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User:Smlavering/Carolina Maria de Jesus

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Article Draft


- = Section to be added word for word

* = Modification or insertion of citation/information

-Here, she worked as a maid for white families, but found that the work clashed with her independent personality. In 1948, de Jesus became pregnant. This led to her dismissal by the family for which she was a maid, and her only option was to move to a favela (link article). Levine, Robert M. The Cautionary Tale of Carolina Maria de Jesus (1994)

-(2nd to last paragraph) De Jesus' newfound fame was found to be brief mainly due to the military dictatorship coming into power in 1964 (citation of military dictatorship), which turned people away from socially critical works of literature, such as Quarto de Despejo. Without a propagation of her status to provide income, she eventually was forced to move back to the favela, making the situation even more complicated for her sick son, João. Levine, Robert M. The Cautionary Tale of Carolina Maria de Jesus (1994)

-Carolina Maria de Jesus had a great cultural impact on Brazil. Her decision to write about the struggles of the community versus strictly about her own struggles was something unprecedented in Brazil and was a perspective that was appreciated internationally. https://www.palmares.gov.br/?p=31849 + Levine, Robert M. The Cautionary Tale of Carolina Maria de Jesus (1994)

*Remove the contradictory and false statements that José Carlos and João are her youngest. The order will also be corrected according to seniority (João, José Carlos Vera). Additionally change Zé Carlos to José, because Zé is his nickname.

*Insert source about Canindé and remember to put it as a Portuguese source

*Insert citation and correct the wording about what she says to the men that tried to run people out of the playground opening. "If you continue mistreating these children, I'm going to put all of your names in my book!" - Cautionary Tale of Carolina Maria de Jesus (pg 55)

*Insert image of her signing a book of Quarto de Despejo (https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ficheiro:Correio_da_Manh%C3%A3_AN_419.jpg)

*Add to her list of works "Onde estaes felicidade?" https://www.letraria.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Onde-estaes-Felicidade-e-book-Letraria.pdf

*Insert image of her signature from Wikimedia Commons

Carolina Maria de Jesus' Signature


Other Section

References no

  1. Levine, Robert M. The Cautionary Tale of Carolina Maria de Jesus (1994)
  2. Bueno, Eva Paulina. Carolina Maria de Jesus in the Context of "Testimonios": Race, Sexuality, and Exclusion (1999)
  3. Military dictatorship in Brazil
  4. http://web.archive.org/web/20141120213029/http://www1.folha.uol.com.br/ilustrada/2014/11/1550499-escritora-carolina-maria-de-jesus-viveu-do-caos-ao-caos.shtml (Children's ages)
  5. https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canind%C3%A9_(bairro_de_S%C3%A3o_Paulo) source for Bairro Canindé where she lived for a time
  6. https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ficheiro:Correio_da_Manh%C3%A3_AN_419.jpg
  7. https://www.palmares.gov.br/?p=31849
  8. https://www.letraria.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Onde-estaes-Felicidade-e-book-Letraria.pdf