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The Licence Of The Software

2nd Speech Center
Copyright(c) 1999-2007 by Zero2000 Software
All Rights Reserved

This License Agreement, limited liability and warranty ("License Agreement") is a legally binding agreement between you (either an individual or an organization) and Zero2000 Software about the software product 2nd Speech Center, including any other associated software, associated media, and printed or online documentation.


The following terms for the use of Zero2000 Software apply to you as the end user ("End User"). By installing the Software, you agree to the terms and conditions of this License Agreement. It is therefore important that you read the following text completely and carefully. If you do not agree to the terms and conditions of this License Agreement, do not install the Software. In this case, return unused Software immediately to where you purchased it. The purchasing price will be refunded.

Terms and Conditions

Grant of License

This License Agreement covers the computer program as supplied (on disk/CD, as e-mail attachment or file download), the software description and user manual, as well as any other components and accompanying printed or online material. The above mentioned is included in the term "Software". Zero2000 Software explicitly states that, due to the current state of technology, it cannot be guaranteed that produced computer software operates uninterruptedly and error-free in any possible combination with other applications. This License Agreement therefore only concerns the Software and its use as described in the program description and user manual.

Scope of Use

2nd Speech Center grants you the following rights for the period of the Agreement: single, non-exclusive, and personal right ("License") to use the included copy of the Zero2000 Software on any single computer (i.e. computer with one single central processing unit). You are also entitled to install the Software on a second home or a portable computer, provided that this second computer is used exclusively by him or her. Any other use of the Software is prohibited.

Specific Restrictions

The End User is prohibited to:

a) Make the Software accessible to third parties without prior written permission of Zero2000 Software.
b) Transmit the Software from one computer to any other computer via a network or data transmission channel.
c) Modify, translate, reverse engineer, de-compile or disassemble the Software without prior written permission of Zero2000 Software.
d) Produce material which is based on the Software, or copy the accompanying printed or online material.
e) Translate or modifying the accompanying material, or produce any written material based on it.


By purchasing the product, the End User only acquires ownership of the physical storage medium on which the Software is recorded, or the delivered files. You do not acquire any rights in the Software itself. Zero2000 Software explicitly reserves all rights of publication, reproduction, modification, and commercial usage.


The Software and the accompanying material are protected by copyright law. As far as the Software is not copy protected, the End User may create one single backup copy for archival purposes. The End User must label or add the copyright mark of Zero2000 Software to this backup copy. You are not permitted to remove any copyright marks from the Software. Neither is it allowed to make copies of any part of the Software or the accompanying material in original or modified form.

Transfer of User Right

The right to use the Software can only be transferred to third parties with prior written permission of Zero2000 Software, and under the terms and conditions of this License Agreement. The End User is prohibited to lend, rent, lease or otherwise transfer the Software.


This License Agreement is not limited in time. The End User's right to use the Software is terminated immediately and automatically without notice, when the End User fails to comply with all terms and conditions of this License Agreement. If the usage right is terminated, you must destroy the original disk/CD or delivered files and the backup copy of the Software, including any modifications, as well as the accompanying material.

Liability in the Case of Breach of Contract

Zero2000 Software explicitly states that you shall be held liable for any damages suffered by Zero2000 Software which result from breach of contract on your part, with special reference to copyright.

Modifications and Upgrades

Zero2000 Software reserves the right to produce upgraded versions of the Software at its own discretion. Zero2000 Software is not obliged to make such upgrades available to End Users who have failed to register their license. Services of Zero2000 Software regarding the Software are only available for the current and the immediately preceding version of the Software.


If you do not agree with the terms of this license you must remove 2nd Speech Center files from your storage devices and cease to use the product.

Copyright(c) 1999-2007 by Zero2000 Software
All Rights Reserved

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