of Organizational-Cooperative Policy and Corporate Communications

  1. ^ "Ukrcoopspilka Official site". Retrieved 2019-04-02.
  2. ^ "International activity | Ukrcoopspilka". 2018-11-05. Retrieved 2019-04-02.
  3. ^ "International Co-operative Alliance | ICA". www.ica.coop. Retrieved 2019-04-02.
  4. ^ "Home". www.eurocoop.coop. Retrieved 2019-04-02.
  5. ^ "Board | Ukrcoopspilka". 2018-11-05. Retrieved 2019-04-02.