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Steve Graham was born in 2001 January 1 th, he want to be a great programmer for human kind, and he just created a youtube account for science and technology, he really want to teach people

computer science, now he create some account like ISLAAHACDEMY & SteveGraham this is really common, but there something thing we really need to know why we learn those thing.

i think every single person need to know computer programming because it will be teach you how to think, and one more think how to become leader : How Leaders Really Become Leaders

Throughout my entire career as a researcher, an author, an educator,

and an adviser, I have examined how people navigate important transitions

at work. I have written numerous Harvard Business Review

articles on leadership and career transitions (along with Working

Identity, a book on the same topic). Interestingly, most of what I’ve

learned about transitions goes against conventional wisdom.

The fallacy of changing from the inside out persists because of

the way leadership is traditionally studied. Researchers all too often

identify high-performing leaders, innovative leaders, or authentic

leaders and then set out to study who these leaders are or what they

do. Inevitably, the researchers discover that effective

leaders are

highly self-aware, purpose-driven, and authentic. But with little insight

on how the leaders became that way, the research falls short

of providing realistic guidance for our own personal journeys.

i think we should follow sun tzu low it will be teach us how to mange people. thanks