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File:Naven Symbol 2008.jpg Naven Symbol

File:Naven Flag.jpg

Nationalist Movement Venture (Naven Party)

Canada as a Dictatorship


• In the year 2060, the Canadian economy has suffered greatly from the actions of its people. • Mass production of vehicles and automation of factories has caused an increase in the need for non-renewable resources. Canada is running out of oil resulting in the closing of various factories Unemployment Citizens were being taxed heavily due to war measures







Direction of Popular Discontent

Scapegoat – External/Internal Enemies

Controlled Participation


One Party Monopoly

•Nationalist Movement Venture (Naven)


ELizabeth: NAGY Government.

Elections 1. Elections were to be held every four years. 2. A month before elections, people would have to go to designated places to register. (Citizen must be 15 years of age to be eligible to vote.)During registration, designated personnel would scan the iris of people’s eyes to be able to see who they were and to confirm they registered for elections. 3. People who did not register two weeks before elections would be sent to a concentration camp in White Horse, Yellow knife. 4. During the voting process people would go to the booths that were alphabetically organized.